The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Conservative.
T wenty- five
MONEY. years ago money
was loaned readily
in all southeastern Nebraska on farms at
13 per cent per annum with semi-annual
payments of that interest. The reduc
tion to f per cent does not indicate that
the so-called "Money Power" is running
things in this particular propinquity.
There are be-
HOGS. tween 400,000 and
500,000 acres of
laud in the county of Otoe in the State
of Nebraska. The hog product for this
county ought therefore to bo under good
management , at least one and one-half
fat hogs to the acre turned out each
year. If the farmers of Otoe county
would attend to their swine herds prop
erly , this would be the minimum an
nual output of swine , and it would fur
nish the packinghouse at Nebraska City
1,000 hogs a day , without bringing in
any from other sections of the State.
P.e r 111 a n e 111
PERMANENT homes are the units
HOMES. of the state. The
love of home is
primary patriotism. The composite of
American homes is the American Re
public. When the integral parts are
enlightened , refined and contented , the
concrete is solid , substantial and benefi
cent. A government with no perma
nent homes is inconceivable. The no
madic tribes of Indians whom we on the
west bank of the Missouri river have
succeeded , never established and em
bellished permanent homes. One of the
most accentuated and emphasized dis
tinctions between savagery and oivili
zation is found in the fact that the for
mer never has and the latter always lias
established domiciles. Every man and
woman who cultivates a love of home
in the household is doing kindergarten
patriotic work. Love for a government
ultimately depends for its strength upon
the power of the government to protect
the home , and no citizen or subject can
cherish a love for a country which af
fords no protection to the homes of its
Actions deter-
DEEDS. mine the character
of men and of na
tions. Words sometimes are the torches
that light up the path to good and use
ful achievements. But the achieve
ments out-bless and out-live the words.
The man who dies before he passes
the mid-summit of life , and has never
made a speech , nor sought , nor accept
ed public officenor popular prominence ;
but has conceived , instituted and estab
lished industrial enterprises which give
constant and remunerative employment
to scores and hundreds of contented
men and self-helpful women , fills out a
better and more useful career and ex
ample than ho who goes at eighty leav
ing only a record of professions and
Making six hundred or a thousand
speeches in a given year or decade and ,
in the same period , doing no visible
good , by either deed or design , for the
people among whom he lived , will not
enshrine a man in the aft'ectious of those
whom he left when he entered upon his
final rest in the grave.
One useful deed , a single beneficent
achievement , in behalf of communal
comfort , or , even of individual better
ment and elevation will outlive a thou
sand pages of oratory. Deeds.not words ,
make the records of the lives that have
blessed their day and generation.
Edwin Arnoldin the "Light of Asia , "
says : "Who doeth right deeds is twice
born , and who doeth ill deeds , vile. "
And many thoughtful men now believe
that it is better to do gracious and
kindly acts , in accordance with the be
nign teachings of love and charity for
their fellow men , than to ostentatiously
make mere profession of a faith which
teaches and inspires such acts. And so ,
when we have finished our brief parts ,
when the curtain has been rung down ,
when the music of life is silent and
darkness is dense about us , we wish the
living to say : "He was a man of good
deeds. He helped the worthy who
needed help. He professed , only in
acts , the religion of kindness and
justice. "
The state of Kan-
COMMUNAL sas cone 1 u s i v e 1 y
HEREDITY. demonstrates that
there is such a thing
as communal heredity. The Kansas
prairies were settled in an abnormal
way. Blue lodges from the South and
Beecher Bibles and rifle combinations
from the North struggled with each
other as to whether Kansas should be
slave or freo. Thus the territory began
its existence in contention and tumult.
The political paroxysms from the begin
ning of civil government in Kansas
down to the present moment have com
pletely verified the theory of communal
heredity. No other" state than Kansas
could give a republican majority of
80,000 in a presidential election and
within eighteen months thereafter send
an ex-confederate soldier ( the Hon.Wm.
A. Harris ) to the national capital as
cougressman-at-large. No other com
monwealth in the American Union can
revolve as rapidly in a political way ,
probably because no other common
wealth has so many heads containing
wheels within its borders.
Kansas first attracted attention by
starving , and sending James H. Lane
and S. O. Pomeroy as emissaries and
solicitors to every state and asking alms
in the way of wheat , beans , corn , etc. ,
for food and for seed. Many state legis
latures made direct cash appropriations
for starving Kansas , and wicked people
were vicious enough to subsequently de
clare that much of the money thus
raised and some of the cereals and other
seeds thus secured were used in a sena
torial election. In fact , Pomeroy was
reviled by the incredulously wicked people
ple of his day and generation as "Old
Beans Pomeroy" and "Starvation Seed
Pomeroy. "
Besides shrieking and starving , Kan
sas appeared as the "bleeding" member
of the American Union , and everyone
may remember or read of the internal
broils , the fights , the rapine , the arson
and the vendettas of early Kansas.
But in these modern days the state
has been particularly distinguished for
its idiosynoracies as expressed in all
modern isms. It has indulged in prohi-
bitiouisin , free-coinageisin , spiritualism ,
populism and Maiy Leaseisin. In short ,
Kansas has been constantly in a sort of
civic hysterics and political St. Vitus
dance from the day of its birth into the
union of states. Kansas as a territorial
embryo seems' to have been so marked
mentally , morally and politically by its
pre-natal conditions that the state of
Kansas will never be able to outgrow its
paroxysmal tendencies. Kansas pre
sents a question in sociology worthy of
the most serious attention and profound
study of those who believe in evolution.
The great question is : Can Kansas
ever emancipate herself from the power
of her hereditary tendencies ?
Mr. Chas. F. Lummisof .Los Angeles ,
editor of the "Land of Sunshine , " has
been east this summer ; and observing
as he passed through Kansas large
muddy rivers on one hand and ruined
cornfields on the other , he jumped to
the conclusion that this corn was dying
for want of irrigation , and that the
"Eastern" farmers were not workers ,
but gamblers , and in intelligence far
below the inhabitants of the Nile valley ,
not to mention those of southern Cali
These were very rational deductions
to draw from a car window , but they
rest on an error. At no time during the
summer of 1901 has there been a defi
ciency of moisture in the central agri
cultural region of the United States.
There , have been sufficient rains , and
they have been well distributed , and the
ground has at all times contained plenty
of water ; nature merely wished to re
mind us of the nice inter-adjustment of
all the parts of her system , and so
caused a baking wind to blow over the .
cornfields 011 the very days when the
fertilizing pollen was falling , thus
causing a fatal gap in the life-story of
the corn kernel. It is doubtful if either
Egypt or California , though they are
both remarkably intelligent communi
ties , could have devised and put in
practice an adequate remedy in this