The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 13, 1901, Page 9, Image 9
Conservative * a door , and in many instances there were windows in the doors. ( You will perceive the proper location of the various buildings by examining the plat , which is constructed on a scale of 80 feet to the inch ) . We also built a hospital and a sutler's store. No white people were to be found in that section prior to our com ing , though there were quite a good many Indians there and to the east of us. They belonged to the Otoe tribe. An Indian had been buried just west of our quarters prior to our coming. The grave was fresh , built up of sod above the ground on the high prairie. The Indian must have been buried in a sitting posture. Wo drilled every day. When it chanced to be too cold to bring out the horses , we drilled on foot. My company and some others built polo sheds covered with brush as stables for our horses , just south-west of our quarters and at their rear , but many of the horses were kept in the haystack yard and corall that we constructed about two hundred yards north-west of Col. Powell's quarters" The river was about a half mile north-east of the sutler's store , and there old John Boler [ Boulwaro ] estab lished a ferry after we came. There were just two trails that led from "Old Fort Kearney" at that time. They were little trails , one leading to Fort Leavenworth and the other led west to the Platte river. [ The California trail , by way of Ashland. ] Nothing of special interest happened during the winter , save that 250 of us wore sent out under Captain Craig on a scouting expedition after Sioux Indians. Wo went up through Council Bluffs to away above "Old Fort Vermillion , " to ward where Yankton now stands. Wo ran the Indians across the Missouri river and shelled them with a twelve pound howitzer we had , but the Indians would not stand to fight. We suffered much with the cold. A blizzard came up and wo lay for throe days in one place. Wore gene over two mouths , ( October and November ) . Wore on half rations the last month. Col. Powell was at headquarters all the time I was at the fort. He was a largo , portly man , and his adjutant ( Todd ) was also a large man. Neither one of them over appeared at drill , nor did either one of them ever go on a scout. Wo left "Old Fort Kearney" and estab lished "Fort Kearney on the Platte" in May , 1848. Trusting that I have helped you some in this matter , and assuring you that I shall gladly assist you more in any way possible , I submit these hastily written lines. Yours truly , S. P. Cox. This letter and the plat- which ac companies it , are both executed in a firm and fine hand. The lettering on the map is , indeed , so fine that it threatens to prevent our reproducing it photo graphically , as wo should like to do , the characters being almost too small to ad mit of the necessary further reduction. It shows the sutler's store , hospital , captains' and colonel's quarters , res pectively northeast , southeast , south west and northwest from the block house , and each removed about a hun dred feet from it ; the sutler's store being , therefore , about on the site of the Mor ton House , a building 40 x20 , standing north and south ; the hospital south of it , 60x20 , east and west ; the five cap tains somewhere in Rolfe's lumber yard , each having a room 20x20 , running east and west , Captain Sublette being to the west and the others following in the or der in which they are named in the letter - tor ; the colonel's quarters , consisting of three such rooms , perhaps about the Masonic building , standing north and south , with the colonel in the middle , the quarter-master on the north and the adjutant to the south. Then the barracks run south , with the stables parallel to them several rods west ; the barracks , therefore , approxi mately along the east line of Sixth street and the stables along the west line. Major Cox shows eight cabins for each company , Captain Sublette's com pany coming first , to the north , and the .next three following in the previous or der ; but Captain Stewart's detachment being set apart from the others , at right angles to them and eighty feet east from the southern extremity of the row. The parade ground was thus partially on- closed. Wo hopto be able to offer further treasures from the major's store-house of recollections of that early time. There are not many men able to give reminiscences of Nebraska in the 40's. A. T. RICHARDSON. THE AMERICAN INDIAN. Notable among the vast array of su perb exhibits in the United States govern ment building at the Pan-American Ex position is the Indian exhibit installed by Miss Alice Fletcher. The exhibit shows both her knowledge of the sub ject and her artistic appreciation of In dian character. At the entrance to the exhibit is a case full of Indian relics which antedate the discovery of America. To the initiated these are full of meaning. Then the evolution of the Indian under the influences of civiliza tion is told in the systematic installa tion until the final group , enclosed in beautiful grill work , shows the educated Indian to be artist , poet , scholar and author. This represents a modern sit ting room , mainly designed by Angel do Cora , an Indian girl who graduated from the Institute at Hampton , Vir ginia , and is now studying art , her * ' * cliosou profession , in Boston. The fireplace - place is a poem in wood. A conventionalized engle The Thun der Bird of the Indian in dark wood is inlaid on the light panel which supports the mantel shelf. It is placed hero be cause the Thunder Bird is also a typo of the sun , the source of all heat and fire. Around the entire mantel is a wood- carved scroll made up of the sacred fire sticks with which the Indian produced fire by friction. In the topmost panel is an oil paint ing representing a fiery sunset on the prairie. In the left of the picture is a group of Indian tents through which the glow of the evening fires shine. On a knoll near the center are an Indian maiden and an Indian brave grouped so as to indicate the formation of another hearthstone in the near future. In this room are articles of furniture , hand-carved and inlaid with onyx. This dainty apartment is hung with beautiful portieres woven by the Navajo Indi ans. ans.Near Near the entrance , is a column of dif ferent colored woods arranged so as to look from a distance like a costly mo saic. saic.The The pedestal has four faces , on which are inlaid mythological designs and symbols of Indian allegories much older than the advent of the pale face to this hemisphere , which cannot be interpre ted by Miss Fletcher or any other ex pert in the history or religion of the American Indiau. The capital is as ornate as that of a Corinthian column and reproduces four heads of Moqui. Indiau maidens , clust ers of oak leaves and acorns , etc. Gu top of this column is an ancient urn of classic shape , which suggests those seen at Pompeii and the Museums of Greece. Around the bottom o ? this pedestal is a reproduction of the well known Greek border. A suggestion of this bor der occurs on many of the more ancient water jugs , plaques , etc. The exhibit is in charge of the Indian author , Francis La Flesche. FOOL LAWS. If some people have in-growing toenails - nails they think there should bo a law passed to relieve them. There are more fool laws on the statute books of Ne braska than good ones. A law against sunflowers and another against thistles , when elbow grease and brine are the only remedy. There are laws to make railroads put in switches whore there never was any thing to switch , and laws to make them maintain stations where there is not enough business to board a station agent. There are laws to restrain men from plowing the road way and laws compelling them to keep down weeds in the roadway. And so each succeeding legislature passes some fool bills at the solicitation of some fool member who thinks a state law can make anybody a good living without work aiid make trees grow where none have ever been planted. York Times.