The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 06, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
Conservative Arc the people OFFICIAL BONDS , capable of self- government ? If they are , then after selecting n county treasurer or state treasurer , or any other officer to whom are entrusted the money and business of the public , they ought not to ask a few citizens to go upon an official bond of that officer , to protect all the citizens against loss by his official acts. acts.Do Do the majority , when they demand indemnity from a small number of citi zens , against wrong-doing by an official selected by a majority of all the citizens , endorse and aver faith in the popular power to pick out a proper officer , or evince their mistrust of the capability of selection by the multitude ? When A. B. and 0. are asked to do , what no man of family has a moral right to do , that is , to jeopardize , by signing an official bond , the substance which belongs to their own families , is it not a confession that the majority are incapable of electing perfectly and cer tainly competent and honest men ? Is it not pleading the "baby act , " to ask a few men to guarantee the community against the losses which may accrue from agents whom all men have been given a right to vote for ? Every law in Nebraska providing for bonds of indemnity to bo given by county treasurers Character. and other fiduciary officers , ought to be repealed. Then , after that repeal , when it is perfectly known that no treasurer or other officer can default without having the loss visited prc-rata upon every property holder or tax payer in the county , there will be a premium on character for honesty and ability , in all nominating conventions. Then no political organization will name for snob offices , men who have not business and moral qualifications to efficiently and satisfactorily discharge the duties and conserve the trusts which they carry. If a majority are capable of self-gov ernment , capable of selecting by their votes , the proper persons to do the pub lic work , a minority ought not to be asked to indemnify them against pecu lations , or malfeasance , by the men of their own choice. , TiiE CONSERVATIVE will continue this discussion from time to time. It is credibly re- WEEPING. ported that when the denunciations of the judges of the Supreme Court and the ridicule of their decisions in the insular cases by the peerless commoner , of Lincoln , reached that august body of venerable men , they broke with lachry mose unanimity into a torrential tear- shedding downpour. It is said that Chief Justice Fuller called a special bession of the Supreme Court in Cham- bora , and read to the aghast members ' V K * TT < lioreof , the tremendous scolding which 'the peerless ono" had administered. The modest , but majestic criticism , con- lomnation. and annihilation of the opinions of the several judges coming as it did from a "matchless" expounder of the constitution burned into their very souls , and the dome of the capitol resounded with the wails of their in finite anguish. It is time that the Su preme Court of the United States should know that the master of the law ives at Lincoln , that ho , now and then , runs for the presidency , and that in the lollow of his intellect he holds judges , is the sea holds little snail shells in its mighty depths. After the sowing BETTER broad-cast by the RESIGN. associated press dispatches - patches , of the timothy of truth and the clover of .agio , gleaned from the measureless thought-fields of "the peerless" citizen of Lincoln , how con the Judges of the Supreme Court fail to resign immedi ately ? How dare they cumber the seats of the mighty any longer ? Has not the unfailing prophet spoken ? Has he not with a single cyclone from his vast knowledge of the needs , possibilities , conomics , subjugations , and crowii- threatenings , which encompass round about the "plain people , " erased , oblit erated , pulverized and blown away the mental microbes of that judicial an tiquity ? What do they signify now of laws or of the constitution since their master has spoken ? The first rudiment SELF RELIANCE , of a successful career , is self reli ance. The individual who believes he can honestly earn a living for himself by his own manual and mental labors , has the only faith , out of which pros perity and happiness can be evolved. No human being can sincerely respect his own personality , if it is incapable of efforts , out of which self-support is certain to come. , The grandest and subliniest condition of humanity is that of useful work. By work , and by work only , can solid character be achieved. Mere reputation may bubble up , foam over and evaporate like a soft summer drink. But character abidoth forever , and iufluenceth generation after genera tion of our race for either good or evil. The ablest , best PACIFIC DAILY , edited , most news- bringing journal on the Pacific coast , is the San Francisco Daily Call. It is full of enterprise , and its leading editorials are distinguished for virility , forcefulness and lucidity. .71 v- " ' The partisan press THAT NEW PO- generally condemns LITICAL PARTY , the suggestion of a new political organi zation for the United States. The real , zealous , strait-waisted organs of the al- eged republican party are unanimous n ridicule , denunciation and protesta- ion. And the journals of the agglom erated elements of discontent , com- nunism , populism and anonymous as pirations which have been fused into an alleged democratic party , are equally one-minded and fervid in their condem- mtion of the proposed conservative party. Both sets of political exhorters aver that there is no room for another mrty , and that the two old ones must ight out the salvation of the American people. Some republican editors have proclaimed the proposed political or- auization of the best citizenship for purely political purposes , "a mere fig ment of the imagination. " These sensitive partisans are sightless. They fail to see that the best citizen ship was organized Neither Won. and did gallant service in the elec tions of 1890 and 1900. They are inca pable of tmderstanding that neither of ; he old political parties was powerful enough to elect a president in either of the years named. Each named a can didate for the presidency in those years. Neither could , within its own organiza tion furnish votes to elect its nominee in either year. Both have confessed that fact. McKinley and Bryan have each said or admitted that the so-called gold democrats determined the presi dency of these United States. Every body knows , however , that they chose between what they considered two dangers , and selected that which they thought to be least menacing to the country and to the best interests of its inhabitants. There is and has been ever since 1884 a very well organized balance of power party in America. The Balance of It elected Cleve- Power. land twice and Harrison once and McKinley twice. It prevented the elec tion of sixteen-to-one-ism and - - - squelched the vagaries and fallacies of populism in 1900. The independent , unchained , un-bossed and unpurchasablo vote of the United States gets bigger and big ger every year. It may not nominate presidents. But it can and does elect them. The small-soulcd , little-eyed merce naries who edit the narrow-gauge parti san papers of the country seem incapa ble of comprehending an American citizenship too sturdy and strenuous to be bound and bossed by mere partyism. And yet that sort of men have deter mined each national election since 1884. Why not have an independent voters' organization ? What harm can a bal- ance-of-power party bring about ?