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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1901)
Conservative. BURLINGTON ROUTE PUBLICATIONS H-tol Call for ii In Seventy-two pages , beautifully printed , bound and illustrated ; sixty-two pictures of the matchless valleys , mountains , lakes and groves of the Golden State. It is neither a guide-book nor a railroad advertisement. In a charming style it describes the state from one end to the other , particularly that portion of it round about Lo3 Angeles. Six cents , California Kxcurnions A folder of twenty-four pages de scriptive of the Burlington's personally-conducted excursions to and from California. Contains rt man showing route from Boston to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Cuts made from actual photo graphs illustrate the comfort and convenience of Burlington tourist-cars. West-bound folder tells all about the excursions to the Pacific coast ; east-bound folder , all about the return trip. Free. Colorado Seventy-two pages , fifty-six handsome illustra tions. The front cover specially designed in colors very fine. This book , written in a most delightful vein , gives pleasing glimpses of a mountain world , whoso colossal beauty never wearies or changes or grows old. A bird's-eye map of Colorado , showing tourist resorts is appended. Six cents. Sylvan take A folder of sixteen pages , containing a half dozen unusually beautiful views of the most picturesque spot in the Black Hills. In one of the remote nooks , hidden away among the towering and fantastic rocks , is this little lake of clear , cold water , with an admirably appointed hotel on its craggy bank. Free. Free.Hot Hot Springs A thirty-two page folder , illustrated by a dozen - on views of scenery in and about this famous health-resort of the Black Hills. Contains an accurate list of the hotels and sanitar iums with rates and accommodations. Free. tittle JourneyH In the Black Hills A booklet of thirty- two pages , with ton illustrations , descriptive of several facinat- iiiK trips offered between Hot Springs and Spearfish , 8. D. , whore the railroad winds among peaks , up and down grade , into and out of mighty canyons , through gloomy forests , by great preci pices , and past beautiful dells. Free. The Yellowstone National Park A thirty-pace'folder , containing a large and absolutely correct map of Yellowstone Park , several fine illustrations , and a vast amount of valuable information about the trip through Yellowstone Park. Free. Kntos Park , Colo. Illustrated , twenty-four pages. Treats briefly and interestingly of the scenery , fishing , flora , climate , hunting and other features of Colorado's most beautiful park. Free. Roses on the Train A four-page leaflet , illustrated , telling the care taken by the Burlington Route to provide flowers for its dining-cars. Seven greenhouses of the Burlington furnish 80,000 cut flowers every month for this purpose. Free. The Valley of the North Platte in Northwest Nebraska A booklet of thirty-two pages , thwt jttet flts the coat pocket and contains much instructive reading matter. It treats of a fer tile valley recently made accessible by the extension of the Burlington linos. It tells of the uncommon opportunities for success offered there. Free. Custor Battlefield An attractive little book of twenty pages. Contains a brief account of the battle of the Little Big Horn , Juno 25,1876 , where Major Grenoaal Ouster and 201 men of the 7th U. S. Cavalry wore massacred. Eight illustrations. Worth sending for worth reading. Free. At Your Service A unique little booklet of twenty-four pages , which contains a good deal of information about the Bur lington Railroad , and incidentally tells how to use to advantage its general agencies which are scattered all over the United States. Free. A Map of the United States Three feet four inches wide by four feet long ; printed in six colors ; mounted on rollers ; snows every state , county , important town and railroad in the Union. A new addition also shows the country divided according to territorial acquisitions. Sent on receipt of 15 cents in stamps less than cost. J. FRANCIS , CEN'L PASS. AGENT , OMAHA , NEB. THE CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK Dearborn and Monroe Streets , CHICAGO. CAPITAL $500,000 SURPLUS 500,000 INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. Accounts are kept in conformity with the practice of Chicago Banks. Interest Is allowed on the minimum balance of such accounts on terms which may be ascer tained on application. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Deposits received for fixed periods , on which interest is allowed at current rates. Sums of fifty dollars or more received , repayable on demand without interest. LETTERS OF CREDIT. Letters of credit for travelers issued , available in the principal cities of the world. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. Cable transfers made. BONDS. Municipal , railroad , gas and other corporation bonds bought and sold , CORRESPONDENCE or a personal interview with a view to business relations respectful'y ' Invited. DIRECTORS ; D. K. C. BILLINGS , J. R. WALSH , ANDREW McNALLY , F. M. BLOUNT , MAURICE ROSENFELD , JOHN M.SMYTH , WILLIAM BEST. J. R. WALSH , President. A. MoNALLY , Vlco-Prosldent. F. M. BLOUNT , Vice-President , T. M. JACKSON , Cashier. F. W. McLEAN , Assistant Cashier. A. UHRLAUB , Assistant Cashier. WHITEBREAST FUEL COMPANY , OF ILLINOIS. IOWA AND CLEVELAND. PEKAY. ILLINOIS SMOKY HOLLOW COAL. DUNFERMLINE. W. H. WHITE , Gen. Sales Agent , OTTUMWA , IOWA. THF MORTON PRINTING ftfl SOUTH SIXTH STREET IHE muni UN ritlNlinU UU.f NEBRASKA CITY , NEB > , Bank , Commercial , Book and Catalog Printing. Use Rock Salt for Brine , Pickles , Hides , Meats , Ice Cream , Ice Making , Fertilizingand Refrigeration. USE Kansas Lump Rock Salt GROUND ROCK SALT MINES & WORKS For Stock.MINES FOR STOCK , . LYONS &KANOPOLIS , KAN PUREST , MOST HEALTHFUL , BEST , HIGHEST AWARDS AND MEDALS FOR PURITY , WORLD'S EXPOSITION , CHICAGO , 1893 , TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION , OMAHA , 1699 , WESTERN ROCK SALT CO. , ST. LOUIS , MO.