16 'Cbc Conservative. OKLAHOMA OPPORTUNITY , HOMES FOR THOUSANDS IN THE KIOWA , COMANCHE AND APACHE RESERVATIONS Which ore to be opened for settlement in 1901. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE is the only line running to , through or near the RESERVATIONS. "OKLAHOMA OPPORTUNITY , " A book describing these lauds and con dition of entry , SENT FREE. Address , JOHN SEBASTIAN , G , P. &T , A. , CHICAGO , ILL , E , W , THOMPSON , A , G.P.&T.A , , TOPEKA , KAN , There's no reflection dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that comes from CORDOVA Wax Candles * Prepared in manr color tints to harmonica with ear * roundings in dining room , drawing : room , bed room or hall. Sold everywhere. Made bj l STANDARD OIL CO. Epworth League California Excursions Account Fifth International Convention of Epworth League , San Francisco , July 18-21. San Francisco is an ideal summer resort weather always cool. Trip"thither in summer , aoross high tablelands of New Mexico and Arizona is pleasant air bracing , no oppressive heat or dust. Best way to"go is via Santa Fe Route , only line under one man- agement'TJhicago to San Francisco ; three daily trains to California , Fred Harvey meal service , personally conducted excursions. On the way visit Indian pueblos , and petrified forest , also Grand Cafion of Arizona world's greatest scenic spectacle , nowjeasily ac cessible. See Southern California its noted resort hotels , idyllic valleys , majestic mountains , smooth beaches and lovely islands , its old mis sions , its semi-tropic fruits and flowers , its great'oil wells. This im portant section reached via Santa Fe Route cheaper than most other lines and with greater comfort. Extremely low round-trip rates ; liberal stop-over privileges ; choice of routes returning ; open to everybody. All ticket agents sell via Santa Fe Route. Descriptive literature on request. Address Gen. Pass. Office , A. T. & S. F. R'y , Chicago. Te Route. ARGO Gloss Starch Is the whitest , purest and strongest of all Starches ; is peculiarly adapted to fine Fabrics and Laces , and gives to all Clothes a beau tiful , snow-white Satiny Finish that is so much desired and ad mired. mired.A A Pure Starch is a White Starch , and a White Starch ( being pure ) is a Strong Starch. ARGO STARCH satisfies every demand , causes no injury , and is perfect for all uses. ARGO STARCH is packed in all styles and sizes of pack ages and can be obtained of all Leading Grocers. t National Starch Co. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB.