"fMt. f &TJ ! ? / " i $ "Che Conservative , n rfljn a ! i athlete outers a , regiment. He brings a good person , bat ho has all the drill and tactics yet to acquire. And when he has acquired them , the fight for a position of command is still ahead of liim. His book learning in and of itself will never carry him to the front. Intellectual equipment does not alone make a suc cessful man. If it did , there would be no helpless scholars wandering about the world. It is perfectly true , as Prof. Wood- berry said , that athletic training im poses a greater strain on character than study. To live the life of a student is to gratify a natural inclination , for the life is seldom led as a sacrifice. To per form one's allotted tasks in the college classroom is certainly no great feat , as is demonstrated by the fact that the ma jority of college men succeed in doing it. But to train fairly for athletics , demands a large amount of self-denial , a keen sense of honor , and , as the professor said , "the habit of daily attention to small matters. " He might have added perhaps he did that it requires courage , energy , and determination , all of which are essential to success in life. The man who has the qualities which bring success to the athlete not neces sarily the physical qualities , but those of character and who adds to them a large fund of information , will find a use for his book learning and will dis cern its application to the practical affairs of life. Men win success in some form every year in this world without learning , and that fact is often foolishly urged as an argument to show that a college education is unnecessary. But college men also win success , though , as Prof. Woodberry said , they do so , not because nor in spite of their book learn ing , but by reason of their characters. Perhaps if college men laid less stress upon the importance of their book learn ing as an equipment for the struggle of life , we should hear fewer unwise com ments on the unfltness of the college man for practical work. New York Saturday Review. TRACES OF ANCIENT MINES. [ From the Nebraska City News of October 10 1858. ] "The 'oldest inhabitant' will remem ber that a few years since there was a good deal of excitement about the traces of ancient mining that were discovered along the Weeping Water , about 14 miles northwest of Nebraska Oity. The excitement died out in a short time , and little or no investigation or exploration was made of the mining operations to gratify the curiosity or develop any tangible results. "Still the deep dug trenches remain there , exciting scarce inquiry or discus sion , till one day last week a company of our citizens , composed in part of the fol lowing named gentlemen : Gen.Burnett \ S. T. Nuckolls , Judge Brown , Hon. J. H. Decker , H. Z. Luddington , T. J. Armstrong , armed and equipped with picks and shovels , determined on a par- ial examination of the works. They ! ound them presenting the same general appearance as represented deep trenches rom 20 to 80 feet in width and full of Lifferent kinds of rook broken into fine particles , which indicate.it would seem , without doubt , that a process of blasting had been carried on. Did these ancient miners possess a knowledge of the secret and subtle forces of gun powder ? Who mows ? "The operations would indicate the works of miners for many weeks or months. They were evidently carried on on a pretty extensive scale. For what ? This question we cannot at present answer. It is thought by many ihat there are extensive lead mines in ; he vicinity. Lead in small fragments ins , in several instances , been found up on the farm of Mr. Kirkpatrick , a short distance from where the mining has > een carried on. Others are firm in the opinion that a richer mineral has been there worked and will be again dis covered. A thorough exploration can alone determine. "These relics and vestiges of ancient mines are additional testimony showing that a race , civilized , hardy and indus trious once , and previous to the Indian , roamed over these prairies and along the blue valleys , bathed in the limpid streams and refreshed themselves upon the products of the chase and soil. What high purposes and great plans were theirs , what deeds of achievement and ambition belonged to them , no rec ord is left. Story and song are silent ; and the imagination is left to fill up the events of their history with their heroic deeds and manly achievements , or sad tales of woe and that which oauseth the heart to mourn , just as one's imagination pictures it. What this race achieved and what it thought and what dire curse as in one night swept it from the earth , is and will probably always re main a mystery. Their records died with them even the nation's epitaph was unwritten. " The drift of thought fifty years ago , in both geology and archaelogy , was to wards large catastrophes ; a high civiliz ation destroyed by an infuriated deity by means of a cataclysm , as in the writ ings of Moses and Jo Smith. This par ticular problem is apparently still open : and it may yet be capable of solution and of an easier one than this early writer supposed. The time seems to have come for such questions as this to be taken up. A NOTEWORTHY COMBINATION. The consolidation of the Chicago Reo ord and the Chicago Times-Herald was one of the most important events in the listory of modern metropolitan jourual- sm. People familiar with the news papers published in the great capitals of ; he world say that the best daily papers are made in Chicago , and it is well mown that the Chicago Record and the Chicago Times-Herald ranked at the very front among Chicago's best dailies. Each covered the world's news thorough- y every day , and each possessed also dis tinctive special features giving it that in dividuality so attractive to its readers. iTow that the two have been combined , all the resources and world-wide facilities of both papers are united in the Chicago Record-Herald. It is in truth "a great combination" a combination without mrallel in American journalism. The 'ortunate readers of .the Chicago Record and the Chicago Times-Herald now re- ieive every day a newspaper whose now ? 'aoilities are unequaled by any other American newspaper. THE CONSERVATIVE AND THE COMMONER. Dr. Samuel Johnson once said of the poet Pope that he played the politician about cabbages and turnips. That's Bryan , though lacking the wit to conceal liis demagogism. The peerless one maintains at the head of the editorial page of The Commoner this paragraph : Careful inquiry is made as to the standing and business methods of those who advertise in these columns and readers are asked to report any dis honesty or unfairness practiced by the advertisers herein. Please mention The Commoner in corresponding with advertisers. Bryan's holier-than-thou air is not lost on the Nebraska Oity CONSERVA TIVE , which responds with this clever take-off : THE CONSERVATIVE has attracted to its advertising columns , some of the best banking and manufacturing con cerns iu the United States. THE CON SERVATIVE has not "made careful in quiry as to the standing and business methods of those who advertise in its columns , " because it is as unnecessary , and as much a work of supererogation , as to enquire whether light and heat come from the sun. But , "readers are asked to report any dishonesty or un fairness practiced by the commoner advertisers herein , " and the cadavers of all persons bludgeoned , sand-bagged , or otherwise murdered by advertisers in THE CONSERVATIVE , are especially re quested to report , and to always mention THE CONSERVATIVE when corresponding with different sections of the globe. Bryan's assumption of superior virtue is not only demagogism , it is clumsy demagogism and to newspaper men of experience , infinitely amusing. The fellow is actually so green as to think that paragraph will fool numbers of people and increase proportionately his popularity. A newspaper can no more be expected to vouch for the character and standing of all who use its advertising columns than a landlord for the probity of all his guests. The Caliform'an , Saturday , May 4 , 1901.