6 Conservative * WHEAT AS A FOOD FOR GROWING AND FATTENING ANIMALS. Dnriug the post year there hnve been numerous inquiries in regard to the chemical composition of wheat as com pared with corn and oats , its relative value as a food for growing and fatten ing animals , and the method of feeding which would produce the best results. These inquiries have , doubtless , been suggested by the great change in the comparative prices of the grains just practical results of feeding. Wo should not card to assert , for instance , that wheat screenings are in general more valuable as a food for animals than the plump , sound wheat , although the table would indicate this to be the case. We may , however , safely conclude that the screenings and imperfect wheat should be fed and only the best wheat put upon the market. It is seen that wheat contains practi cally the same amount of protein per 100 Table showing digestible components in 100 pounds of feeding stuff and the nutritive ratio ; also feeding standards. * ifti mentioned. In the past we have been accustomed to see a bushel of wheat sell for two or three times as much as a bushel of corn. Recently we have seen CO pounds of corn sell for more than could be obtained for 60 pounds of wheat. This readjustment of the prices of grain evidently calls for a reconsider ation of the methods for disposing of the cereal crops in order to determine which is most profitable under present conditions. The purpose of this circular is to give a direct and definite answer to the ques tions which have been most frequently asked concerning the use of wheat as a food for stock. Comparative Digestible Values. The quantity and proportion of the different proximate constituents which are present in a digestible form in 100 pounds of some of the common feeding stuffs is compared in the following table with the German feeding standards. This table presents the chemical as pect of the subject , and is valuable in the indications' and suggestions which may be obtained from it. The informa tion which it contains should , however , be used in connection with our knowl edge of the habits of animals and the pounds as oats , and that both wheat and oats contain about 80 per cent , more protein than corn. On the other hand , wheat only has about one-half as much fatty matter as corn and oats. In car bohydrates the position of wheat is about halfway between that of corn and oats. Protein , that is the albuminoid con stituents of grain , goes to build up the albuminoid tissues of the animal body similated will bo used for this purpose. Young growing animals require more protein than older ones , and also more than fattening animals , in order to supply material for building up the muscles , tendons , and other albuminoid structures. Fattening Quality of Wheat. We must not conclude from these facts , as some have , that because wheat is particularly indicated for young growing animals it is not adapted for those which are fattening. The fallacy of such a conclusion is shown by the following comparisons. This table brings out in the clearest possible manner , fir at , the near approach chemically of 26.6 pounds of wheat to the German standard ration for grow ing cattle from 6 to 12 mouths of age , and , secondly , the fact that 88 } pounds of wheat comes much nearer the feed ing standard for fattening cattle than does the same quantity of com. The proportion of the protein to carbohy drates and to fat is very much nearer the standard in wheat than in corn. Tried by these standards wheat is better both for growing and fattening animals than is corn. These standards , however , are not to be considered as perfect. Corn comes nearer being an ideal grain for fattening animals in this country than is indicat ed by the tables. Such animals appar ently do not need as much protein as is contained in the standard , and may take with advantage more carbohy drates and fat. Equal parts of wheat and corn should , therefore , prove better for fattening animals than either of these grains alone. For growing ani mals corn is plainly not so suitable as is wheat or oats. Equal Conditions Favor Wheat Feed. When wheat and corn are the same price per bushel , it is preferable to feed wheat and sell corn : First , because wheat weighs 7 per cent , heavier per bushel than corn ; secondly , because wheat is weight for weight an equally of Jwhioh the muscles are the most prominent part , but it may also be changed into fat. The fat in the ani mal body comes , therefore , both from the fat and the protein in the food which is eaten. The carbohydrates sustain the heat of the body and must be pres ent in sufficient quantity or the more valuable fat which has already been as- good grain for fattening animals , and better for growing animals ; and thirdly , because there is much less value in fer tilizing elements removed from the farm in corn than in wheat. There are certain points to be borne in mind when one is commencing to feed wheat. Our domesticated animals are all very fond of it , but are not ac-