' l " " ' , - ' i ij t * \i * * * the Conservative * 3 Corn and wheat CORN. are two very dif ferent things in the American farmer's vocabularly , but at an earlier day , and in England down to the present time , the two words have been used almost interchangeably. Wheat always meant wheat , and corn meant any kind of grain used for food ; but as wheat was the grain chiefly used for that purpose , when the English and the first American settlers said corn , they usually meant wheat. This is why the legislation concerning the food supply of Great Britain , which caused much disturbance a hundred years ago , was called the Corn Laws ; a thing that used greatly to puzzle young students of English history. The American pioneers found the na tives raising maize exclusively ; they had cultivated it for a great length of time , as appears from ears found in pre historic graves , put there for the con sumption of departed red men , who probably found it , however , too hard for their spiritual teeth ; little runty nubbins with half a dozen rows of round bluish kernels to a cob. This being the food cereal of the aborigines was called by the settlers the Indians' corn , and as it soon assumed first-rate importance as a crop , it was presently called corn pure and simple , the name that now prevails universally on this side of the water. Writers and travelers of two hundred years ago , however , sometimes speak of "maize , or Indian corn" on one page and "maize , or Indian wheat" on the next. Nearly all thing ! BY COMPARISON , in this world , the desirable and the undesirable , are relative , and therefore valued by comparison. Health is com pared with disease , wealth with penury satisfaction with disappointments and prosperity with adversity. There is hardly an imaginable thing so good that it might not be better , nor is one con ceivable that is so bad that it might not be worse. Nebraska is most valued by those of its citizens who have seen most of othei sections of the American republic , anc traveled most in foreign parts. There is nothing which enhances Nebraska lands more than comparing them witl other fertile lands in the same latitude The soilof _ Nebraska is of a more uui formly and unfailingly productive char aoter than any similarly sized area eland land on thejjlobe. It never fails , if precipitation is enough to water it well in its fertility. The Conservative has been an inter estedand observant traveler in nearly every state of the United States o : North America and in no other state hai he witnessed such a vast breadth o oven , regular , unchangeable , productive soil. soil.By comparison with any other stat as to climate , sanitary conditions , rural andscapo and tremendous capabilities of production Nebraska is always a gainer. Relative to all other states Nebraska is the best cattle , cereal , swine , and fruit-producing state in the Union. * By comparison wluP ; fthe fields of France , Belgium1 , , Germany , * and Eng- aud , the fields /Npbfnska are nmde more valuable , more beautiful. . Nowhere on this continent , nowhere , in Europe , can lauds be found , in this latitude , as easily worked , as inexhausti ble , as productive and as generously re munerative to its cultivators and home- By comparison Nebraska lauds grow in estimation. If all Nebraska farmers could see all the farms and farmers out side of Nebraska there would be a "marking up" of prices on these luxur iant plains which would make each acre adequate to twice its present power to buy money. Among the best GOOD GOVtypes of American ERNMENT. ' citizenship the faitli that good govern ment is good business is rapidly growing. The old notion that party- ism alone determines the qualifications of a candidate for official position is being surely obliterated from every educated and thoughtful mind. Local governments have been rapidly anc fearfully increased as to their cost dur ing the last twenty-five years. There are many cities and counties in the United States today whore local taxa tion makes a fixed charge for citizen ship equal to all that an ordinary man can possibly save after paying expenses for himself and family. Municipal taxes , must be reduced ii every overburdened city , or sucl city will enter upon a commercial and financial decline. Men witl money will get out of an overtaxed community when they can ; and those who are out never will come in. Many good towns in Nebraska have taxes up to an unendurable percent age on personal and real values. The Conservative advises people of Omaha , Lincoln , Hastings , Beat rice , Plattsmouth , Nberaska City and of all other commercial and manu facturing points in the state to take up the study of municipal govern ment. Clubs ought to bo formed for the discussion of the best mothodi of reducing taxes and also of enforcing ing their honest collection and dis bursement. Nothing could be of greater service to the cities and towns of Nebraska than to enter at once upon the work of putting their governments into tin hands of business men for busines government with a view of reducing the present taxation and preventing further increase of public indebted ness. The theory now THE CONSER- commonly preached VATIVE OBJECTS , by populism that all corporate capital s a menace to individual rights is a icious theory and without founcla- , ion in fact. Corporate capital is essential to the mal/srial development of the Republic , .jrporate capital is the dynamo whence /came / the forces that pio- ieorecMy ith the steam engine and the steBlfrajlsVfjho prairies of Iowa from ho Mississippi to the Missouri. In dividually the right to cross that state from river to river in a wagon remained to each American citizen. [ t" still remains. Those who hate iapital and railways can take the wagon. When The Conservative began life in Nebraska in the year 1854 it was more than three hundred miles to a locomotive. Corporate capital had not then assaulted the wilderness nor v < smitten with its wicked wand the . { desolation and solitude of the 1 , prairies. Then the individual right to cross Iowa from Council Bluffs to Daven port in a stage coach and to pay twenty-one dollars for the privilege -i of sitting bolt upright , three on a j seat , three days and three nights , was open to all free men. Corpor- -I ate capital had built no railroads , no J Pullman sleepers , no dining cars , and a dollar a meal at stage stations was the privilege of the poor. How long will Western men of sense and substance bo fooled into r fighting capital ? How long shall mouthy men project themselves into official life by denouncing the bene factions and upbuildings which cor * porato capital evolves ? How long before the people will , with the Con servative , object to the fulmiimtiouH against capital which agitators and fanatics and rogues rejoice in ? This much de- WALL STREET , nounced thorough fare hums with humanity which is busy every day hurrying hither and thither to make money. The men of Wall street are anxious to have the men of the West farmers on the banks of the Mis souri , and manufacturers on the banks of the Mississippi make for tunes. There is no street in the world where altruism is so strong. The brokers and speculators are all smart enough to know that they can make no gainful trades with pau pers. They comprehend fully that railroads must have crops to carry or declare no dividends. They realize completely that farmers must have a surplus of cereals , cattle and hogs in order to furnish railroads any freight to carry to Eastern consumers. And > ftft so Wall street , which deals in credits v"5 und money , is always solicitous for an all-pervading prosperity. Wall street is from sheer selfishness broadly and intensely altruistic. ' .t. < * * ' ' ' ' '