The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, July 25, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. IV. NO. 3. , JULY 25 , 1901. SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS.
One dollar and a half per year in advance ,
postpaid to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska
City , Nebraska.
Advertising rates made known upon appli
Entered at the postoffice at Nebraska City ,
Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898.
The late Carl
A STARCH CENTER. Morton conceived
the idea of estab
lishing a manufactory of starch at Ne
braska City. He investigated the whole
question with zeal and thoroughness
and finally , by sound reasoning , per
suaded his father and his brothers to
enter into a corporation with others and
build the Argo Starch Factory at Ne
braska Oity. In the beginning this
"manufactory had a capacity of two
hundred and fifty bushels of corn each
day , and when it shut down for repairs
and betterments last month , it was con
suming twenty eight hundred bushels of
corn every twenty-four hours convert
ing it into starch.
The best Indian maize or corn country
on the globe , is within a circle of one
hundred and fifty
A Corn Country. miles , of which
Nebraska Oity is
the center. It is the hub of a corn-
growing wheel , the spokes of which
are one hundred and fifty miles long.
Within this area there has not been a
complete corn crop failure , all round , in
forty-seven years. Some crops have
been out short. But no corn crop in all
that time has been a failure out and
This has been' a hot , rainless July in
many portions of the north-west. But
corn is not so
Present Drought , badly damaged
in Fremont
county , Iowa ; Atchison county ,
Missouri , and in Oass , Otoe and Nemaha
counties in Nebraska , as to threaten "a
shut down" in the starch and cereal
mills of this town. On the contrary ,
there is enough corn safely maturing in
; he Missouri river'fclotto'm , lands in sight
of the Argo factory amd the Nebraska
Oity Cereal mills , to supply both those
concerns with grain until the crop of
1902 is matured , unless some further
catastrophe , not now in sight or proba
ble , occurs.
Conditions in the counties named are
not such as to discourage those who
have agricultural
Conditions. , experience and
knowledge. They
are such , however , as to demonstrate the
wisdom and sagacity , the far-seeing
business ability of Carl Morton , the
useful , native-born citizen of Otoo
county , whose youthful ambition and
effort was to make Nebraska Oity a
great starch-manufacturing center un
surpassed in the whole world. This de
vastating drought thus far proves that
no point in the country is better located
for sure corn crops year in and year out.
It is a blessed
HOME. thing to build , to
have , and to hold
steadily to a Home. There is a certain
Anglo-Saxonisni of meaning in this
term. It is derived from an Anglo-
Saxon word which means "to tie up
with , and make fast to- the soil. " In the
languages of all the Indian tribes which
preceded us on the plains of Nebraska one
can find no synonym for Home. There
is , in all the vocabulary of barbarism
the whole globe over , not a single word
or phrase which carries such a wealth
of tenderness , affectionate solicitude
and reverent regard , as this one beauti
ful word Home , conveys to the heart of
a refined man or woman.
The preachers of all modern schools
of theology inculcate a belief in a future
life an immor-
Theologians. tality beyond
the grave. They
all talk of a Heavenly Home , of
mansions in the skies. They never
speak of the celestial Flats of the New
Jerusalem. No clergyman depicts a
heavenly-boarding-house nor a grand ho
tel as an eternal possibility. But as the
gentle and constant felicities of human
homes on this kindly and fruitful globe
charm the faculties to the keenest and
most exquisite enjoyment , the great-
minded and kind-hearted dream of Para
dise , of heaven and call us all to think
of and prepare for an everlasting Home.
There will be in the Now Jerusalem
neither restaurants , hotels nor boardinghouses -
houses , only Homes , Homes , forever and
V * '
The intelligent
MEN AND HOGS , farmer in Ne
braska is a care
ful observer of the requirements of the
aw of heredity , when ho is breeding
tiogs , out of which to make profitably
selling pigs and porkers in the packing
house markets of the country. Then
the aforesaid yeoman declares , with
emphasis , that "like begets like , " and
that he will not couple inferior animals ,
nor permit parenthood to any of
either sex which show any signs of ,
weakness or deformities. But this same
farmer may denounce you as an aristo
crat and a bond-bloated , trust-sustained
enemy of "the plain people" if you
suggest to him that his son or daughter
ought not to marry into such and such
a family because , for several genera
tions , it has been tainted with drunken
ness on the male and tuberculosis on tlie
female side of the kinship. And with
vehemence you will be told that "one
man is as good as another , " that Jeffer
son so declared in the declaration of in
dependence , and that he agrees with
Jefferson , that all men "are born free
and equal. " In breeding men and wo
men the law of heredity is disregarded
and defied , and so measly weaklings
are constantly born into the human
family , while hogs are constantly im
proved by careful obedience to the laws
of transmission. When will men be
bred as wisely as swine are bred ?
In "Our Dumb
GEO. T. ANGEL. Animals" the
truism of Geo. T. Angel constantly
shines forth. Every man , woman and
child in the United States should sub
scribe for this valuable talker in favor
of those living creatures that can not
talk for themselves. Cruelty should be
eliminated from human instinctions and
a trend towards considerate kindness for
all breathing creatures "take its place.
Mr. Angel is a public benefactor.i Long
may he live ! God bless him !
It is about time
STANDARD OIL. for the Smythe-
minstrels with
Oldham and Bryan as "end men" and
J. Ham Lewis as "Bones , " to make an
other tour on "trusts. " The Standard
Oil , Starch and Cereal companies ought
to bo serenaded as soon as the autumn
campaign for fusion , illusion , delusion
and confusion begins. All corporate
capital must soon listen to the band
who make music for the plain people.
It is about time to tune up.