The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 23, 1901, Page 10, Image 11
10 Cbe Conservative * HOW ARBOR DAY WAS SPENT IN MONTANA. Ou May 13 , 1901 , the touchers nntl pu pils of the public schools of Butte , Mon tana , celebrated Arbor Day by special exercises. Mr. T. W. Kelly , editor of the Inter-Mountain , in a very pleasing address , among other things , said : "J. Sterling Morton was the founder and editor of the first paper over estab lished in Nebraska. He entered into the work of building up a great com monwealth upon the treeless plains of the now territory with enthusiasm. His paper championed whatever he consid ered best adapted to advance the newly- formed community on its way toward the higher levels of statehood , and he was aggressive and fearless in the ex pression of his views. Mr. Morton has seen many years of public service , and ho looks back with pride upon the long campaign he made to have one day of the year set aside for tree planting. To him and to us the history of that time cannot fail to bo of interest. "Mr. Morton began the agitation for the annual observance of Arbor , Day under the same circumstances that at tend all new movements. It was a nov elty at first , his advocacy of the plan ex cited nothing but curiosity. Then the promoter of the novel scheme came infer for a share of derision that all public- spirited men receive in a large measure. He was made to feel the cudgel of the editorial critic and the keen lance of the paragrapher. Mr. Morton's homo is known as Arbor Lodge , and many a pointed joke was turned upon this cir cumstance. Mr. Morton was a conspic uous figure in Nebraska politics at the time he made his famous campaign for Arbor Day , and he was considered fair game for the opposition press. One en vious rival in the newspaper business spoke of Mr. Morton as having branched out in the business of planting trees , and another sarcastic contemporary of a rival political party , suggested that the trees would at least leave every spring , while Mr. Morton never appeared to know when to leave. " In speaking of the beneficial results of a day set aside for tree-planting , and the fostering of forestry generally , Mr. Kelly said : "It has been said that in view of the growing scarcity of trees , it will not be many years before the forest monarohs are put to new uses. It has been sug gested that wealthy men who wish to perpetuate their memory , and raise an enduring memorial to remind the world that they have lived , would do well to select a mighty tree as their monument , and provide for its protection. It does not require a long look into the future to see the time when this custom may obtain. If it does , nothing will be more beautiful in the history of the burial services of the world. Well may the man who consigns his remains to the guardianship of the silent trees , ex claim , as he prepares for his demise : 'I've built a monument , my own , more durable than brass. Yea , kingly pyramids of stone in height it wil surpass. Rain shall not wreck , nor driving blast disturb its settled base , Nor countless ages rolling past , its symmetry deface. ' Tennyson gave expression to the beauty of this sentiment , when ho callec to the graveyard yew in 'InMemoriam : Old yew , that grasping at the stones , that name the underlying dead. Dhy libers knit the dreamless head , thy roots are clasped about the bones , And gazing on thee , sullen tree , sick from thy stubborn hardihood , seem to fail from out my blood , and grow in sensate into theo. ' "I believe that the mystic soul of the universe has implanted in the heart of man a deep reverence for the evidence of ihat mysterious force , that in the spring time beautifies the world. When the world was young the races'worshipped the sun ; the changes of day and night , and of the seasons are still mighty prob- ems , to which science has addressed tsclf in its search for the key to the nysteries of life. There has always ) een something hidden behind the veil ; ihere always will be ; it is delightful not to know everything ; to be charmed with a mystery that is enveloping the world , and is yet unrevealed. " Butte Mont. ) Miner , May 14. The Anaconda Standard , speaking of the same event , in its issue of May 12 , said : "J. Sterling Morton , the author of Arbor Day , is one of the pioneers of Ne braska , and has for forty-six years been one of the foremost citizens of that state , always closely identified with the social , political , and material life of the commonwealth. He was one of the ter ritorial governors of the state , and was 'requently honored by the democratic mrty with nominations for important jffices. During Cleveland's second term as president , Mr. Morton was Ms secretary of agriculture. In Nebraska Mr. [ Morton