The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 23, 1901, Image 3
'Che Conservative * The populists , AGREED. the Peter Cooper greenback clubs and the silver sixteen-to-one brand of republicans , like Teller of Colorado , are agreed as to their candidate for the presidency in 1904 and "Barkis is williu' " if "adherence to the princi ples" which he advocated when nomi nated at Sioux Falls and Kansas City in 1900 , demand a third candidature ! sacri fice. For once the plutocracy , the Mark-Honnoocracy and all the zealots of Bryanarchy are in agreement as to who should , in 1904 be nominated to rep resent fusion , confusion , delusion , illu sion and obtrusion. There was never another auto-mobile better in control of its master , its rider , its owner and engineer than the one manufactured at Chicago in 1896 and re inforced and repaired at Kansas City in 1900. It ought , however , to have pla carded in long letters the legend , "It is dangerous to stand upon the platform while the campaign is in motion. ' ' That the machine will run under the same experienced guide to disaster , during the campaign of 1904 no Bryanarchist doubts. It is already steamed up and the sound of its whistle becomes commoner every week. Who knows SIXTEENwhat sixteen to TO-ONE. one means ? Are there political archaeologists who can interpret the "paramount issue" of the nineteenth century ? How did those who advocated sixteen- to-oneism , one moment , and denounced the gold standard the next moment , maintain self-consistency ? When they said silver should be corned in a certain relation , or ratio , to gold , did they or did they not declare that gold one , to be the standard of value for that silver sixteen ? Did they not proclaim and denounce the gold standard in the same se'ntence ? The one by which they proposed to measure the sixteen , was gold. It was the standard then. It is the standard now. And yet we are not distressed. The people are prosperous. None of the disasters prophesied by the fanatics have materialized. All the fallacies of finance which were set up as the ark and covenant of the safety of the republic , have been exposed. What is the next vagary ? When will the peerless effront ery of false leaders be abashed ? The great numb - ARBOREAL b e r o f pilgrims INDICATIONS. from the grand lodge of the An cient Order of United Workmen of America who came up through Morton Park , last week , to visit Arbor Lodge , indicated a growing and almost univer sal interest in tree-planting and home embellishments , among the members of that active and useful body of men. THE CONSERVATIVE had talks with many of the men and was gratified , be yond expression , because of the en thusiasm they manifested for Arbor Day , for arboriculture and for for estry. It is quite possible that the trees hereabouts gestured and talked more eloquently than could any human being in behalf of foliage , flower , fruit and shade in summer and fuel and shelter in winter. There is abundant satisfaction in believ ing that Arbor Day and THE CONSERV ATIVE have accomplished a great and good work towards the reafforestation of the country and the conservation of the few primeval forests still standing with in its boundaries. If every type used in THE CONSERVATIVE for the purpose of energizing tree-planting produces a tree , within this commonwealth , Nebraska will be a timber and lumber state before the century ends. One tree for every line in favor of trees found in THE CON SERVATIVE during the last three years will make a grand and glorious forest , illimitable in extent. The vagarists of GLOATING. Bryanarohy have been gloating over the alleged discontinuance of the Argo Starch Manufactory at Nebraska City. To behold the seeming verification of even one prophecy , made in the cam paign of 1900 by any of its great seers and revelators , would be an ecstatic beatitude for the zealots of discontent. Therefore there was a grand chorus of "didn't-we-tell-yon-so-last-fall , ' ' when telegrams went out to the effect that the Argo Starch works had been shut down at Nebraska City. But now , when the rumor has been proved false when everybody knows that when the works do close , it will be only for a few weeks and for repairs and enlargements cost ing fifty thousand dollars there is wailing and gnashing of teeth among fusionists , similar to that mentioned in scripture as eternally going on in the hot place , where fusion is forever and forever , by fire. These lamentations are indicative of the fact that fusionists prefer a calami tous verification of Glad. a Bryanarchic forecast , rather than prosperity. They and their lead ers , who fill them with mis-information , are glad when labor and capital fall out. They rejoice when the fires in the furnaces die out , the wheels stand still and the rumble and roar of prosperous industry is drowned in stagnant silence. The J. Ham Lews and the Constan tine Blarney , and "The Peerless" and the Oldham quartet , who sang of death and destruction to Nebraska City in dustries last September , are weeping in May , 1901 , because every forecast chanted by them , then , has been proved a lie today. All ! All were false , ab solutely false 11 The republican WHY LIE ? country press , which reads little , thinks less , and prances along after plundering leaders , will never cease tell ing lies about Grover Cleveland. They continue to tell how he was made to borrow money in time of peace to main tain the government. But the "how" which they give is a lie. The second administration of Cleveland entered upon office and found a bankrupt treasury. The order for the printing of bonds upon which to raise money , had already been made by Harrison's secre tary of the treasury , Mr. Calico Foster , of Ohio. There was not enough money in the national treasury when Cleveland was inaugurated , March 7 , 1893 , to pay matured , outstanding obligations , meet current expenses and accruing interest. That is a fact provable by public records. Another favorite falsehood of repub lican writers and speakers is that the repeal of the MoKinley bill brought on the panic of 1893. The panic incubated , hatched , feathered out and crowed under the McKinley tariff , just as the panic of 1873 did under the Merrill tariff. Why will the partisan press continue to lie , when record evidence exposes their malice and mendacity ? THE CONSERVA- WORKMEN. TIVE met very many delegates to the convention of the Ancient Order of United Workmen , which was in session at the Overland Theatre in/Nebraska City last week. They are representa tive men in the several communities whence they came. They are home- builders. Their ambitions for the bet terment of themselves , their families and the whole commonwealth are strong , sturdy and well-directed. The interest in tree planting , arbori culture , orcharding and home-adorn ment which many Trees. of the delegates manifested by call ing at Arbor Lodge and inspecting its groves and orchards , was very gratify ing. Never before , in a residence of more than forty-five years , has THE CONSERVATIVE witnessed so sensible and strong a spirit of investigation as to tree planting-and home decorations , among the members of any Nebraska conven tion. The Workmen were intense in their quest for facts about forestry. They went away pleased with the pros pects held out for the tree-planters and home-builders of the future. The object lessons of the orchards , groves and homes of Nebraska City have gone in warm hearts and bright minds into every county of Nebraska. They will bear fruit. There are thousands of miles of shade and shelter yet to exhale from these fertile plains , as a sequence