Conservative. niiud by the fcur thnt a window cleaner might fall upon me. " A member , addressing the house , usually stands with his head uncovered ; but not always. There is an occasion when it is absolutely out of order for a member to speak in a standing position and without his hat iipon his head. When a debate has ended , and the ques tion which has been discussed is put from the chair , an interval of two minutes ( hiring which the electric bells ring all over the palace of Westminster is allowed to enable members to got to the chamber. The time is taken by a sandglass on the table , and when it has elapsed the doors are locked. It is at this particular juncture that it is essen tial for a member , who wishes to address the house , to retain his seat and wear his hat. If he were to follow the or dinary practice , and stand up with his head uncovered , he would be roared and shouted at from all sides of the house for his breach of etiquette. Mr. Glad stone once had occasion to address the house just as a division was about to betaken taken ; and as he always left his hat at the cloak-room , 'he was compelled to borrow a substitute from a colleague who sat behind him. But Mr. Glad stone's head was of abnormal size it is said that his hats had to be made for him and the proffered headgear only covered the top of his head. For some moments his voice could not bo heard above the laughter produced by his comical efforts to balance the borrowed hat. Then the late Lord Herschell , at that time in the lower house as member for Carlisle , who had an exceptionally large head , came to the rescue. He passed his hut to his leader , and Mr. Gladstone made his motion. In the curious customs of the house of commons , there is nothing more amus ing than the strange ceremony which marks the termination of every sitting. The moment the house is adjourned , messengers and policemen shout out in the corridors and lobbies , "Who goes home ? " These words have sounded every night for centuries , through the palace of Westminster. The perform ance originated at a time when it was necessary to go homo in parties for com mon protection against "footpads , " who infested the streets of London. But , although serious danger of being "held up" in any part of the metropolis has almost ceased , the cry of "Who goes homo ? " is still heard every night when the hoxise of commons is in session. LAWUKNOR IRWELL. NEED ABILITY AND ENERGY. The first characteristic that a boy ought to have to prepare himself for the battle of life , is self-reliance. He must believe in his own integrity , ability , and energy to accomplish things. A young man may bo the soul of honor and lack either ability or energy , and never make a success commercially. It requires the combination of the three , with good horse sense and application to business. A boy must be faithful to his employers and must work for their interest and not for the clock to strike 12 or G. I am one of those who believe a boy has just- as good a chance to succeed now , as ever before in the history of the world. There is more demand for good men in good positions than there ever was. These better positions are surrounded by greater salaries , greater responsibilities , and greater opportunities to achieve suc cess than ever before. PAUL MORTON. [ Mr. Morton is vice-president of the AtchisoiijTopekaand Santa Fe Railroad. Ho began his railway service in Decem ber , 1872 , since which time he has been clerk in the land office of the Burlington and Missouri river road , clerk in the general freight department of the Burl ington , assistant general freight agent , general passenger agent , and general freight agent of the same road. When the Santa Fo emerged from bankruptcy , Mr. Morton was elected vice-president in charge of traffic. Chicago Daily News. Ulclls Fargo $ Companp Bank. SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA , President , JOHX J. VALENTINE , San Francisco Manager , - HOMEU 8. KINO , San Francisco Cashier , - - H. WAUSWOKTH , San Francisco Asat. Cashier , F. L. LIPMAN , San JTrancisco 2d Asst.Cashier , H. L. MIILEU , San Francisco BRANCHES NEW. YOHK , - H. B. PARSONS , Cashier SALT LAKE , - J. E. DOOLY , Cashier PORTLAND , OH. , - R. M. DOOLY , Cashier STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 31 , 1000. ASSETS Loans 19,440,888.10 Bonds , Stocks and Warrants 1,201,290.47 Real Estate 1,231,914.57 Miscellaneous Assets 9,205.58 Due from Banks and Bankers 1,111,501.91 Cash 4,030,418.55 117,091,214.18 L1A1IIL1TIE3 Capitalpaid up | 500,000.00 Surplus 5,750,000.00 Undivided Profits 1,926,895.03 Deposits , Banks and Bankers 1,084,015.95 " Individual 7,830,802.00 W7.091.214.18 General Banking Business in all its branches. Correspondents throughout the "World. Ac counts received on favorable terms. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative. T Free H Information E P Hotel A Accommodations N will be difficult to get in two II weeks. IIA M E SECURE ROOMS R and Rates Now , and be sure of a place I to eat and sleep. C A N ADDRESS , E T. HEAD , BUFFALO , N. Y. MEN WANTED i To Earn Good Salaries from 75 to $185 a month taking ordrei ( or Hardy Nurncry . Block , Fruit and OrnauicntalH. . Potltloni per manent. Apply quick , with refer- < encei , stating age & territory wanted. L. L. May & Co. , St. Paul , Minn. ' nFlorIiti * Seedimeiu ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS- ? CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ( CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE J. F. HABBIS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PROVISIONS COFFEE No. i BOARD op TRADE PRIVATE WIRES CHICAGO