The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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and "the Jersey shade" of yellow
especially. And this is sought only to
protect the American stomach from in
digestion and the creamery from com
petition 1
The creameries themselves make
hutter. They are producers of original
hutter. But the
Process Butter. creameries also buy
all sorts of country
butter from farmers and from store
keepers for revision and amendment.
These very philanthropic and entirely
unselfish factories purchase butter
which on account of age and decay has
lost all of its friends and take it. into
their hospitable plants for treatment as
aged and homeless human beings are
taken to hospitals for restoration. Once
within the comfortable conveniences of
the creamery the afflicted , rancid and
rankest of butter is assured of renova
tion , deodorizatiou , and a complexion of
the delicate orange of the delioious
month of June and ( by various pro
cesses ) of a general appearance of
youthful and healthy butter.
The acids and other agencies used to
rehabilitate decadent butter are not
known to many outside the esoteric few
of the creamery guild. But that aged ,
infirm and very loud smelling butter
sometimes goes into creameries and
comes out smiling like June and sweet
as a rose everybody knows. This is
called process butter , and no tax is pro
posed for it by those dear gentlemen
who are so perturbed because of the
fear that oleomargarine may destroy
the delicate membranes of the human
stomachs which take it in. Of course
the process treatment , which restores to
youth and edibility the most malodor
ous butter cannot , with all its acids ,
endanger the digestive apparatus of a
human organism.
The recent raid upon Congress in be
half of butter led by that gallant and
accomplished s o 1-
Wanted Badly. dier and statesman ,
Governor Hoard of
Wisconsin , was most daring and in
trepid , illustrative of a patriotism as
pure as process butter and as unselfish
as his own constant and affectionate
solicitude for the composite digestion of
the concrete stomach of our beloved
country. The raid demands ten cents
a pound tax on all butter substitutes
which look like butter. That tax is
wanted badly. It will break down com
peting substitutes and raise the t > rico of
butter. By legislation it is sought to
build up butter and bust up oleomarga
rine. Many members of the so-called
National Congress of Farmers seek to
plow with preambles , cultivate with
resolutions and reap and garner by
No country in
UNHAPPY the w o r 1 d can
WEALTH. show the impot-
ency of wealth as
the source of happiness so clearly and
convincingly as California. Hero the
SP'BliWl8KPffr ! ' $ ' * " .
newly rich were the only rich for a
long time and the first families of
California oven today , are not beyond
the third generation , in their descent
from the original founders. When
the wealth first came up to them out
of the ground and rose about them
in a golden flood , they were1 a simple
folk , of frugal habit , temperance and
industry. But with money came new
needs ; with wealth wants swarmed
around them , like bees .about a bed
of roses , and all their schemes of life
were changed. The happiness of the
olden time was dissipated. Content
ed competence was driven out by dis
contented wealth. And the new
tastes and new desires for ostenta
tion , which wealth suggested , began
at once to gnaw upon their ambition.
Hence we see the castles built in San
Francisco upon Knob Hill out of
famous fortunes which fate formula
ted for men of a low brewed pedigree
in a single day , and going into sub-
iirbs , like Palo Alto , we find palaces
of ostentatious architecture located
amidst beaxatiful trees and flowering
shrubs of exqiiisite faragrance. But
they are locked up and silent and teu-
antless. The Flood mansion which is
of wood , in imitation of marble , is
the most elaborate and vast of any
of the monuments to unhappy wealth
in this section of California. It is
also the most typical. It is so be
cause it is a pretense , an imitation
marble. Thus it is a reflex of pre
tended taste , pretended culture and
pretended character for intelligence
and good breeding. Like many others
this glaring and vulgar display of
dollars easily and quickly acquired ,
is giving shelter and comfort to no
one. The man who accidentally got
money , and from sheer love of show
biiilt it , is dead. His family are
scattered. It would cost two hund
red thousand dollars a year to run
and care for the establishment and
grounds ; and none of the family has
that income to bestow in that man
ner. Unhappy wealth is more com
mon and noticeable perhaps in Cali
fornia than elsewhere , because sud
denly acquired riches are the ones
which of tenest bring discontent. The
accumulations which come slowly
are those most prolific in Ivninaii sat
isfactions. Their arrival is little by
little , day after day and year after
year , so that their owner becomes ac
quainted and familiar with them ,
without a sudden and unexpected in
troduction , just as one comes to know
his own children and see them devel
op from infancy to manhood.
There is much more comfort , much
more that is ennobling in cottages all
the world over than there is in pal
aces. Poets , orators , historians ; the
men who record the visions , the exal
tations , and advancements of human
ity are not the children of the palace.
Modest competence gives to the
world more good impulses and high
thoughts than luxurious wealth.
The man who has the fewest wants
is richest. The family which rears
the most self-reliant , self-denying
and self-respecting brood does most
for the race. There is no unhappiness -
ness so incurable as that of enormous
wealth in the hands of those without
intelligence and taste to direct and
utilize it.
A now country
TWO KINDS : attracts always
PERMANENT two kinds of ad-
AND TRANventurers to come
SIENT. within its borders.
Nebraska demon
strated between the years of 1854 ,
when The Conservative first contem
plated life and the possibility of a
permanent home on these prairies ,
and the year 1874 , the existence of
two kinds of distinct classes of pioneers
neers in staying qualities.
The first class and the smallest in
number came to make permanent
homes and to become a part of the po
litical , financial and social fabric of
a state.
The second came to quickly make
some money out of the frontier , and
return to the old homes in the
East. This class was a majority
over the first. It favored every artific
ial means of forcing material develop
ment. It proposed and voted the evi
dences of public debt in the form
of precinct , city and county bonds
to private corporations. It was al
ways ready to vote debts and obliga
tions upon posterity. And being in
a majority it created nearly all the
interest-bearing debts now owed by
any part of Kansas or Nebraska.
The transients made the debts.
They led the populace ; they de
nounced all opposition as old fogy.
The permanents , the solid homebuilders -
builders who were so characterized
are now paying the debts then cre
When we settle in another new
country we shall straightway find out
who come to remain and who come to
speculate and return. Only those
who make a declaration of a perman
ent home-building intention should
manage the revenues and finances of
any country , new or old.
A careless swing-
STUMP WISDOM , or of the axe cut
down a splendid
tree so that he might rob a squirrel's
nest of its young when the monarch of
the forests fell. And the next day he
found written upon the stump these
lines :
"What nature reared by centuries of toil ,
A scalawag in half a day can spoil ;
An equal fate for him may Heaven provide
Damned in the moment of Ids tallest pride. "