The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 06, 1901, Image 1
' * , ' r ; Che Conservative. VOL. III. NO. 48. NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA , JUNE 6 , 1901. SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK , 12,457 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year in advance , postpaid to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONBHRVATIVB , Nebraska City , Nebraska. Advertising rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898. Some time since , RURAL BANKS IN THE CONSERVATIVE OTOE COUNTY. made inquiries of each one of the rural banks in this county as to the average deposits which each one had carried for the year. From such inquiries we are able to give our readers the following facts relative to the banks in Otoe coun ty , outside of Nebraska Oity : The Bank of Douglas averaged , dur ing the year 1900 , deposits of $58,000 and had 295 customers. The Bank of Burr averaged $36,000 in deposits and had 104 depositors. The Bank of Syracuse had average de posits of $75,000 , and the number of their depositors was 850. The First National Bank of Syracuse carried $180,000 in deposits , and served 445 customers. The State Bank of Dnnbar , eighl miles west of Nebraska Oity , showed $110,000 average deposits for the year 1900 , and had 245 customers. The Bank of Berlin , during the same period of time , carried deposits averag ing $55,000 , and had 160 different ac counts. The Bank of Tahnage , during the same yeas carried an average deposit of $100,000 , and served 200 depositors. The deposits in this bank , however , on the 27th of April , 1901 , reached $125,000. The Bank of Lortou commenced busi ness on May 5th , 1900 , and its average deposits have been $15,000 , and its clientele number 50. The Bank of Palmyra , during the last year , carried average deposits of a little over $66,000 and had 200 depositors. The First State Bank , of Lortou , car ried average deposits of $22,000 and had 70 customers. The Bank of Unadilla carried average deposits of $46,626.81 , and served 199 depositors during the year. In that line its total deposits reached more than mlf a million of .dollars , and it issued more than 2,700 drafts. These facilities for banking in Otoe county are a great convenience and benefit to the peo- Tools of Exchange , pie who live on farms and in small villages. The eleven county banks outside of Nebraska Oity in Otoe county , carried during the last year an average deposit of more than seven hundred thousand dollars. They had more than twenty-three hundred de positors , who owned the seven hundred and odd thousand dollars. Thus , farm ers , as well as merchants , manufacturers , common carriers , and other city folks , are keeping their moneys in banks. Thus farmers give their individual checks in settlement of obligations incurred. Thus , by checks so given , the circulat ing media of the county are doubled , trebled or quadrupled at times. Thus the need of paying out money itself to consummate exchanges is abrogated , wiped out , done away with. Whenever banks of deposit can be de vised and operated with the same certain ty and safety that Certainty and now pertains to Safety. the redemption of a National Bank note , the perfection of a financial sys tem will have been achieved. Nobody ever asks to have a National Bank note redeemed , because everybody knows that nobody ever lost a cent by being the pos sessor of a National Bank note. The instituting of safeguards about banks of deposit , which will make them equally safe for their customers , is a desideratum which may yet be evolved from the ex perience of banks , bankers , and their customers. In Nebraska City , wo have three Na tional Banks and one State Bank. The depositors in the City Banks. four banks aggre gate twelve huii- ured. Add this to the twenty-three hundred rural bank depositors in Otoe county , and we have , in a population of less than thirty thousand , thirty-five hundred persons , keeping and using check books for the conduct of their af fairs , financial. And the aggregate deposits - posits in Nebraska Oity and the country jauks of Otoe county were , last year an average of nearly two millions of del lars. That enormous sum of money represented the business and condition of the men of Otoe county. Those men voted at the last presidential election to the number of 5,045. Five thousand and forty-five votes aggregated all the ballots given for presidential electors in this county in 1900. They gave a majority against Bryan archy , which was exceedingly compli mentary to their Hard Times. faith in the gold standard. They did not believe that the moon would turn to blood and prosperity to mud , if sixteeu-to-one-ism was voted down. They were incredulous as to the politi cal and peerless prophet , who forecasted disasters , catastrophes , destruction and everlasting financial night , if his cause was vanquished. What of the low rates for money now ? What of the country banks in Otoe ? What of all the hum , rustle and roar of business today ? Is it afflicting ? The decent tax- NEW YORK paying citizenship REFORM. of New York City is strenuously strug gling to overthrow the kingdom of Croker and corruption. Decent men among the tens of thousands , who pay taxes upon property in that metropolis never yell , exclaim , or proclaim : "Great is Tammany and Oroker is its prophet ! " That condensation of eructatory eulogy was uttered by only one man in America , and he was the populist candi date for the presidency in 1900. A twelve-dollar-a-plate-dinner has its in spirations for oratory , and certainly , "Great is Tammany and Croker is its prophet" was an inspired utterance. It can not expire. It makes its author perspire. No American par- NO RIGHT out has any right to rear a child with out teaching it industry. The human be ing who , from infancy to maturity , is indulged in all things asked for , makes a selfish , inconsiderate , and useless member of society. Human beings who do not work , get very little of real honey out of life. They are offensive and repellent. They are in old age remorse ful and unhappy. The very room they occupy on the globe is begrudged them.