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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1901)
* 12 Cbe Conservative , NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER HISTORY. For The Conservative. In your issue of September 2ith ( , Will Felber , writing from Omahasays Lewis E. Jones established the first newspaper ever published north of Omaha , on March 17 , 1858 , at St. Helena , called the St. Helena Gazette. I wish to take exception to this state ment. By referring to page 51 of "Warner's History of Dakota County , Nebraska , it will be seen that the first , newspaper published in northern Nebraska was the Enterprise , at old Onmdi , which stood on the banks of the Missoxiri river , some teii miles below the Sioux City. It was issued in the first week of July , 1857 , with George W. Rust as editor. This paper was sold to Grillin & Tofl'e in JSoS , and expired in the same year. The second paper published in north- urn Nebraska is also given on page Go of the same history as issuing its first copy July 7 , 1857 , with Joseph B.Strick land for publisher and Robert A. How ard as editor , at Dakota City , Nebraska. It was called the Dakota City Herald , and I have in my possession the first copy of this paper , taken from the press by the late Col. Charles D. Martin and bearing date as above. In this issue is given an account of the first Fourth of July celebration over held in northern Nebraska , namely that of 1857 , at the old town of Logan , now extinct , which stood on what is today the banks of Crystal Lake , in Dakota county. Gen. Joseph Hollman was chairman , Col. JesseE. . Warner read the Declaration of Independence and William G. Crawford was orator of the day. M. M. WAUXEU. Lyons , Neb. , Sept. 80 , 1001. Languages Taught by Mail with the old of the phonograph. Only Buccessful method. Specially written 1. C. 8. j-.ev- Textbooks teach - * * ' * you to read and understand thelniiKunue. The nn live teacher's voice , through - * the Kdlson Standard I'hono- ? rniili. tvaclieMlie exact pro- iiniiclatlon. Kreni-h , Siunlsh or liunnan. 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There is no charge whatsoever , and in addition he will send a special prescription for your case put up in a little box , also absolutely FREE. When you are cured of DANDRUFF , which is the forerunner of bald ness , and grow NEW HAIR Prof. Austin asks that you tell your friends about it. SEN D NO MONEY. If you are already partly or totally bald write and find the cure. SEND 2c FOR POSTAGE. WRITE TO-DAY TO PROF , J , H , AUSTIN , * ° 8"McVicker's ' Theater Building , Chicago , III , 'V ' ' THE ARGUS , A MONTHLY INSURANCE JOURNAL , For the Company , the Agent and the General Public. Every person that carries Insur ance of any kind should read this paper. Subscription $3.00 a Year. Rollins Publishing Co. , 91S Royal Ins. CHICAGO , SKDlAfifl , iLLlHOIS AND IOWA RAILROAD. THE CONNECTING TRUNK LINE , KXTENL'S FROM ST. JOSEPH , MICH. TO FUi/rON , IM , . , THROUGH SOUTH BEND , INI ) . , KANKAKEE , ILL. , STREATOR , ILL. CONNECTIONS AND JUNCTION POINTS. Direct Connections. 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