The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, July 04, 1901, Page 16, Image 16
CHEAPER THAN EVER -TO- COLORADO AND UTAH DAILY JUNE 18TH TO SEPT , 10TH , 1901 , VIA THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Round Trip Rates -FROM- Missouri River Points to Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo. i too nn June l8 . Sept. 1 to 10 . .UUTuly 10 to Ang.31 Similar reduced Rates on same dates to other Colorado and Utah Tourist Points. Rates from other points on Rock Is land Route proportionately lower on same dates of sale. Return Limit October 81 , 1901. THE SUPERB TRAIN 5 ? COLORADO FLYER Leaver Kansas City daily at 0 80 p. in. , Omaha 6.2U p. in. , St. Joseph 6.00 p. in. , arriving Denver 11.00 a. m. , Coloraaa Springs ( Manitou ) 10.33 a. in. . Pueblo 11 50 a. in. Write for details and Colorado literature. E W. THOMPSON , A. G. P. A. Topeka , Has. JOHN SEMASTIAN , G.P. A. , Chicago. There's no reflection dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that conies from Wax Candles Prepared ID many color tints to harmonica with enr- foundings in dining room , drawln bed room or ba everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. Epworth League California Excursions Account Fifth International Convention of Epworth League , San Francisco , July 18-21. San Francisco is an ideal summer resort weather always cool. Trip thither in summer , across high tablelands of New Mexico and Arizona is pleasant air bracing , no oppressive heat or dust. Best way to go is via Santa Fe Route , only line under one man agement , Chicago to San Francisco ; three daily trains to California , Fred Harvey meal service , personally conducted excursions. On the way visit Indian pueblos , and petrified forest , also Grand Cafion of Arizona world's greatest scenic spectacle , now easily ac cessible. See'Southeru California its noted resort hotels , idyllic valleys , majestic mountains , smooth beaches and lovely islands , its old mis sions , its semi-tropic fruits and flowers , its great oil wells. This im- .portant section reached via Santa Fe Route cheaper than most other lines and with greater comfort. Extremely low roundtrip rates ; liberal stop-over privileges ; choice of routes returning ; open to everybody. All ticket agents sell via Santa Fe Route. Descriptive literature on request. Address Gen. Pass. Office , A. T. & S. F. R'y , Chicago. Pe Route. ARGO Gloss Starch Is the whitest , purest and strongest of all Starches ; is peculiarly adapted to fine Fabrics and Laces , and gives to all Clothes a beau tiful , snow-white Satiny Finish that is so much desired and ad mired. mired.A A Pure Starch is a White Starch , and a White Starch ( being pure ) is a Strong Starch. ARGO STARCH satisfies every demand , causes no injury , and is perfect for all uses. ARGO STARCH is packed in all styles and sizes of pack ages and con bo obtained of all Leading Grocers. National iStarch Co. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB.