The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 06, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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"It is found that there exists a con
siderable uumber of works and memoirs ,
published during the last hundred years ,
iu which mathematical methods have
been applied to the moral sciences , es-
jMjcially to political economy. The mis
taken character of some of these at
tempts , and the prejudice against the
introduction of the mathematical meth
ods into the moral and social sciences ,
have caused these works to be over
looked. Many of them have been long
forgotten , and it is probable that some
may exist which still elude inquiry.
Partly with the purpose of discovering
such forgotten works and memoirs , the
following preliminary list of writings
on the mathematical theory of political
economy has been prepared , and it is
now printed in the hope that suggest-
tious may be thereby elicited for its ex
tension and correction.
"It should be noted that the present
list is not intended to include works on
vital statistics , sanitary science , anthro
pometry , etc. , but merely mathematical
treatises on wealth , value , capital , in
terest , rent , taxation , etc.
1793. Lang. Historifiche Eutwickel-
uug der Deutscheu Steuerverfassung.
1802. Canard ( Nicholas Francois ) .
Priucipes d'Ecouomie Politique : Ouv-
rage courouue par 1'Iustitut. 8vo.
1802. Brisson ( B. ) . Essai sur la
Navigation. Paris.
1807. Lang. Ueber den obersteu
Gruudsatz der Politischen Occouomie.
8vo. Riga.
1816. Buquoy ( G. Graf von ) . Theorie
der Natioualwirthschaft. Leipzig ; hier-
zn 8 Nachtrage , 1810-18.
1825. Fuoco ( Francesco ) . Saggi Econ
omic ! . Prima Serie. 2 torn , 8vo. Pisa ,
1829. . Whewell ( William ) . Mathe
matical Exposition of some Doctrines of
Political Economy. Cambridge Philo
sophical Transactions , vol. Ill , pp. 191-
280. 4to. Cambridge.
1831. Walrus ( Augnste ) . De la Nat
ure de la Richesse et de 1'origiue de la
Valour. 8vo. Paris. ( Pp. xxiv , 834. )
1881. Whewell ( William ) . Mathe
matical Exposition of the Leading Doc
trines in Mr. Ricardo's "Principles of
Political Economy and Taxation. ' ' Cam
bridge Philosophical Transactions , vol.
iv , pp. 155-198. 4to. Cambridge.
1888. Couruot ( Augustiu ) . Recher-
ches sur les Priucipes Mathematiques de
la Theorio des Richesses. 8vo. Paris.
( Pp. xi , 198. )
1888. Tozer ( John ) . Mathematical
Investigation of the Effect of Machinery
on the Wealth of a Community in which
it is employed , and on the Fund for the
Payment of Wages. Cambridge Philo
sophical Transactions , vol. vi , pp. 507-
522. 4to. Cambridge.
1889. Hogeu ( Karl Heiurich ) . Vender
der Stoatslehre und von der Vorbereit-
ung zum Dienste ia der Staatsverwalt-
ung. Aufsatze gerichtet an augeheude
Cameralisteu zuuachst an seine Herreu
zuhoreu , von K. H. H. 8vo. Koeuigs-
berg. ( Pp.477. )
1840. Anonymous. On Currency.
London ( Chas. Knight and Co. ) . ( Pp.
viii , 48 , xxi.
1840. Tozer ( John ) . On the effect of
the non-Residence of Landlords , &c. , on
the Wealth of a Community. Cam
bridge Philosophical Transactions , vol.
vii , pp. 189-19(5. ( 4to. Cambridge.
1844. Dupuit ( J. ) . De la Mesurede
PUtilite des Travaux Publics. Auuales
des Pouts et Chaussees. 2d serie. Tome
viii , pp. 882-875. 8vo. Paris.
1844. Hageu ( O. H. ) . DieNothwen-
digkeit der Haudelsfreiheit fur das Na-
tioualeiukommeu , mathematisch uach-
gewieseu. 8 vo. Koeuigsberg. ( Pp.82. )
1844. Hageu ( C.H. ) . System of Po
litical Economy. Translated from the
German by John Prince Smith. 8vo.
London. ( Pp. viii , 88. )
1847. Bordas. De la Mesurede 1'Util-
ite des Travaux Publics. Annales des
Fonts et Chaussees , 1847 , ler semestre ,
2me serie , tome xiii , p. 249. 8vo. Paris.
1848. Mill ( John Stuart ) . Principles
of Political Economy , with some of
their applications to Social Philosophy.
