The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, July 18, 1901, Page 13, Image 13

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'Cbe Conservative * 13
The Louisiana Purchase.
( Continued from page 12. )
fore caused a certain alienation of senti
ment between him and Washington.
The terrible excesses of the French revo
lution , its gross infidelity and its shock
ing bloodshed in the effort to abolish
Christianity and law , had offended all
Washington's sentiments of religion and
humanity. The sympathies of Wash
ington were on the side of the religious
t civilization of his English forefathers ;
while Jefferson looked complacently
upon the violent destruction of all that
was sanctified by ages of faith and of
custom. So now , after Washington's
„ death , himself in the president's chair ,
Jefferson was far behind other responsi
ble citizens of the republic in his appre
ciation of the perils arising from French
recklessness in resort to war and inter
national violence. He did not lead , but
followed , the people in their protest
against the fresh introduction of the
. power of Franco into the very center of
our continent.
The West not Wanted.
Jefferson's proposed measure of re
lief was limited and altogether inade
quate'to provide for the future interests
of the United States. His instruction
to his envoys was to obtain "a cession
X"- ' to the United States of New Orleans
I !
and of west and east Florida , or as
much thereof as the actual proprietor
can be prevailed on to part with. " That
is to say , their attention was called ex
clusively to the gulf coast line extend
ing from the Mississippi to the Atlantic.
This appeared to bo the maximum of
his wishes. There was no hint of our
requiring or of purchasing the great
territory west of the Mississippi. He
then proceeded to instruct them touch
ing a possible reduction of even this de
mand , if necessary. If no grant of ter
ritorial jurisdiction could be obtained
they wore to secure mere rights of de
posit , with the privilege of holding real
estate for commercial purposes. In
respect to the Floridas , the envoys were
to secure depots at the mouths of the
rivers which ran from the United
States throughl Florida to the sea , to
gether with their free navigation. And
the sum within which they were to ne
gotiate for any or all of these conces
sions was $2,000,000.
It thus appears that Jefferson had
never contemplated the acquisition of
what is called the "Louisiana purch
ase. " Popular opinion has attributed to
him a remarkable and statesmanlike
foresight in negotiating for that vast
tract of country west of the Mississippi
in order to provide for the future needs
of the then young republic. The truth ,
however , compels us to recognize the
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fact that neither the American people of
that day who were few in number
compared with the extent of their ex
isting territory , and who already pos
sessed ample lands beyond their power
of cultivation nor their statesmen , in
their farthest vision foresaw the amaz
ing development destined to come be
fore the end of the century. Jefferson's
plans , not anticipating but following
the demands of the "west , " only sought
to provide for an existing emergency ,
and to acquire in perpetuity a right
which had been once conceded to the
United States by Spain the right of a
free depot and transfer of their pro
ducts. That was the attitude of our
government when Monroe sailed for
France. Its eyes were directed to the
south , not to the west.
Bonaparte and Livingston.
The real scene of the story of the
Louisiana purchase is on the other side
of the Atlantic. It is laid in Paris ,
where the proposal of the greater tran
saction had its origin in the breast of
the powerful master of the French re
The editor of THE CONSERVATIVE has
been in the hands of a physician during
the past ten days , and has not been at his
office during that time. Remissuess in
attending to correspondence and other
duties is thus made excusable.
The Limited , " evening train , and "The Express , "
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