tu . ' . V t * ' ' ' ' ' .o JW > 7 V,7 > " Tj > ' " > n v -rtTHrY'-p % . * , ' e ? ; S 5 r ! l The Conservative * 13 THE NEW GRAND CANYON BOOK. This is "In and Around the Grand -Canyon , " by George Wharfcon James , jnst published by Little , Brown & Co. It is a good sized book , with many pho tographic illustrations , as well of the Grand Canyon as of the author , on ex cellent pap&r. The pictures of the canyon are handsome and valuable , but there should have been a map , also an index , in a work of this sort. Books of any pretensions are not complete nowa days unless indexed , and this book deals sufficiently with the history , geol ogy and geography of its subject to be called a work of considerable preten sions. Its subject , of course , is the Grand Canyon ( to follow the author's spelling ) of the Colorado river in Ari zona. Though Mr. James spells canon , can yon , which it is quite lawful to do , lie does otherwise with Zuili , for instance , spelling it Zuni , with neither tilde nor y. On the other hand , he goes out of his way to spell Santa Fe , Santa Fe , thus departing both from the better Spanish practice and from that of the A. T. & S. F. railway company. Mr. James maybe well acquainted with Spanish ( one ought to be before writing books on the south-west ) but one is tempted to conjecture that he is not learned in the early history of his re gion ; the early American history , that is. Otherwise he could hardly , for in stance , have made so frequent mention of the geographical name Williams without giving some account of Old Bill Williams himself ; nor would he have followed Major Powell into one very strange error. In his historical survey , ho says , on page 18 , "In 1855 , a party of several men , led by one Ashley , made an at tempt to come through the canyon , and they were soon wrecked , and all but Ashley and one companion drowned. " His authority is Major Powell , to whom he dedicates his book , and whose ignor ance ( in 1872) ) in this matter has often been wondered at. The Ashley who at tempted to descend Green or Colorado river was General William H. Ashley of St. Louis , who was lieutenant-governor * of Missouri from 1820 to 1824 , a member of congress and a very conspicuous man in his time. It was in 1825 that ho made this venture , not 1855 , and none of his men were lost , if his narrative has been correctly transmitted. One thing which strikes the reader is the number of features of the. , canyon region which the author says he has himself named. In this regard , as in the matter of personal narration , the contrast with a somewhat similar work , Colonel Chittenden's "Yellowstone Na tional Park , " is very marked. It is not * 6 O # \ S o o * 4 > Elgin Watches .measure the flight of time with un [ erring accuracy. Perfectly adapted to the rougher usage of the mechanlo and the farmer as well as the gentler handling of the lady of fashion. They If I come in various sizes and patterns to suit everyone. Sold by Jewelers every where. g An Elgin Watch always has the ' word "Elgin" engraved on the works fully guaranteed. Send for free booklet. I every traveler who bestows names right and left and then puts them in a book. There is some curious , and , I believe , entirely fresh information concerning John D. Leo , the Mormon , which the author has collected at first hand. A. T. E. WILLIAM B. CARLILE. In the issue of August 8th , a short 3iographical sketch of William B. Car- lie appeared , which should have been credited to The Argus of Chicago , Ills. The publishers take this means of mak- ' mg the matter right. Rain and sweat have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re sists the damp keeps the leath er soft and pli 3WRSW able. Stitches do not not3WRSW No rough surface - \ face to chafe and cut. The harness not only keeps lookin like new , but wears twice as longby the use of Eureka Harness Oil. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. Made by Standard Oil Company IN STYLE QUALITY , WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH THE LEADING CARRIAGE AND HARNESS BUILDER * if if OF AMERICA , if if ti. P. KIMBALL & GO. 315,316,317 MICHIGAN AVE. , CHICAGO , ILL. FOR OUT OF TOWN PATRONS , A HANDSOME 'ATALOOUE CONTAINING OVER ONE HI'NDRED BEAUTIFUL HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CAR RIAGES , HARNESS , COACHMEN'S LIVERY , SAD * DIES , ETC. FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. fjf Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative.