"Cbc Conservative. OKLAHOMA OPPORTUNITY. HOMES FOR THOUSANDS IN THE KIOWA , COMANCHE AND APACHE RESERVATIONS Which are to bo opened for settlement in 1901. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE is the only line running to , through or near the RESERVATIONS. "OKLAHOMA OPPORTUNITY , " A book describing these lands and con dition of entry , SENT FREE. Address , JOHN SEBASTIAN , G. P. &T , A , , CHICAGO , ILL , E , W. THOMPSON , A , G.P.&T.A , , TOPEKA , KAN , There's no reflection , dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that conies from CORDOVA Wax Candles' Prepared in many color tints to harmonica with nr ronndinga in dining room , drawing room , bed room or ball. Bold everywhere. Made by , STANDARD OIL CO. Busy Business Men When they travel long distances demand a high degree of comfort. The Harvey dining car service on the California limited , Chicago to San Francisco and Los Angeles , via Kansas .City , surpasses that of many metropolitan clubs. Santa Fe Address Gen. Pass. Office , A. T. & S. F. K'y , Topeka. WHITEBREAST FUEL COMPANY , OF ILLINOIS , IOWA AND CLEVELAND. PEKAY. ILLINOIS SMOKY HOLLOW COAL. DUNFERMLINE. W. H. WHITE , Gen. Sales Agent , OTTUMWA , IOWA. THE MORTON PRINTING GO. , Bank , Commercial , Book and Catalog Printing. Use Rock Salt for Brine , Pickles , Hides , Meats , Ice Cream , Ice Making , Fertilizing , and Refrigeration. USE Kansas Lump Rock Salt GROUND ROCK SALT C"M C4lr MINES & WORKS FOR STOCK , rOr OLOCK. LYONS &KANOPOLISKAN PUREST , MOST HEALTHFUL , BEST. HIGHEST AWARDS AND MEDALS FOR PURITY , WORLD'S EXPOSITION , CHICAGO , 1893 , TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION , OMAHA , 1899. WESTERN ROCK SALT CO. , ST. LOUIS , MO.