* -M-J 12 Conservative. E. M. CAMPBELL. EDITOR CONSERVATIVE : I am in receipt of a letter , requesting me to furnish a letter to your paper , of which I am a render , stating what I have done and am doing under the present industrial and social conditions. I am glad of the opportunity to par ticipate in the articles you are to publish , as to a young man's chances to make his way in the world. Upon leaving schooleleven years ago , and at your suggestion and with Mr. Brown's permission , I was enabled to enter the employ of the 0. B. & Q. R. E. Co. , and at the end of three years , I shifted to other fields , which proved all but successful , owing to the panicky times , during which it was almost im possible to make any advancement , as there was a general curtailment in all lines of 'business. Four years ago , I reentered - entered the employ of the O. B. & Q. R. R. Co. , under Mr. Brown , and since then I have been enabled to make a slow and steady advance , but .to do this I have applied myself closely , endeavor ing at all times to thoroughly understand whatever I was doing , realizing it w ould be necessary to advancement , and that opportunities would be offered , as business was sure to increase and will continue to do so , since the policy of our government is sufficiently settled to give confidence to capital , with which our chances lie. When starting in life , if the young man outers with a will to excel in whatever he chooses , and will stick to it , unceasingly , he will surely win out , as the opportunities for such a young man are better than ever before , as every thing has been brought to such a high state that the services of the. best are always in demand. Chicago , 111. , July 22 , 1901. It isn't ' the Cook's ' Fault , It isn't ' your Grocer's ' Fault , that the bulk coffee you just purchased turns out to be differ ent from the "same kind" bought before. Coffee purchased in bulk is sure to vary. The sealed package in which LIpN COFFEE is sold insures uniform flavor and strength. It also keeps the coffee fresh and insures absolute purity. . „ The World is Our School Room Anywhere yon cnn get a technical edu cation By Mail and increase your earn ing capacity. You can earn while learn ing. Write for free circular : Salaried Positions for Learners We tcarll l > y nmil JTcrhanlrnl , Nlram , Klrclrlral , Clillanil .11 In in ( , - Knu-lnccrlnf ! Shop and Foundrj Prac tice ; Jlfclnnlcn ! Drawing ; Architecture ; Architectural Drawlne ; Plumbing , Heating and Ventilation ; Sheet SletnUVnrk ; Telephnnj ; Tflrgrfljihj ; ChemUtrf ) Orna * mental Ilenlgn ; tattering ; Hook-kecnlng ; Stenography ; Teaching ; Knplliih llranenen ; Ixicnmnllie Running ( for eiurtnecre nml flrcmcn only ) ; Kledrntherapeutlc * ( for physicians and nurses only ) . Our students succeed because they use I. C. S. textbooks. Schools are open all Bummer. State subject In wliieli Interested. International Correspondence Sihools , Box 1296 , Scranton , Pa. A good looking' horse and poor lookf / Ing liarneBB is the .J worst kind of a comftt1 blnatlon. Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness and the horse look better , but makes the leather soft and pliable , puts It in con dition to last twice as loni as it ordinarily would , .1 lug. Made ywhcre by STANDARD OIL , CO. Give Your Horse a Chancet INDIANA , ILLINOIS AND IOWA RAILROAD. THE CONNECTING TRUNK LINE , KXTKNUS FROM ST. JOSEPH , MICH. TO FUL.TON , IM , . , THROUGH SOUTH BEND , IND. , KANKAKEE , ILL. , STREATOR , ILL. CONNECTIONS AND JUNCTION POINTS , Direct Connections. Junction Poliitc A.T..S.F By . Streator , 111. B. & O. R. B . Walkorton , Jnd. B. C. B. & N. By . . ' . .Clinton , la. Chicago & Alton.By . Streator , 111. Chicago & Alton By . Dwight , 111. ' Streator , III. Zearing , 111. Walnut , 111. Denrock , 111. Clev. Cin. Chic. & St. L. By. .Kankakeo , 111. Chicago & East. 111. B. B . Momence , 111. Chicago & East. 111. B. B . Wheatfleld , Ind. Chicago , Ind. & Louisville ( Shelbr , Ind , By. Co. ( M'onon ) . j San Pierre , Ind. Chicago & Erie B. B . North Judson , Ind ( Fulton , 111. C. M. & St. P. By . } East Clinton , 111 ( Clinton , la. ( Fulton , 111. Chicago & Northwest. By. aSfflStnt 1 ( .Clinton , la. Chicago & So. Bond By . South Bend , Ind C. B. I. & P. By. . . . : . De Pue , Ind. Chic. & Wabash Val. B. B. . .Kersey , Ind. Davenp. B. I. & N. W. By. . . .Clinton , la. Grand Trunk By. System. . . South Bend , Ind. . K. . . ( . . S Kankftkce. 111. Lostant , HI. Indiana Northern By . South Bend , Ind. Ind" Lake Shore & Mich. So. By. ' " Lake Erie & Western B. B. . .Walkerton , Ind. Michigan Central B. B . j N. Y. C. & St. L. B. B . Knox , Ind. Pere Marquette By . St. Joseph , Mich. Lake Mich. Boat Lines . St. Joseph , Mich. P. C. C. & St. L . North Judson.Ind P. F. W. & C. By . Hamlet , Ind. Vandalia Line . South Bend , Ind. WTOV.OC.V.-R . . ( ( No. Liberty , Ind. . Beddick.IIl. Operating Fast Freight Service between the East and West , North and South , in connection with all the principal railroad systems and fast freight lines , thus avoiding" the delays to which traffic passing through Chicago is sub jected. General Ofllces , COS The Rookery , Chicago , III. T. P. SHONTS , GEO. H. ROSS , Fres. & Gen. Mgr. Traffic Mgr BOCKWELL KING MABK MOBTON JOY MOBTON BICHABD M. BIBDSALL , , , . , President. V. President , Treasurer. Secretary. Western Cold Storage Company. LARGEST COLD STORAGE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. * Nebraska City , Nebraska , Branch , Capacity 5,000 Cars , Do a general cold storage and freezing business , and make liberal advances on eggs , butter , cheese and poultry stored , at a low rate of interest. I r Correspondence Solicited. 39 N. STATE MAIN OFFICE ST. , CHICAGO. , WA RANDALL . MANAGER.