12 be Conservative * The Last Convulsion of the Copperheads. ( Continued from page 5. ) Bender stepped toward the Bible , and then for an instant paused , to cast n glance at the flag and another at the cool , determined man who had placed it there. Then , without more ado , ho be gan the services. Below him on the front seat sat his mourning relatives , who two mouths before had laid to hoi last rest the aged mother whoso funeral sermon Bender was this day to preach. The text chosen was "Whom the Lord loveth , Ho chasteiieth ; " and for an hour and a half the Rev. Alexander Campbell Bender poured out eloquent words and sentiments worthy of the grand big-hearted woman whose memo ry every acquaintance revered. As the last word of the benediction was spoken , Buckeye mounted the platform , shook Bender's hand and con gratulated him upon having preached the best discourse of his ministerial car- reer. "The fact is , Bender , there is an inspiration in the Stars and Stripes that will do all you preachers good. There is another thing you have learned today. Never place any confidence in the courage of the copperheads , and never again stick your nose into other pee ple's fights. Now , be good , and you'll be happy 1" Taking the flag with him , Buckeye and his Grand-Army comrades returned to the store where they wore soon joined by a considerable squad of Cap tain Gentry West's ex-Confederates. The feast of cove oysters and crackers , pickles , and good black coffee , and the fun and frolic of those ex-soldiers of the Blue and * the Gray on that Sab bath , was the celebration of a victory. "The tails of snakes never die till sun down , and this is the lost day of the copperheads" said Seth Cope. "To morrow the whole outfit will be a stink ing reminiscence , " drawled an ex-Con federate. Peace , good will , and reconciliation soon followed. The Copperheads had had their last convulsion. The tail end was dead. Salt Lake , Utah , July 15 , 1901. * A PONCA ROSE. The mention of "Buffalo Chip's laud" in the article on Mormon Antiquities re cently quoted from the Niobrara Pioneer neer , roused the curiosity of THE CON SERVATIVE , and an inquiry has elicited from Mr. E. A. Fry the courteous information mation that the reference was to a tract of land "allotted to a Ponca Indian by that euphonious name. " Mr. Fry is ig norant of the origin of the name , though he has * some dark surmises on the subject : "Who knows , " he says , "but what ho became lost in the hunt and was obliged to resort to that as food ? " Or ho may have dreamed of the ft' . : % 4ttftyfojift , < i substance in question , or been unusually addicted to it as a child , or the animals may have bestowed it upon him as his medicine , or he may have become asso ciated with it in a number of ways. Similar names are not rare in Indian literature , nor does the possession of them scorn to have been derogatory to the owner's dignity. Wo meet frequent ly , iii the annals of the fur trade , with such names as Merde do Vacho orCul de Cheval , as well as with others still more impossible , which caused the painter Catlin to take refuge in the Maudan language , and other writers to flee to Latin. The Boston Herald ( Ind. ) expresses the opinion that "it would not be easy for the republicans to present a better man on their side than is Mr. Olney. " WANTED : BACK NUMBERS. * Will some one who can spare them , please send copies of the following back numbers of THE CONSERVATIVE to the publishers : Vol. H , No. 2. Vol. II , No. 10. Vol. H , No. 23. In a Glass of Water. Put a handful digiased coffee in a glass of water , wash off the coating , look at it ; smell it ! Is it fit to drink ? Give LION COFFEE the same test. It leaves the water bright and clear , because Wsjust pure coffee. The sealed package Insures uniform Quality and freshness. Wells Fargo Companp Bank. SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. President , JOHN J. VALENTINE , San Francisco Manager' , HOMER 8. KINO , San Francisco Cashier , H. WADSWonin , San Francisco Asst. Cashier , F. Lr LIPMAN , San JTrancisco 2d Asst.Cashier , H. L. MILLER , San Francisco BRANCHES NEW YORK , H. B. PARSONB , Cashier SALT LAKE , J. E. DOOLY , Cashier PORTLAND , OR. , R. M. DOOLY , Cashier STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 31 , 1900. ASSETS * Loans $9,446,888.10 Bonds , Stocks and Warrants 1,261,200.47' RealEstato 1,231,914.57 Miscellaneous Assets 9,205.68 Due from Banks and Bankers 1,111,501.91 Cash 4,030,418.65 $17,091,214.18 LIABILITIES Capitalpaid up $ 500,000.00 Surplus 6,750,000.00 Undivided Profits . - 1,926,805.03 Deposits , Banks and Bankers 1,084,015.95 " Individual 7,830,802.60 $17,091,214.18 Qeneral Banking Business in all its branches. Correspondents throughout the "World. Ac counts received on favorable terms. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE , , , 709 CENTRAL AVE. BELL PnoNr 93 NEBRASKA CITY NEB , -THI ' NEBRASKA CITY COOPERAGE CO. . is now prepared to furnish APPLE BARRELS in any quantity on short notice. Shop 3rd St. and 1st Corso , Nebraska City , Neb. C , H. CANBY. U. R. DENNISTON. C. H. CANBY & CO. , Stock Brokers and Commission Merchants , Ne'w YoTk Stock Exchange , BOARD OF TRADE , AND Chicago Board of Trade. 2I < 5 LASALLE STREET , Chicago Stock Exchange.