The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 10, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Conservative *
ions to new-comers and neophytes in
horticulture. They were worth much
money. They warned against failures.
They showed ( he way to successes.
But they were furnished freely and
without cost to the tax-payers.
But now after thirty odd years a
state horticultural society demands
and secures from the state treasury
twenty to twenty-five hundred dollars
lars a year. Now when orchards
abound , when Nebraska , by her
achievements in pomology , has ac-
qired victories in competition with all
the other states , at fairs and exposi
tions , the state must forsooth tap its
strong box every year for two thous
and dollars to sustain the horticultural
Prominent members of that organi
zation say "wo cannot do our work
without this appropriation. " What
work ? Who for ?
And if horticulture may have a sub
sidy from the taxes gathered into the
state treasury from all the people
and property of the state , why may
not floriculture also have a bonus ?
Agriculture gets its annuity from year
to year in a two thousand dollar ap
propriation to the state board of agri
culture ; the sugar beet business has
been also fed a few thousands of dol-
ars from money taken from all other
industries. Where shall state sub
sidies , bounties out of the money of
the people , stop ?
Is their any reason why millers ,
manufacturers of raw products into
commodities everywhere in Nebraska
should not be subsisdized also ?
Why should men who work in nurs
eries or sell trees and fruit have
taxes levied for , collected for and
given to them , any more than taxes
should be collected for and given to
men who work in blacksmith shops ,
shoo shops , railroads , telegraph and
telephone offices ? Lot the legislature
cut off all those useless appropria
tions. It is not just to tax all for the
satisfaction and advantage of a few.
Agriculture is strong , stalwart ,
mature , successful in Nebraska. It
needs no appropriation to demonstrate
such a large and very visible truth.
Everybody knows how our fields teem
with corn , wheat , oats and all vege
tables common to this latitude when
those fields are properly plowed ,
tilled and cared for. No state board
of agriculture to hold fairs and draw
money for doing so , out of the state
treasury , is needed. Such a board and
such an appropriation are \inneces- -
sary and foolish as a tallow candle to
light lip the sun , or as pouring a
bucket of water into the Missouri river
to increase the velocity of its currents.
Stop that leak. It lias cost a hun
dred thousand dollars first and last and
should now be hermetically sealed.
The same is true as to the annual
stipend of money to the state horti
cultural society. That , lee , should
bo erased , obliterated , dried up , for
ever. Argiculturo and horticulture in
Nebraska have arrived at an adult
age. They are not mendicants.
They are not dependents. They are
robust , strong and independent. In
dividually farmers do not get money
from the state. All together the soil
tillers of Nebraska would' r"qf use dona
tions from the state ; and the real own
ers and workers of this soil get no
benefits from the appropriations
which have been customarily award
ed to the party parasites which prey
upon public funds under whatsoever
guise and pretense.
The time for economy has arrived.
That man is richest who has the few
est wants. That state is richest
which makes the fewest unnccded ap
propriations. It is not what a man
takes in , that makes him a compet
ence ; it is what lie saves. It is not the
rational and necessary expenses of the
state government in protecting life ,
liberty and property that makes high
taxes. It is the paternalism that
nourishes a lot of tax-eating parasites
in Nebraska which makes the bur
dens of citizenship and robs the pock
ets of industry.
President Roosevelt becomes as fully
responsible for the policies and methods
of the administration as if he had been
elected President instead of Vice-Presi
dent. There is no possible obligation
resting upon him to abdicate his own
will or judgment in any degree. This ,
of course , is fully understood by every
one. His avowed adherence to Mr. Mc-
Kinley's policies and his retention of
high officials does not mean the suppres
sion of his own views and preferences.
It means rather that he finds it natural
and agreeable to follow out lines of pol
icy to which he was already committed ,
and finds it wholly congenial to work
with the able and experienced public
men under whom all the departments
have been so .well oarrie'd on that in the
recent Presidential campaign there was
no serious attempt made by political
opponents to attack any one of them.
No man since George Washington has
come into the Presidential chair so ab
solutely free from personal claims of
any kind upon him as has Mr. Reese
velt. The Vice-Presidential nomination
was given him against his earnest pro
testations. The circumstances are too
well known to be recounted hero. Mr.
Roosevelt has many political friends ,
but none who can claim any title to a
reward ; and , certainly , he has no dis
position to punish his enemies. Nobody
is entitled to consideration on the
ground of having helped him to be
President. When Governor of New
York , ho felt himself under obligation *
to consult at every step the preferences
of certain loaders of the State Republi
can organization. These loaders had
selected him as their candidate , had se
cured his nomination , and lud aided in
his election ; and the consideration that
he showed to them as governor was in
every respect right and proper under
our party system. It happens , how
ever , that Mr. Roosevelt now finds himself - . *
self President without the favor or help
of any niqii. Ho finds a well-officered
admitistratiori jho efficiency of which
it will behis'djity , from time to time to
enhanco-vps * much as possible. When
vacancies dcour/fio will bo free to con
sider the good of the public service
alone , and to appoint the very best men
who can possibly be found , since ho
has no pledges to redeem , no personal
promises to observe , and no political
debts to pay at the public expense. Ho
can devote himself to the many inter
esting and important public questions
that lie before us without much thought
for office-seekers or for mere factional
or party interests. Prom "The Progress
of the World"in the American Monthly
Review of Reviews for October.
If you would
FORTUNE make fortune your
YOUR FRIEND , friend ; when people
ple say money is to
be got here and money is to be got
there , take no notice ; mind your own
business ; stay where you are ; and se
cure all you can get , without stirring.
Nebraska City National Bank ,
at the clobo of Inibiness , Sept. 80 , 1001.
Lcmnb and discounts $801,033.81
Overdrafts 1(5.04 (
U. 8. Bonds 103,000.00
Other securities 20,818.27
Bank and ether real estate 12,000.00
Cash , and duo from banks and Trcas. ,
U. S 120,205.00
Total .fJCO.158,52
Capital ? 100,000.00
Surplus and profit 12,485.17
Circulation 100,000.00
Deposits 853,678,85
Total $500,158.52
W. L. WILSON , Prest , R. LOIITON , Vice-Frost.
H , D. WIUSON , Cashier.