The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 20, 1901, Page 19, Image 19
' - * > * H 'Cbe Conservative * 19 Name and Address Send them to me , stating when you contemplate visiting THE PAN-AMERICAN , and I will tell you how much * IT WILL COST | | To Spend Ten Days at Buffalo. o o Transportation , Hotel and * all Expenses. * | E. T. HEAD , Excursion Agent , HI Adams St. , CHICAGO , ILL. "The Limited , " evening train , and "The Express , " noon train , from Omaha for Chicago. UNEXCELLED SERVICE Day train and evening train from Omaha for Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tickets of agents of connecting lines. TV. H. BRILL , Dlst. Pass'r Agt. , Omaha. A. H. HANSON , G.P.A. , J. F , MEBRY , A.O.Pjt , Chicago DubuQue. WMMMMMMMMMMMMMW Galena Coach , Engine /and Car Oils S _ f Are the Standard Railway Lubricants of the World. \ m They are more Economical and Effective than any other J Railway Lubricating Oils to be had * Any where. m If you are not familiar with these facts , and are at all P interested , please inquire of Railway People. S S FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS Ss GALENA OIL COMPANY , S FranKlin , Pennsylvania. Charles Miller , President. s