J " * * " ' ' " ' " ' v" j ' ' t vi " " & ' < ' - . ( , > A Conservative * nortli nnd to the Mississippi. Our oycs look upon a populous and prosperous city which shall watch forever over this grave , and around it a rich and happy state of the American union with more than 2,000,000 of patriotic inhabitants , who today recall with pride the story of the first American pioneers of the great west. It is a transformation - matohe'd in any oriental story. But these pilgrims of the wilderness , igno rant and undreaming of all this incredi ble future , passed on , plying their oars until at the end of nineteen days they met a joyous welcome from the villag ers of St. Louis , and rested from their labors. The Monument. But this lofty monument is not "erected solely to commemorate the modest life and humble career of the army sergeant whose bones were de posited in this soil long before the plow of civilization had disturbed it. Nor will this memorial only serve to cele brate the splendid exploration accom plished by his more fortunate com panions. It also perpetuates the memory of a great historic act which influenced the fate of three nations and opened the way to new liberties for mankind. It changed the development of our people , and gave a new pathway to the march of our young republic. It is this histor ical significance of the monument which induced the national congress , the legislature of Iowa , and the patriotic people of Sioux City to combine their 'efforts for its erection. It is my honor able , welcome duty today , fellow citi zens , to invite your attention to the history of that great acquisition in our national progress which this monument will forever commemorate ; and to indi cate its influence upon the later desti nies of the republic. French Louisiana. Before the outbreak of the Anglo- French war of 1756 the French king claimed under the name of "Louisiana , " not only all of the Mississippi valley west of that river , but also all the val ley on the east of it lying north of Spanish Florida , and eastward to the Allegheny mountains. The country north of the upper Ohio , however , was regarded as a part of Canada. The Count de Vorgennes in his memorial on the subject addressed to the King of France says that the Appalachian moun tains "separate the new France from the new F/dgland as distinctly as in Europe the mountains of the Pyrenees separate France from Spain ; " ( "sepa- rent aussi distinctement la nouvelle France de la nouvelle Angleterre , quo les Monts Pyrenees separent , en Europe , la France d'avec PEspagno. " ) The Louisiana of that day may be generally described as embracing the whole re gion north of Spanish Mexico and Spanish Florida , from the sources of the Alleghenies to the Rocky Mountains and from the sources of the Mississippi to its mouth , with the exception of that north-eastern part which was tributary to the great lakes north of the Ohio and was therefore associated with Canada. The French wore very active in es tablishing trading posts and making agreements with the Indians for com mon hostility to the English. Along the undefined boundaries , aggressions were continually occxirriug without waiting for declarations of war. When the war of 1766 came it proved exhaust ive for both parties , but ended most disastrously for the French. They were obliged in the end to surrender to the British , all of Canada and all of Louisiana lying east of the Mississippi , with the exception of New Orleans and the block of adjacent laud extending east to the boundary of west Florida. The delta east of the river , and all the remainder of Louisiana to the west and north west of the river as far as the mount ains was about the same time ceded to Spain in compensation for her losses in the war as the ally of France. The retention by the French king in his treaty with England of the lower east bank of the river , which gave to the jealous Spaniard the control of both banks for a long distance above the mouth , and of the whole gulf coast , was destined to cause much angry ex citement and trouble in the future , with much contention between the United States aud Spanish governments ; and it led later to a great change in the policy of the United States. The treaty of peace of 1768 assured to England the free navigation of the river to its mouth. But commerce in barges and flat boats required a depot near New Orleans for its transfer to ocean going vessels. France , however , had relieved herself of all trouble on this account by her secret transfer of the territory to Spain. After the peace of 1768 England found French interests withdrawn from the American continent ; and Spain was in possession of all the Mississippi region which France had owned or claimed , except that portion toward the Allegheuies which waa ceded by the treaty to Eng land. The New Republic. This was the situation when our revo lutionary war again disturbed the inter national conditions in respect to Louisi ana. Naturally the sympathies of the French people and government were with our American patriots because England was our adversary. But the memoir of Count de Vergennes , before referred to , shows that the motive of France for participating in the revolu tionary war as our ally was found in the hope of inducing Spain to retrocede Louisiana , and of recovering Canada for herself. The memoir expressly men tions the danger to both Spain and France if the Americans should succeed in their revolution. The French states man says plainly that "tho United Provinces of America , after shaking off the metropolitan yoke , will bo in a con dition to give the law to Franco and Spain in all America , and they will in vade their possessions at the moment when the two crowns would be least g thinking of it. " . The French gov ernment was not so desirous for our sue- ' ยง cess as for the loss by England of her American colonies and later acquisitions , and for the restoration to France of her own former possessions. But even with her aid the war had no such result. England retained Canada , and conceded to the revolted colonies their indepen dence , together with all the territory held by England south of Canada and east of the Mississippi. This territory seemed to our fathers vast enough for many generations of Americans. So late as 1801 Jefferson in his inaugural message congratulated the American people on "possessing a chosen country , with room enough for our descendants to the hundredth and thousandth generation. " And yet in that same generation , during that very administration , the expansion of the territory of the republic began , not by will of president or government , but by that providential force of development that has so often in our history over borne or compelled the will of man. The story of this wonderful transforma tion of public opinion and statesman ship may be briefly told. Spain and the Movement West. After the establishment of our inde pendence , and indeed before it , our al ready scattered population had begun to feel its way across the Alleghenies into the fertile lands of the great valley be yond. All the transportation of their products seaward must follow the cur rent of the rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. Spain , now holding all the outlets through east and west Florida , and the entire gulf coast as far as Mexi co by her acquisition of Louisiana , was arbitrary , selfish and jealous of this right of transit through her territory. The United States government by treaty in 1795 had secured from Spain the right of depot at New Orleans for products of the United States for the term of three years only , with provision for its continuance or for the establish ment'of another depot on the banks of the river. For a few years this arrange ment was continued undisturbed. Then came a report from Europe that Spain under the commanding influence of Bonaparte had retroceded-New Orleans and the entire province of Louisiana to France. In the subsequent excitement - among the colonists the Spanish intend- ant for some unknown reason cancelled ( Continued on page 13. )