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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1901)
\ 12 'Cbe Conservative * MEN WANTED To Earn Good 8nlarlcn from 75 to 185 u month taklngordrei for Iliirdy Nursery Block , Fruit and Ornamentals. Poiitloni per manent. Apply quick , with refer- , | encei , dating age & territory wanted. ? L. L. May & Co. , St. Paul. Minn. AurwrfracnFlorliti A Seedimen. ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS- ? CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ( CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE J. F. HARRIS STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PROVISIONS COFFEE No. i BOARD OF TRADE PRIVATE WIRES CHICAGO In the Pay Envelope TJiat's where our education affects you. What The Inter national Corres pondence Schools , Scmntou , Pa. , are doing. First Teaching mechanics the theory of their work. Second Helping mis placed people to change their work. Third Enabling young people to support themselves while learning professions. 250,000 students and graduate * in Mcchnnlcul , Elcctrlcnl , Stcnin , Civil and Mlnlilg Engineer ing ; Architecture ; Drawing and Designing ; Chemistry ; Telegraphy ; Telephony ) Stenog raphy ; Book-keeping ; English Branched. When writing state subject in which interested. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS , 1801. Capital $1,500,000. Box 1296 Scranton , Pa. UIclls Fargo Companp Bank. SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA , President , JOHN J. VALENTINE , San Francisco Manager , HOMER S. KINO , San Francisco Cashier , - - H. WADSWonin , San Francisco Asst. Cashier , F. L. LIPMAN , San Francisco 2 < 1 Asst.Cosb.ier , H. L. MILLER , San Francisco BRANCHES NEW YORK , H. B. PARSONS , Cashier SALT LAKE , J. E. DOOLY , Cashier PORTLAND , OR. , R. M. DOOLY , Cashier STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 31 , 1900. ASSETS Loans $9,446,888.10 Bonds , Stocks and Warrants 1,201,290.47 Real Estate 1,231,914.57 Miscellaneous Assets 9,205.68 Due from Banks and Bankers 1,111,601.91 Cash 4,030,418.55 117,091,214.18 LIABILITIES Capital , paid up $ 500,000.00 Surplus 6,750,000.00 Undivided Profits 1,920,805.63 Deposits , Banks and Bankers 1,084,015.95 " Individual 7,830,802.00 ? 17,091,214.18 General Banking Business in all its branches. Correspondents throughout the World. Ac counts received on favorable terras. Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative. POLITICAL. "The split in the republican party oc curred the clay that Robert M. La Fol- lette was inaugurated governor of the state of Wisconsin , " says the Milwau kee Sentinel ( rep. ) . "It was publicly recognized last Saturday , when the senate - ate passed a resolution of censure upon Governor La Follette's veto message of the Hagemeister bill. Republicans and democrats alike recognize that a repub lican factional fight is now in progress from one end of the state to the other. " "Were the president so disposed , he could , under his extraordinary powers , reduce the present tariff on Cuban su gar to a figure low enough to give Cuba the market she needs"suggeststhe Bal timore American ( rep. ) . "This would be a humane act , without serious consequences quences to our interests ; it would make the Cubans our friends , go far toward settling the problem of government , and be generally beneficial. The president should take the action indicated with as little delay as possible. " "What some of the 'democratic lead ers' not all of them , but the lewd fel lows of the baser sort what these in their hearts want , is that the president should appoint to office in the south a host of negroes , and the more offensive the negroes , the more cordially would their appointment be hailed , " says the Charlotte ( N. 0. ) Observer ( dem. ) "This would give excuse for a continuation of the cry of 'negro domination' and 'white supremacy , ' de prived of which these pothouse politi cians will soon find their occupation gone. " "President McKinley has clearly ceased to be a protectionist , according to the creed of the Boston Home Market club , which denounced with indigna tion the treaty of reciprocity with France in a letter to the president , " the Portland Oregonian ( rep. ) says. "The president's plan favors the adoption of reciprocity under the name of extend ing the protective system. He sees that the building up of our foreign trade in manufactured goods is the duty of the hour. The president , always an oppor tunist , is sailing with the wind. " "At present the old-line southern democrat is face to face with the dis agreeable fact that his party has aban doned some of its most cherished prin ciples , and that the republican party has greedily appropriated the same , " explains the Maoon ( Ga. ) Telegraph ( dem. ) . "He is also aware that the re publican party of today is as friendly toward his section as is the dominant element of the democracy , which , ' ; strange to say , is still found in the north , where the democracy is weakest. Thus he cannot accept in tote the platform - form of either party , and , what is still . more peculiar , he is not free , on account