The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, September 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
' ' 7'tfflS TJbe Conservative * An agglomeration OFFICE GETTING , of politics for of fices only is au abomination in the sight of patriotism. The welding together of the fragmen tary odds and ends of discontent , and calling them "the people's party" or the fusion party , is au ancient practice. There ore statesmen who seek offices only , who have no views , policies or principles which they can not smother in their ambition for place and plunder , or hide under a party name ! The state of Nebraska has an annual crop of that sort which drouth , grasshoppers and heat can not diminish or destroy. There are many BY LAW. people who make the mistake of thinking they think when they merely dream. These theorists , as to thoughts , believe that nearly all the ills of life and all the inequalities of its social and legal features can be remedied by legislation. Because men with better brains , better opportunity , and better application to sound methods of business , get rich quicker , or attain social , political , or literary heights sooner than those with poorer brains , poorer opportunities , and less power of persistent effort , dreamers propose legislation to level down the dis criminations which natural laws have established. The common ROADS. wagon roads of Nebraska need re vision and overhauling generally. Roads IM-foet-iu-width will be in - - - kept good order with greater ease and at less expense thau the 6G-feet-iu-width- pense present - - - - gardens-for-weeds , which we call roads. By narrowing the roads of Nebraska one-half , there can be put into cultiva tion , nearly , or quite , 500,000 acres more fartilo lands in this commonwealth. Even put into trees that area would bo a vast blessing to the whole people. There is no argument in favor of sixty six-foot-iu-width highways for Nebraska that cannot be overthrown. We wish the newspapers in each county would find out and publish the number of acres now in roadways within its limits. It may be that there are more than 500,000 acres now propagating weeds in this State , which might be turned to good account if the roads were reduced to one-half their present breadth No tax should bo A PUBLIC levied except for PURPOSE. the purpose of get ting mouej11 into a public treasury with which to pay the public debt , provide for the common de fence and to promote the general wel fare. Therefore , all taxes for subsidis ing steam-ships , railroads and other private enterprises , ought to bo declared unconstitutional , and then utterly 1ST abolished and imperatively forbidden. The editor of THE CONSERVATIVE has steadfastly hold to these views for more than forty-five years. Therefore , he never advocated and never voted for the issuance of county , city or precinct bonds to any railroad or other private enterprise. Recently , however , Mr. Edgar How ard a former candidate for congress in the Omaha district published : "I have often heard Mr. Morton in the days when he was preaching pure demo cratic gospel , warn the people against the evils of bond voting , but somehow I could never harmonize his good talk on the stump with his bad movements at the time the railroad bonds were first voted in Nebraska. ' ' Does Mr. Howard mean that Morton over advocated or voted bonds to rail roads ? Why innuendo ? Why not a straight statement of the truth or the untruth ? The lif e-possibil- OUR ities for the Ameri- CONTRIBUTORS. can young man of tomperauce.ability and industry were discussed in THE CON SERVATIVE recently by gentlemen who without inherited wealth had under "the competitive system" worked their own way from obscurity and poverty to prominence and affluence. Not a man of them who has not made his own fort une and fame unaided by the state and uuhelped except by his own brains and brawn. And this is the Christian gentle ness in which a Beatrice periodical speaks of them : "The symposium of The Conservative , selected from , the ranks of the hirelings of plutocracy , without a discordant note sounds the praises of the present monop olistic control for private profit , of nil the avenues of business , as ideal for suc cess to the rising generation. And through the whole opera 'suc cess' has but the brutal meaning of get ting gold. The pictures drawn are the pictures of men devoid of souls , mere automatons' , with the spirit of abject slaves , ready to bow the knee to the priests of Mammon , to gain Mammon's reward. It is heart-breaking to read that mass of groveling , selfish , egotistic laudation of a transitory and evil condition , which has come upon men as the necessary out come of a competitive systembased upon a selfish theory of exclusive individual ownership , so fundamentally at variance with human nature , that its breakdown is inevitable. " Ashby's Crucible. PRAYER. As a portion of the universe , the United States for instance , is controlled by an intelligent , being or beings , and as the laws of nature are universal , we con clude that the universe is governed by a general intelligence or intelligences. If the humblest person were to write to William McKinley and convince him that it would be better to change his ad ministration in a certain part whore it is causing suffering , no doubt the desired change would be made. Wo have a very limited knowledge of the Supreme Intelligence. We suppose it is somewhat like our own , only reach ing perfection. As the ocean is father to the clouds and the rain , so is the Supreme remo Intelligence father to Our Intelli gence. Would MoKiuley have stopped the Spanish war at the request of some one whose son was in the army and liable to be killed ? Does God ( Good ) answer prayer ? Is God merciful , in the way some people take it ? Think of the earth quake at Lisbon , when his people were ardently worshiping according to their best intelligence. Whole families , in nocent children who knew no evil , in gulfed in utter destruction. History and observation teach that every being , man or beast , is punished for wrong-doing , whether the individual know it to be wrong or not. The people of Galvestou did wrong not to flee to the main land ere the storm came. They did not know the storm was coming. They were punished , notwithstanding. There are a great many truths in the bible. The Golden Rule is good. Relig ion plays its part in the development of man. Gradually , it will be stripped of superstition as people become more in telligent. Formerly , people believed the sun moved around the earth. Astronomy was just as correct then as now , biit the people did not understand it. The trouble - ble with the preachers , they do not leave their first works and go on to perfection. They hold on to the superstitious until the truths drop out and are picked up by the people outside. And when the people outside present the stray truths , they denounce them as heresy. God is not above nature. God is in nature. A theory contrary to nature is false. Jesus is represented as saying : "Search the scriptures , for in them ye think ye have eternal life. " "The letter killeth. " Too much "letter" in modern Christianity. "Give us this day our daily bread. " A person might utter this prayer continually and starve to death. If he act the prayer , i. e. , plant corn , and if nature furnishes no rain , irrigate it , the prayer will be answered. There will soon bo a prayer by the people of the semi-arid regions. It will bring forests in the sand-hills and shrub bery on the divides. It will fill out cribs with corn. It will be the effectual fer vent prayer , with pick and shovel , with ploiagh and scraper. By all means , pray for rain , and every other good thing , using the talents and strength bestowed to the end sought. JOSEPH MAKINSOX. Holdrege , Neb. , Sep. 2 , 1DOJ.