2 vols. 8vo. London. ( Book iii , chapters
xvii , xviii. )
1849. Dupuit ( J. ) . De rinfluence des
Peages sur 1'Utilite des Voies de Com
munication. Annales des Pouts et
Chaussees. No. 207. 2e serie , 1849 , ler
semestre , . 8vo. Paris. ( Pp. 170-248. )
1850. De Thunen. Isolirte Stoat. 2e
1850. Minard. De 1'Usago Gratuit
des Constructions establies aux Frais de
1'Etat. Aunales des pouts et Chaussees ,
2e serie , ler semestre. 8vo. Paris. ( P.
27. )
1850. Lardner ( Dionysius ) . Railway
Economy. 8vo. London. ( Chapter xiii. )
1851. Esmenard Du Mazet. De la
Valour : LettreaM. J. Gamier. 8vo.
1851. De Thuuen. Recherohes sur
1'Influeuce quo le Prix des Grains , la
Richosse du Sol , ot les Impots exercent
sur les Systemes do Culture. Traduit
par Laverriero. 8vo. Paris.
1851. Noirot ( N. J. E. ) . L'Art de
Conjeoturer , applique aux Sciences Mor
ales et Politiques. 8vo. Paris.
1850. Wolkoff ( M. ) . Journal des
Economistes , Aout , 1856. 8vo. Paris.
1854. Wolkoff ( Mathieu ) . Opuscules
sur le Rente Fonciere. 8vo. Paris.
( Pp. 281. )
1857. De Thunen. Lo Salaire Natur-
el , ot son rapport au taux de 1'Iiiteret.
Tradnit de 1'Allemand par Mathieu
Wolkoff. Paris.
1857. Boccardo ( Girolamo ) . Dizion-
ario della Economia Politica o Com-
mercio , &c. 4o. Torino.
1800. Du Mesnil-Marigny. Les Libre
Exchangistes et lesProtectionnistes Con-
cilies. 8vo. Paris. ( Pp. 418. )
1801. Wolkoff ( M. ) . Lecturesd'Econ-
omie Politique Rationelle. 12mo. Paris.
1802. Jevons ( W. Stanley ) . Notice of
a General Mathematical Theory of Po
litical Economy. Report of the 82nd
meeting of the British Association for
bhe Advancement of Science , held at
Cambridge in October , 1802. Reports of
Sections , p. 158. 8vo. London , 1868.
1862. MacleodHenry ( Dunning ) . On
the Definition and Nature of the Science
of Political Economy. Report of the
82nd meeting of the British Association ,
&c. Reports of sections , pp. 159-161.
1868. Cournot ( Augustin ) . Principes
de la Theorie des Richesses. 8vo. Paris.
( Pp. iv.,527. )
1868. Mooleod ( H. D. ) . A Diction
ary of Political Economy : Biographical ,
liistorical , and practical. Vol. i. 8vo.
London. ( Article Credft , p. 567. )
1864. Fauvea ( G. ) . Considerations
Mathematiques sur la Theorie do 1'Im-
pot. 8vo. Paris. ( Pp. 64. )
1866. JevonW. ( S. ) . Brief Account
of a General Mathematical Theory of
Political Economy. Journal of the
Statistical Society of London , June ,
I860. Vol.xxixpp.282-287. 8vo. London.
1868. Rau ( Karl Heinrich ) . Grund-
satze der Volkswirthsohaftslehre. Achte
Ausgabe. Erste Abtheilung , p. 868.
8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg.
1868. JenkinFleeming ( ) . The Graph
ic Representation of the Laws of Supply
and Demand , and their application to
Labour. Recess Studies , edited by Sir
Alexander Grant. 8vo. Edinburgh.
( Pp. 151-185. )
1871. Jevons ( W.S. ) . The Theory of
Political Economy. 8vo. London. ( Pp.
xvi , 267. )
1871. Jenkin . ( Fleeming ) . On the
Principles which regulate the incidence
of Taxes. Proceedings of the Royal So
ciety of Edinburgh. Session 1871-72.
( Pp. 618-681. )
1878. Bing Og Peterson. Bestom-
melse af den rationelle Arbeidslon samt
nogle Bcmaerkiiinger om Ekouomieus
Methode. Nationaloekonomisk Tids-
skrift. Forste Bind , p. 296. Copen
1878. Recherche sur la methodo a
adopter pour la discussion des elements
de la Statistique. Journal des Actu
aries Francais. Vol. ii. ( Pp. 58-78 , 251-
268. )
1878. Walras ( Leon ) . Principe d'une
Theorie Mathematiquo de 1'Exchange :
Memoire lu a 1'Academie des Sciences
Morales et Politiques. ( Seances des 16
et 28 Aout , 1878) ) , ( pp. 24) ) . 8vo. Orleans ,
1874. D'Auluis de Bourouill ( Johan ) .
Het Inkomen der Maatsohappij. Eene