The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 13, 1901, Page 20, Image 20
E. 20 Conservative. Copyrighted by the Press Publishing Associntion. $15.000 IN GASH TO BE GIVEN AWAY. TXE PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION will give $15,000 , in 1000 GASH PRIZES to those making the nearest estimates on the combined Official Vote of OHIO , MASSACHUSETTS and IOWA , cast for Governor on the5th day of November , 1001. 2,000OOO.VOTES , RECKON , IN OHIO , MASS. , AND IOWA. WrtAT DO YOU ESTIMATE- ? IOWA Estimate the total vote in these three States combined for GOVERNOR nnd send your estimate and subscription to THE CONSERVATIVE and you will receive a certificate , which will en title you to participate in the distribution of the $15,000 , to be awarded by the PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION , of De troit Mich. , to those making the nearest estimates of the Official Vote for Governor in the States of Ohio , Massachusetts and Iowa , to be determined by the Election held on the 5th day of November , 1001. We have have made arrangements with the PRESS PUB LISHING ASSOCIATION , of Detroit , Mich. , to enable our sub scribers to participate in the distribution of these magnificient prizes , amounting to $15,000. , f * I I D CC" IT C" D " UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE * J \J I * \J r r EL. l"l every one who sends us $1.50 for one year's subscription to THE CONSERVATIVE will receive a certificate which will entitle him to participate in the distribu tion of the Prizes. Present subscribers may take advantage of this offer , and their subscriptions willbo extended one year from date of expiration. No advance is made in the price of our paper ; you get the certificate absolutely free. YOUR E , ST I iVI A I El. . in your subscrip tion you also send your estimate. Be careful to write your name , address and estimate as plainly as possible. As , soon as we re ceive your subscription wo will send you a certificate of the PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION , OF DETROIT , MICH. , containing your estimate , which will insure you any prize your estimate may entitle you to claim. Wo will file a duplicate cer tificate with the Press Publishing Association. Every subscriber certificates he sends subscriptions to THE CONSERVATIVE. receive as may make as many estimates and will as many Club raisers will receive a certificate for each subscription obtained. VALUABLE INFORMATION. To aid subscribers in forming their estimate , we furnish the fol lowing data : The combined Official Vote in these three States in 1,537,40:1 : 1,684,420 increase 9.56 % 1,610,422 decrease 4.04 % 1,533,887 " 5.10 % 1,570,452 increase 277 % 1,028,718 " 22.22 % 1,572,109 decrease 18.40 % 1,532,540 " 2.52 % 1,653,880 increase 7.89 % 1,965,010 " 18.88 % The certificates of the Secretaries of the States named showing the Combined Official Vote will determine who are entitled to the Prizes and the awards will be made within 80 days after the Official vote is known. THE CONSERVATIVE will publish the names and addresses of the succeasfurEstimators. Statement of Mr. W. A. Pungs , President of the Central Savings Bank , Detroit , Mich. I Hereby Certify , that the Press Publishing Association and Iowa , and that this fund can be used for no other purpose. President Central Savings Bank , Detroit , Mich. DPRIZESITOIBE AWARDEDJAS FOLLOWS : To the Nearest Correct Estimate $5 OOQ.OC To the 2nd 2,500.0 ! TothoSrd 1,000.00 To the 4th 500.00 To the 5th 800.00 To the 6th 200.00 To the 7th 100.00 To the 8th - 75.00 To the Oth 50.00 To the 10th 25.00 To the next 10 nearest $15 each 150.00 Tothenext anearest 10 each 350.00 To the next 142 nearest 6 each 710.00 To the next 160 nearest 4 each 640.00 To the next 180 nearest 8 each 540.00 To the next 200 nearest 2 each 400.00 To the next 260 nearest 1 each 200.00 Total 997 prizes , amounting to $12,800.00 In addition to the above Prizes , the following Special Prizes will be paid. To the person making the nearest correct estimate before July 10th $1,000.00 To the person making the nearest correct estimate between July 10th and August 10th. . . . . . . . , $700.00 To the person making the nearest correct estimate between August 10th and September 10th , . . -$500.00 Total , 1,000 , prizes , amounting to $15,000.00 In case of a tie , or that two or more estimators are equally cor rect , prizes will bo divided equally between them. THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST OFFERS EVER MADE. REMEMBER THAT THE FIRST PRIZE is $5,000.00 THE CASH MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ORDER. The Conservative costs you only $1.50. You get the Certificate ABSOLUTE LY FREE. ADDRESS YOUR ORDERS TO Circulation Dept. THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb.