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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1901)
fl W r * * * * ' . , I , > j j : . x 'Cbc Conservative * the other hand , some once barren plains of Europe , like those south of Berlin , north of Odessa , and other localities , have lately been reclaimed to agricul ture through tree planting. In no country of the world lias there been more wholesale destruction of forests than in the United States. Itseeins im possible to escape the conclusion that unless forestry becomes speedily prac ticed to the same general extent in this country , as in Germany , for instance , the economic consequences to this nation will constantly grow more severe. It has been said that "what is every body's business is nobody's business. " That is the reason why so little has yet been done in this country in the direc tion of forestry. The owner of timber lands is concerned with present profits from lumber , and does not consider that by this policy he not only does eco nomic injury to the country , but that ho is destroying his own capital , which ought to yield perpetual returns. The farmer , who might like to see the gov ernment spend money in any way to help agriculture , does not , however , always see his own duty in the matter of planting trees at home. Yet in his case trees would probably make dollars. They can often produce wealth in parts of the farm where nothing else will grow. They will not not only be ornamental , but of great service as wind-breaks to various crops and to fruit trees , and as protection to cattle. In some of the countries of Europe , especially in Germany , the people re gard trees as their friends. The forest incendiary /would be regarded as a com mon enemy like the poisoner of an aqueduct , destroying that which it is to the interest of all to preserve. As a re sult , wanton forest fires in Germany are practically unknown. This healthful public sentiment , so much needed in the United States , has been chiefly fostered through schools of forestry which have taught the economic value of forests in staying spring torrents , preventing sum mer drouths , and supply lumber and fuel. Commercial West. FOR AN IDEAL VACATION. Near every settlement of importance in the mountain regions of the west are deep canons wherein the people at home , as well as those from abroad , seek , in the summer season , the cool ness and pleasure of camp life. High up the mountain sides , on the shore * of mountain lakes , or on the banks of mountain streams , summer hotels are conducted for the convenience of those who prefer to have all of the recreation and none of the labor incident to summer ing in the mountains. It may be said that wherever there is a mountain in Colorado or Utah there is also an inter esting canon , and the searcher for a spot in which to summer will find no * 4 > * * iin Watches | .measure the flight of time with uu Ip II ' ? erring accuracy. Perfectly adapted to - ' ' the rougher usage of the mechanic and the farmer an well as the gentler handling of the lady of fashion. They If come in various sizes and patterns to suit everyone. Sold by Jewelers every' where. An Elgin Watch always has the word "Elgin" engraved on the works fully guaranteed. h Send for free booklet. ABM * . - . . . . .i. j.i .Tinm rj. . * jj j.-nr m Lifflculty in suiting his taste , no matter how critical it may be. To enable persons to reach these fam- ) us pleasure resorts the Union Pacific ms put hi effect Summer Excursion ntes lower than made in many years. E. L. LOMAX , G. P. & T. A. Omaha , Nob. The World is Our School Room Anywhere you can get a technical edu cation By Mull and increase your earn ing capacity. You citu earn while learn ing. Write for free circular : Salaried Positions for Learners Wetcnohby mall Mechanical , Strain , Electrical , Citl ! and Mining engineering ; Shop and Foundry True * tlco ; Mechanical Drawing ! Architecture ; Architectural Dranlnz ; 1'lumhlng , Heating and Ventilation ; Sheet Dicta ! Work ; Telephony ; Telegraphy ; Chemlitrjr'Orna ; mental Ilfulgn ; Lettering ; Itooli-lieeplnp ; Stenography ; Teaching ; Fnplinh llrnncheii ; Locomotive Running ( for engineers nnd llreincn only ) ; Electrotherapeutics ( for physicians and nurfcs only ) . Our students succeed IwcauBO llioy use I. U. 8. textbooks. Schools nro open nil summer. Htnto subject in wliieh Interested. International Correspondence Schools , Box 1296Scranton , Pa. IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDER * # - # OF AMERICA. i. P. KIMBALL & GO. 315,316,317 MICHIGAN AVE. , CHICAGO , ILL. FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HANDSOME CATALOGUE CONTAINING OVER ONE HI'NDRED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD DLES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative.