y. Conservative * 13 * ' i- ANNOUNCEMENT. Col. Edgar S. Dudley , whoso article upon the subject of the aclvauce of favorable conditions in Cuba , appears in this issue , was the first Judge Advocate at Havana , and is well qualified to write upon this subject. Col. Dudley came into personal contact with the conditions ho describes.t This contribution may bo accepted as authoritative , and wo are pleased to announce that it is the first published article upon this subject , written by a man who is qualified to speak from experi ence. A symposium upon the subject , "What arc the Young Man's Chances ? " will appear in THE CONSERVATIVE during the month of August. Contributions and illustrations are being received daily from men of prominence and success in all de partments of human activity. This number promises to be the most conspicuous issue of THE CONSERVATIVE , and will eclipse all other attempts by other- periodicals along this subject. THE CONSERVATIVE is especially desirous of having this number of THE CONSERVATIVE placed in the hands of as many of our American youth as possible. We are pleased to inform our readers that Judge Theodosius Botkin , a Kansas pioneer , has contributed an article upon the subject of "The Last Days of Coppor-Headism in Kansas. " It will appear in a near issue of the paper. THE MORTON PRINTING CO. THE CONSERVATIVE , ( An independent weekly. ) GOOD TIMES , ( A "mighty" interesting monthly. ) Campbell's Illustrated Journal , ( Captured the World's Fair and Paris Exposition Medals. ) All one year for the price of THE CONSERVATIVE , $1.5O. Reads Like A Fairy Tale Crossing the Rockies on a 43 foot grade , light , easy curves , 80 Ib. steel rails , a perfectly ballasted roadbed , gigantic embankments of disinte grated granite , through tunnels bored in solid granite , over stone and steel bridges , is now an , " > , " -A' ' ' V * * accomplished fact. A fascinating panorama of marvelous engineering. To see this , be sure your ticket reads over the UNION PACIFIC R. R ; STUDY THE MAP. MAP OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND CONNCCTIONt Qiivnw UNION PACIFIC RAIL.ROAD , E. L. LOMAX , G. P. & T. A. , OMAHA , NEB. ' " ' . ' , ' ' * , . ' . f- -s - ? ' ' ' * ' V _ ' "i = v .f > id * 'i'\r- ' : " ' > ' , fcW * ' - J ' ' . ' ' "v . ' ' '