Conservative * STREAM MEASUREMENT AND WATER POWER. One of the departments of the work of the United States Geological Survey which has a particularly practical bear ing on manufacturing and other busi ness interests is the accurate measure ment of flow of the country's streams. Its utility lies in the fact that it reduces to a matter of actual knowledge the amount of water passing through them at all seasons of the year , which impor tant factor has probably been the sub ject of more guess work than any other one thing in this branch of engineering. More especially is this true of the low I water stages on which really depend the effective worth of the streams , so that many mills and factories which have been built in expectation of being operated entirely by water power , have had to be furnished with auxiliary steam power to help out in times of a deficient and unexpectedly low water supply. Perhaps this is the chief reas on , this general distrust of the reliabil ity of the estimates of flow , that the really magnificent power possibilities of many streams , both in the eastern and western mountain sections of the coun try , have not been more fully developed. The trouble has not been that the streams cannot be relied upon to fur nish power , but that the power which can reasouebly be expected of them has been over estimated. The accurate gaging of streams requires much time and skilled knowledge. It iilvolves daily observation of their rise and fall , extending over a number of years , fre quent measurements of their flow by delicate instruments , and careful ob servations of diversions by dams or power plants already in operation. When applied to the whole country this work becomes of such wide scope as to bo beyond the efforts of any but the general Government , and , as a matter of fact , few of the states , to say nothing of individuals , have made any system atic effort to undertake it. The Survey has taken up and developed this work because it needed to be done and no one was doing it , and now has a large num ber of stations scattered among many of the important rivers of the country. On these rivers information is being collected which will be absolutely ne cessary to further developments of their power. Since the improvement in the transmission of electricity to long dis tances , water power streams have as sumed a new value and will be more and more sought as means of cheap power. This gives to the work of the Survey in its river gagings and meas urements an even greater importance and necessity as furnishing indispens able information which can be obtained from no-other source. FIRST NATIONAL. BANK , OMAHA. IMEIB. United States Depository. Capital and Surplus , HERMAN KOUNTZE , President. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier. J. A. CREIGHTON , Vice Prest. C. T. KOUNTZE , Ass't Cashier. C. H. CANBY. U. R. DENNISTON. C. W. GILLETT. C. H. CANBY & CO. , Stock Brokers and Commission Merchants , Members New York Stock Exchange , BOARD OF TRADE , AND f U If A ff\ Chicago Board of Trade. 216 U SALLE STREET , V l llVyttVJV/ Chicago Stock Exchange. f vwfwwwwwwwwwmwwmwftHwwwwwm ARTHUR R. JONES & CO. Members Chicago and Duluth Board of Trade. Private Wires to New York , Boston and Prin cipal Western Cities. 226-228 LA SALLE STREET , CHICAGO , .Your Correspondence and Business Solicited. A STUDY OF POLITICAL HYSTERICS. "A Most Lamentable Comedy" is the title of a powerful novelette by Mr. "Will iam Allen White , which begins in the Sep tember 21 issue of The Saturday Even ing Post , of Philadelphia. This absorb ing serial is a study of political hyster ics the story of a State gone mad. The scene of the novelette is a western state laboring under the burdens of a panic year. The central figure is a grocery store demagogue , whose hairbraiiied oratory captures the State convention. The stoiy rises to a height of dramatic power and intensity rarely equalled in the fiction of the day. I. C. S. Textbook * , specially written for Imay people , nmko It easy for men and women at woifc to learn By Mull. Courses In Knglntrring , Archi tecture , OrnamrnUI Umlgn , Stenography , ( lenuan , HpanUh , French , etc. Circular Free. Iiiturmitlonul CorrcHpomlcncr School * , Ho A 181)6 , Seriinton , 1'u. STOCKS , BONDS , GRAIN , PROVISIONS , Soft Harness You can make your har ness os soft RS a glove and as tough as wire by using EUREKA Bar- norm Oil. You can lengthen Its life make It last twice aa long as it ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil makes a poor looking bar- ness like new. Made of pure , heavy bodied oil , es pecially prepared to with stand the weather. Sold everywhere In cans all sizes. Made bj STANDARD OIL CO. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative.