The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, September 19, 1901, Image 1
VOL IV. NO. 11 , NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA , SEPTEMBER 19,1901. SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. - A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO TUB DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK , 13,752 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year in advance , postpaid to any part of thounited States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known npon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898. THE CONSERVA- SUCCESS. TIVE which con tained the sympos ium as to the chances , under present in dustrial tendencies and conditions , of the young man in the United States was in great demand. The extra large edition of that issue was soon absorbed. It went into every state and territory of this republic. The na tional character of the contributors to that issue of THE CONSERVATIVE made it particularly sought after. And now , with a demand for thousands of copies more containing the articles of E. D. Kenna , M. E. Ingalls , Robert O. Olow- ery , W. 0. Brown , Wm. B. Carlile and W. B. Barr , THE. CONSERVATIVE repro duces the articles from railroad and in surance experts , and hopes in the near future to be able to find space for the reproduction of the balance without fear of offence to its constantly increas ing number of thoughtful patrons. Critics who criticise without study ing , have declared that the contributors to THE CONSERVA- Money. TIVE , and also its editor , christened cash , success and that money , wealth , accumulations alone , have been exalted as the only ensign of a satisfactorily successful career from cradle to coffin. But such comments are away off from the truth. Editorially THE CON SERVATIVE placed Not True. character over and above cash. Time and again the young men and . youth who get THE CONSERVATIVE have been instructed that no man or woman can succeed in life who is not self-re liant , self-denying and self-respecting. Time and again have they been told that success in life consists in what good one may have done for others , and not in " " have avariciously what "goods" one may ly piled up for self. Reputation may be won in an hour and destroyed in a minute. But aoter , like the oak , forms slowly dnreth. And its influence for good or evil while we live and long after we are dead determines whether we have suc cessfully lived our brief life in this one little planet of a measureless and un known universe 1 The question of suc cess is not how much have you accum ulated in tangible things like land , chattels and cash. But has your life been useful to your race ? Do you leave the world better because you have lived , thought and worked ? Has your Home radiated a clear light out into its neighborhood ? Have you reared men and women into decent and useful citi zenship ? If a man's life has developed a happy home and dutiful children and enhanced the character of the civilization of his day and generation , he has been a successful man. Beside Theodore Parker , Father DeSmetBeecher , Swing , Minot Savage and Bishop Whipple , the Asters , Goulds and Vanderbilts are utter failures. The thinkers of great thoughts for the uplifting and advance ment of humanity men who leave their mental and moral impress on the race for centuries , are as far above the mere money gatherer as are the stars in the sky higher and brighter than fish spawn in the bottom of the sea. The good thoughts one evolves for beneficent circulation among his fellows thoughts that bear foliage and fruit for the better ment of the world are the indices of the measure of his success. THE CONSEKVA- INVOICE. TIVE will be obliged to contributors who will invoice in eacli county of Nebraska the benefits which have accrued to its people from the words and works of those "weary Willies" Colonel Allen of Madison and Colonel Bryan of Lin coln , Nebraska , and Havana , Cuba. No talkers who have ever talked , and no walkers who have ever walked the floor , in agony of solicitude for the "plain people" are more deserving of the full reward of their labors. Any thought or deed of either of the two distinguished discontents named , which has materialized to the general good , is sought voraciously by all per sons having a taste for results or an ap- .petite for consequences. The chances for SPLENDID. the young man Ab salem , whenever are big enough and fertile r cultivation , are exceedingly Wmef ou6 aoid attractive. But Absalom , wilU.never Vget there" if he follows * * denouncing oj > Jawsfjour judiciary , our executive offic j 1md' iiiciting discon tent talking treaspti } and calling it truth , delivering malicious orations against "government by injunction ; " teaching disrespect for law and contempt for order , and out of unbridled imagina tions sowing broad-cast the seeds for more assassinations. A man is as re- RESPONSIBILITY. sponsible mo rally for the thoughts he utters as he is financially for the notes he signs. The men who speak Jto the mul titude and stir up malevolence , envy and wrath against wealth are as respons ible for the results of their inculcations as are physicians who prescribe di etaries and drugs to destroy health. The first murders contentment and para lyzes industry among the people at large , and the second enervates the in dividual and destroys the possibility of his usefulness and happiness. No man can be happy , if he is not useful. It is a tremendous responsibility to try to think and to talk for one's fellow-men. All over fertile HUMILITY. Nebraska in quiet graves and obscure cemeteries are resting the pioneers of the plains. Their names are obliterated and their individuality lost. But the magnificent commonwealth which is founded upon their j udgmeut and intelli gent labors is a monument to their composite success. They may have died poor in goods , chattels and real estate , but they first wrote the word "success" on these plains with the point of a plow. They were the grains of gold % _ assayed from the masses of humanity in . < , ; populous places out of which has been " - ; coined the prosperity of Nebraska. Edison may die EDISON. in a charity hospi tal and without a penny , but his life because of the bene fits he has conferred upon humanity by his inventions is a success.