The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, September 26, 1901, Page 13, Image 13
y , Conservative , 13 HIDEOUS OUTRAGE. William Jennings Bryan has bought the National Watchman for $5. Oh , friends , how long shall we stand su pinely up or sit. supinely down while the greedy money oligarchy of the country buys up and combines our en terprises , cripples and paralyzes our in dustries and drives men and women to starvation by investing large accumul ations of ill-gotten wealth in plants for the mere privilege of gratifying their devilish hatred to humanity by shutting them up and making them nonproductive ductive ? When men with capital buy a plant they shut it up , and throw its operatives gnashing their teeth out onto a cold and comfortless"world. . Let us arise in the majesty of an outraged people and put a stop to this. Let us Bee to it that men who have no capital buy the plants , project the railroads , capitalize the enterprises. Don't you see how simple this is , and how nicely it will work ? Then there will be no conflicts between labor and capital , then will come the millennial rest to over strained jaws and overworked wind jammers. York Republican. HIGHER SauiRY I. C. B. Textbooks , specially written for busy people , make it easy for men nnd women at work to learn Hy Mall. Courses In Engineering , Arehl. teeturr , Ornamental Peilgn , Stenography , tier-man , Spanish , Freneh , etc. Circular Free. International Correspondence Schools , ) Scrnnton , Pa. WANTED. THE CONSERVATIVE has had repeated requests for back numbers and is now in need of the following to complete sets for the Congressional Library and the State Libraries of several western states. VOLUME II , NUMBERS 2 , 21 and 22. Those having duplicate copies of these numbers , will confer a great favor by sending' them to The Circulation De partment. A good looking ' . , horao nnd poor look ing harness la the worst kind of a com bination. Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness nnd the ir horse lock better , but makes the I leather soft nnd pliable , puts Itln con-1 dltlon to last , twice ns long ] , ns It ordinarily would. laid eycrywhero In cans all dm. llade by STANDARD OIL , CO. Horse a Chance ! f/v i ATJONAL. SANK , { * , j" ' / " * * Stated , Epository. Capital and Surplus , HERMAN KOUNTZE , President. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier. J. A. CREIGHTON , Vice Prest. C. T. KOUNTZE , Ass't Cashier. VTW.Y.W.VrYuYr C. H. CANBY. U. R. DENNISTON. C. W. GILLETT. I C. H. CANBY & CO. , I I I " Stock Brokers and Commission Merchants , I I NeewYo"k Stock Exchange , 8 BOARD OF TRADE AND fHirAfiO I % Chicago Board of Trade. 216 LASALLE STREET , \ > V \ \ \ t\\J\J. f. % Chicago Stock Exchange. § : wmwwwwmmwmwwwmmmnmmwmwmwMmtwmik ARTHUR R. JONES & CO. Members Chicago and Duluth Board of Trade. Private Wires to Now York , Boston and Prin cipal Western Cities. 226-228 LA SALLE STREET , CHICAGO. Your Correspondence and Business Solicited. STOCKS , BONDS , GRAIN , PROVISIONS , AN OFFER That should be accepted without delay. ? Why you can get FARH , STOCK AND HONE , Minneapolis , flinn. , free for one year (24 ( numbers ) by { faying one year in advance for ; 1 F"iTHE CONSERVATIVE. FARM , STQCK AND HOFIE is not a cheaply gotten up , catch penny affair. It is an old established journal with a re putation for reliability and value second to none , with a circulation of nearly 60,000. Should be in the hands of every farmer , and we make it easy to get it there. Do your part and you will not regret it. Farming to-day is a learned profession , and the best informed man is the one whose crops are most bountiful in years of plenty , and fair in years of general failure.