The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, September 05, 1901, Page 12, Image 14
Fvfiw ? ; - ' T M y * * " 12 ] Conservative * THE SEPTEMBER ATLANTIC. The political pupers in the September Atlantic are strong and varied. Thomas Nelson Page opens the number with a Virginian view-clearly and calmly stated of The Southern People and Recon struction ; describing the Southern situ ation before the war and rehearsing the events that have succeeded it , reaching the conclusion : "That intelligence , virtue , and force of character will eventually rule , is as certain in the states of the South as it is elsewhere ; and everywhere it is as cer tain as the operation of the law of gravi tation. " Charles A. Conant contributes The Future of Political Parties , believing that the original missions of our present parties are practically accomplished , and foreseeing the rise of now parties on the lines of strong centralization and na tional greatness on the one hand , and the defense of ( he rights of the people and the equality of the individual on the other. An Emersonian Democrat discusses The Reaction of the Democracy , demon strating and asserting the power of the people for good when properly purified and purged of grossuess. John Muir describes Hunting Big Red woods the wonders and uses of the great Sequoia Forests of California. A paper by the late W. J. Stillmau develops his Theory of Beauty , and Rol- liu Lyude Hartt describes vividly and picturesquely The City at Night ( Buf falo ) , before the opening of the Exposi tion , towards which all eyes are now turned. Henry Austin Clapp continues his de lightful Reminiscences ; he devotes large space to the history and accomplish ments of the late William Warren , who was for so many years superominout on the Boston stage , and among other crit ical verdicts ho designates Charlotte Cushman as the one only great Ameri can actress. Frances Duncan treats of Japanese Plants in American Gardens , their beau ties and adaptivoness for American cul tivation. Miss Johnston's Audrey continues with ever increasing power and interest. Alice Brown , W. R. Lighten , and Vir ginia W. Cloud contribute fresh and en tertaining stories ; and Edith Whartou , Richard Burton , and others contribute poems. The Contributors' Club is , as always , timely , entertaining , and instructive. YOURS NOT TO REASON WHY. t President Pattou , of Princeton uni versity , recently delivered a sermon at the Fiftli Avenue Collegiate Church , his subject being Faith. Dr. Patton spoke of the blind faith of the client who put Ijimsolf at the mercy of a lawyer in preparing an action for trial , and of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA. IMEE3. United States Depository. Capital and Surplus , HERMAN KOUNTZE , President. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier. J. A. CREIGHTON , Vice Prest. C. T. KOUNTZE , Ass't Cashier. YiYiiYiWrn I C , H. CANBY. U. R. DENNISTON. C. W. GILLETT. C. H. CANBY & CO. , Si Stock Brokers and Commission Merchants , | Members New York Stock Exchange , | BOARD OF TRADE AND f HIP AflO Chicago Board of Trade. 2I6 LASALLE STREETsl IIV MVIV/ . I Chicago Stock Exchange. confidence of the sick in instructing themselves to the physician. "A case of blind faith , " said the clergyman. "The doctor writes out a prescription. Oftener than not , you cannot read it ; you don't know what it is. He tells you to take it. 'Yours not to reason whyyours but to do anddic. _ ' " New York Sun. I. C. S. Tf.itiioolis , filieci.illy wriltcn for Imsy people , nisi l < i ! I for men ami women at work to lea ill Ity 'Hull. Courses ill Knglm erinir , Arclil. trclurr , ( Irnr.mrnlnl UfKlun , Strnngruih | ) , ( 'erman , , I'n iuli , clc. Circular Free. Iilvriiutl < iiinl CorrtMtpundcnt'tt Schools , .Ho : . 11MJ ! ) Scronton , 1'u. Members Chicago and Duluth Board of Trade. STOCKS. BONDS , GRAIN , PROVISIONS. Private Wires to New York , Bos ton and princip al Western Cities. 226-228 LA SALLE STREET , CHICAGO. Your Correspondence and Busi ness Solicited. \ . , * " " * A ' IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDER * AMERICA. . P. KIMBALL & CO , 315 , 316 , 317 MICHIGAN AYE , , / CHICAGO , ILL. FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HANDSOME CATALOGUE CONIAttttiG OVER ONE HI'NDRED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD * OLES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. - HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , REAL ESTATE LOANS , AND INSURANCE , , , 09 CENinxij AYE. T , Pnorcr Pl ! NEBRASKA CITY NEO. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative.