12 Conservative.
tucle in conduct , promoting and not
withstanding faith in a spiritual world
and in the ultimacy of mind.
Lot usthenin this now year , magnify
our oftico. I call on all of you , faculty
and pupils , to join with mo , by single
ness of aim , energy , enterprise and ap
plication , to make this the best year our
dear and noble university has ever
There are some particular amenities
connected with membership in our uni
versity. Let us appreciate them. We
are to be congratulated that industry ,
earnestness , high character and high
aims are so general among us , that we
have no fast set , that harmony prevails
in the teaching force , that wo live in
the midst of a sympathetic and
highly intelligent community which not
only tolerates academic freedom , but in
sists on the maintenance of it , and that
the regency of the university is so large-
minded and considerate.
So delightful , in fact , is our situation
in these particulars that we endure
without complaint various infelicities
which in themselves deserve criticism.
Some students sadly lack university
spirit ; others nourish a divisive and po
lemic temper , seeming to deem it great
ness always to oppose their fellows in
stead of working constructively and ov
erlooking all but the worst affronts ;
hoodlumism breaks out among us now
and then ; while some read too much
relatively to the thinking they do , or ,
what is the same , think too little rela
tively to the reading they do.
There is an impression to the effect
that several of these faults , such as too
little of university spirit and too much
clique and shibboleth particularly be&et
our fraternities and sororities. I hope
it is not so , but would not take oath
that it is not. If it is if the conviction
I name is well founded let the evil
spirits be cast out.
Students , one and all , resolve , I be
seech you , to do your best this year.
Most of you , I am glad to bear witness ,
are duly diligent already , but not quite
all. Many are industrious , but order
their efforts less wisely than were to be
wished. A few , alas , have wasted rich
opportunities , nay , have even set up in
their characters a positive disinclination
rapidly turning into inability , to do
well. To such it must be a bitter thought
that departed days cannot bo called
back and put to better use. Oh , be
stirred by the reflection that the future
is yours , to be employed profitably if
you will.
Colleagues , lot us , as teachers , chal
lenge one another this day to renewed
devotion and to more triumphant effi
ciency. It is a rare boon to have ever
to do with intellectual things ; and it is
a colossal responsibility to bo charged
with the mental and moral making of
iie > y generations. It is , in literal fact ,
to fix in part the destiny of the
race. Could wo but feel the dignity of
such a mission wo should uevor lack in
centives to best service. Years would
not quench our zeal and death would
find us at our posts.
May there descend upon us as a
blessed spell the good spirit of those
revered teachers now gone from us ,
whose sometime presence here still sanc
tifies this place.
One would naturally think that the
chief executive of so great a nation as
ours would not only be exempt from some
obligations which fall upon the average
citizen , but would enjoy certain privi
leges peculiar to the highest office
within the gift of the people. This is
not the case , however. The fact that
the President of the United States is
the only law-abiding and reason-
possessing citizen thereof whom custom
holds a prisoner within limited bounds ,
is brought out very forcibly by John El-
froth Watkius , Jr. , in an interesting ar
ticle on "Some Things the President
Does Not Do" in the October Ladies'
Home Journal. It shows that in the
spending of his leisure time the Presi
dent is more restricted than the janitor
who daily empties his waste basket. For
he must not leave the country , even for
a day. This is an old , unwritten law.
Neither can he go aboard a foreign war
ship , even when anchored in our har
bors and when flying the colors of a
friendly state , or make a formal call
upon any one except a President-elect ,
an ex-President , a President of a foreign
State or a reigning monarch visiting our
capital. Ho must not receive any but
intimate friends on Sunday , or occupy
other than the seat of honor at any form
al dinner. He must never occupy the
left side of a carriage seat , nor cross the
threshold of a foreign embassy's resi
dence in Washington , for that is foreign
ground. These are only a few of the
laws with which custom restricts our
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