M. | 3fPTystry&ffisfff-T T * I 12 Cbc Conservative. AS TO RAIN AND THE RAINMAKER. BDITOU GONSEKVATIVB : Although a. Inymnn , mid confessedly unqualified to settle the main question in your initial article , August 1st num ber , yet perhaps I may get in under the "sincerity" clause , and call your atten tion to the following news item clipped from Council Bluffs ( la. , ) Nonpareil of July 30th : Pottawattamie County. AVOCA , July 29. The latter part of the week a subscription paper was cir culated and enough money raised to buy 200 pounds of block powder , and Satur day afternoon the twelve-pound Parriott cannon , belonging to the town , was taken out two miles west , upon the ridge of hills and a cannonading was begun and continued until dark , the clouds in the meantime gathering con tinuously and rolling off to the north and northeast. At dark it began to lighten and thunder , and at two o'clock this morn ing a heavy rain fell , sufficient to re vive vegetation and to put new life into the corn crop. Pastures were drying up rapidly and many were feeding stock , and this rain will revive the fields and make pastures green again. And now also , comes Rainmaker Wright with the followingfrom Omaha Bee < 3f August 4th , 1901 : LINCOLN , Aug. 3. The gathering clouds this morning filled Rainmaker W. F. Wright with ecstatic joy. For several days he has been discharging his mortars at the heavens , and when the clouds began to darken in the northwest , ho claimed all the glory for his own. He said : "This is my rain. My experiment has been a grand , a complete suoces. This is due to my efforts at inducing arti ficial rainfall. The weather bureau pre dicted that it would be fair today. The rain that really came is mine. It took the preachers twenty-four hours to bring it. I got mine in thirty-six hours. My experiment has been a success ; my theories have been proven to be true. " There are skeptics in the laud as to the merits of the "percussion theory" of inducing precipitation , as there ore rationalists who hesitate to admit divine interposition in the natural order of ma terial things. Since Elijah held his fa mous rain-service on Mt. Carmel , his example has been followed many times , with varied results. So whether prayer is effectual in varying the visible order of things is a mooted question. Per haps , else , the modern rain-maker would deduce from the violence of the supplication of the prophets of Baal , a cause for the down-pour which so op portunely followed Elijah's service. It appears to be one of those interminable controversies that one century inherits from the preceding one ; and better than courts of inquiry and ecumenical coun cils for the settlement of such questions , is Admiral Schley's "honor enough for all. " W. H. P. Nebraska , City Neb. , Aug. 5 , 1901. FIRST NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , IMEB. United States Depository. Capital a rid Surplus , HERMAN KOUNTZE , President. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier. J. A. CREIGHTON , Vice Prest. * C. T. KOUNTZE , Ass't Cashier. .VWtoWAYtfum * 2 r + u s + A &in\/ it n r\cniKfici/"vikT F * tif n i cw 2f * . . . . . . , . . C. H. CANBY. U. R. DENNISTON. C W. GILLETT. C. H. CANBY & CO. , 1I 1 Stock Brokers and Commission Merchants , 1 NewYoJk Stock Exchange , 8 BOARD OF TRADE AND Chicago Board of Trade. 216 LASALLE STREET , Chicago Stock Exchange. nmiKico. Members Chicago and Duluth Board of Trade. STOCKS , BONDS , GRAIN , PROVISIONS , Private Wires to New York , Bos ton and principal Western Cities. 226-228 LA SALLE STREET , CHICAGO. Your Correspondence and Busi ness Solicited. o Lion Coffee is 16 ounces of pure [ coffee to the pound. Coated Coffees are only about 14 ounces of coffee and two ounces of eggs , glue , etc. , of no value to you , but , 1 money in the pocket of the roaster. THERE IS NO BETTER TRAIN TO BUFFALO , than the superbly equipped PAN- AMERICAN SPECIAL of the Michigan Central , "The Niagara Falls Route. " It leaves Chicago 6.00 p. m. ( dinner in dining oar ) and arrives Buffalo , via Niagara Falls , 7:45 next morn ing. City ticket office , 119 Adams Street , Chicago , 111. ith Premier Typewriter Is a Headlight THAT MAKES CLEAR THE PATH TO BUSINESS SYSTEM AND SATISFACTORY CORRESPONDENCE. > 5CNO FOR CATALOGUE' JhE 5miJh Premier Typewriter Co. CORNER 17TH AND FARNAM STS , OMAHA , NEBRASKA ,