The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 30, 1901, Page 13, Image 13

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    Conservative *
"Are we to have a duplication of the
history of Etigland ? " asks the Memphis
Commercial Appeal ( Dem."Is ) there
to be a republican leader wise enough
and bold enough to snatch the banner of
tariff reform from the democracy and
carry it to victory ? "
"The republicans have us in a close
place , " concedes the Charlotte ( N. 0. )
Observer ( Dem. ) . "They have a win
ning hand , if they know how to piny it.
Congressman Babcock , of Wisconsin ,
and Director of the Mint Roberts are
two of the ablest of republican politi-
ciansand both are urging tariff revision.
If the party comes to their views , the
democracy may lose its long-unem
ployed and sadly neglected trump cards
tariff for revenue only and the open
ing of the markets of the world. "
"A few fetich worshippers may cling
to the absurd notion that the American
people care nothing for foreign markets ,
but the fanners , the manufacturers , the
workmen , appreciate the necessity of
cultivating our foreign markets and dis
posing of the surplus resulting from our
energy and unparalleled resources in
every available corner of the world , "
reasons the Chicago Post ( Rep. ) . "We
cannot sell without buying. We cannot
pile up heavy balances and demand gold
in settlement. Trade is exchange , and
there is no national patent on prohibit
ory tariffs. "
Worcester Salt 4 6 *
4 >
has the largest sale of any {
Dairy Salt , because the
progressive butter makers X
will have the 5
BEST , 5
At the National Butter Makers' X
Convention , held at St. Paul in
February , users of WORCESTER
secured MORE HIGH SCORES and ?
Premiums , than ALL , OTHER dairy X
salts combined. #
< fr
Worcester Salt
can bo had with Michigan grades
or in full car lots from
Worcester Salt Company ,
108 Duane St. , NEW YORK ,
I. C. , Pier 1 , CHICAGO , ILL.
To all Whom it May Concern :
The Overland Real Estate and Investment
Company , a corporation organized under the
laws of this state on December 1st , 1899 , and
whose articles of incorporation are recorded
in the office of the Secretary of State
hereby certifies that at a meeting of its
stockholders , held on May llth , 1001 ,
"ft *
notice of which mooting had been duly given
to all stockholders , it was resolved by a vote of
more than two-thirds of all its stockholders ,
representing more than two-thirds of its
capital stock , to amend its articles of incor
poration as follows :
Article IV to read , "The authorized amount
of capital stock shall bo One Hundred Thous
and Dollars ( $100,000) ) , all of which shall bo paid
up at such times as the Board of Directors shall
determine. "
Article VI to read , "The highest amount of
indebtedness or liability to which this corpora
tion shall at any time subject itself shall be
Sixty-six Thousand Dollars ( * 00,000) ) . "
In witness whereof the said Overland Real
Estate & Investment Co. has caused this
certificate to bo signed by its manager , this
llth day of May , A. D. , 1001.
Dated Nebraska City , Neb. , May 11,1001.
A. T. RiciiAitusoN , Manager.
In the matter of the estate of j
Florence Millar , deceased. )
Notice is hereby Riven , that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate , before me , county judge of Otoe
county , Nebraska , at the county court room ,
in said county , on the 10th day of June , 1001 ,
on the 10th day of August , 1001 , on the 10th
day of October , 1001 , at 1 o'clock p. m. each
day , for the purpose of presenting their claims
for examination , adjustment and allowance.
And the administrator is hereby ordered to
post a copy of this notice at the following
places in said county , to-wit :
One at the court house in Nebraska City ,
One at the Otoe County National Bank ,
Nebraska City , Nebraska.
One at the Merchants National Bank , of
Nebraska City , Nebraska.
One at the Nebraska City National Bank ,
Nebraska City , Nebraska.
And file due proof of the same with the
county judge , on or before the first day of
hearing above given. Six months are allowed
for the creditors to present their claims , and
one year for the administrator to settle said
estate , from the 10th day of April , 1901.
Tills notice will be published in THE CON-
8EUVAT1VE for four weeks successively , prior
to the 10th day of Juno , 1001.
Dated at Nebraska City , Nebraska , April
19th , 1001. M. C. JOYCE ,
[ SEAL. ] County Judge.
Toasting - broiling
baking - ironing
anything that can be done with a wood or coal fire is done
better , cheaper and quicker on a
I"1) ' )
Flame Blue Oil Stove WM
Heat is not diffused through
out the house there is no
smell , soot , or danger , and the
expense of operating is nomi
nal. Made in many sizes ;
sold wherever stoves are sold.
If your dealer does not have
it write to nearest agency of