is familiarly known as 'the sage of Arbor Lodge , ' his beautiful country home near Nebraska City , be ing named Arbor Lodge. Mr. Morton is a farmer , a lawyer , and a journalist. He has been in the newspaper business , in one way or another , over since he ar rived in the west , in 1854 , and has edited a number of papers. He is now publishing THE CONSERVATIVE , a weekly paper , devoted to disousssions of politi- 3al , economic , and sociological ques tions. "In some of the states , legislatures have appointed a bird day in connection with their Arbor Day. Children in the schools are taught the value of birds , and the necessity for their protection , as well as the need of forests. The forests afford shelter for the birds , and the in sect life furnishes them food. With the disappearance of forests their food be comes insufficient , and they are driven into the fields , where they become easy prey to their enemies. With the disap pearance of the birds , destructive in sects increase , and they find their way into the orchards , domestic trees , and gardens. Half a century ago such fruit pests as the San Jose scale , the Codling moth , Woolly-aphis'and hosts of others that are now so common , were practi cally unknown , or gave very little trou ble. Then- harmful numbers now are generally recognized as due to the dis appearance of the birds that had kept them in subjection. It is rightly argued , therefore , that by protecting the birds , and increasing the forests , the insect pests will gradually cease. " The Anaconda Standard , of Tuesday , May 14 , 1901 , in speaking of Arbor Day and its author , said : "Mr. Kelly described the manner in which Arbor Day had its origin , and related the humorous incidents in con nection with the campaign made by J. Sterling Morton , of Nebraska , in his lewspaper , to secure a tree-planting day 'or the state , The speaker said it must je extremely gratifying to Mr. Morton , as the founder of Arbor Day , to observe lie wide influence that is now wielded jy the idea he originated and cham pioned , while opposed by indifference and ridicule. The speaker quoted an ippropriate verse of poetry to give Mr. Morton a suitable send-off and deserved praise in establishing such a beautiful custom. "The speaker said that the wide spread attention given to Arbor Day proved that the youth of America were ilive to the delights of sylvan beauty. [ t showed that a love for the beautiful lad a place in the thoughts of the stu dent. 'They tell us that this is a pro saic age , ' said the speaker ; 'deny it ! They say the scramble for wealth is shutting out all freedom of thought , and narrowing the sentiments of human- cind. Prove it to be false ! Prove that ; he young men and women , who have received the beautiful custom of Arbor Day into the schools of Montana are free to climb the heights of ambition , and are not held back by the burden of . ' " commonplace things. BOOK LEARNING AND CHARACTER. Prof. George Edward Woodberry of ; he Department of Comparative Litera- ; ure in the Columbia University is evi dently a gentleman who does his think ing for himself. He does not rely on the wisdom of the past for all his inspira tion. He interested and entertained one of his classes the other day with a talk on the importance of athletics in the development of the college man , and incidentally expressed some opinions as to the importance of book learning. He said : "The college man is fed with intellectual life for four years , and is trained so much in books that he is apt to have a tendency to overestimate book Learning. If he succeeds in after life , it is rather on account of a peculiar and personal genius than on account of what he has learned in books. " Later in the same speech he added : "It is perhaps easier to study , as far as the strain on character is concerned , than to train for athletics. " These are the reported words of the professor , and though the report may not have been absolutely accurate , it no doubt reproduces the sense of the remarks. And very sensible they were. Book learning , when viewed in the light of a mere accumulation of facts , is of very little value in the struggle of life. The peculiar and personal genius , of which the professor spoke , is in the character of the man who has the book learning to use. There is probably no occupation to which the lessons to be drawn from col lege book learning cannot be applied , but the men who see the application are few. On the other hand , it is perfectly true that the young man just out of college greatly overestimates the value of his scholarship. As a business man recently said , "The college man is unwilling to subordinate his education to his experi ence. " He enters the battle of life in about the same condition as a trained T