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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1901)
Conservative. is In the Pay Envelope That's where our education affects you. What The Inter national Corres pondence Schools , Hcruntou , Pu. , are doing. First Teaching mechanics the theory of their work. Second Helping - misplaced placed people to change their work. Third Enabling young people to support themselves while learning professions. 250,000 students nml graduate * in Mechanical , Elcvtrlfiil , Htciini , Civil mid Mining Engineer. Inn ) Arehltccturc ; Drmvlni * nml Designing ; Tcldtrnpliy ) Telephony ; Stcnojr- rnpliy ; Ilnok-kcvplnct Knirllp.1i llrnnclic * . When writing state subject in which interested. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS , Established 1801. Capital * 1,500,000. Box 1296 Scranton , Pa. "INFANTS" ALWAYS. Wo publish today a .well-written arti cle , by a Harvard University student , Mr. Arthur Scott Gilman , the fifteenth in the Free Trade League's series. Mr. Gilmaii shows how the "Infant Indus tries" ne.ver willingly relinquish the "protection" for which , they so pitifully pleaded at first , as only a temporary assistance , but always demand more and more , until now , having excluded foreign competition by the tariff , and stifled it at home by trusts and combi nations , they dominate the whole coun try , and exact their own prices from a helpless people. Away with such pro tection to "infant industries" ! No pro tection to tariff-trusts ! Keep up the agitation until congress comes to the aid of-the people ! NEBRASKA CREMATORY ASSOCIATION- INCORPORATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned , J. Sterling Morton , A. P. Qinn , H. N. Shewell , .1. W. Steinhart. and A. T. Richardson , of Ne braska City , Nebraska , have associated them selves together and formed a corporation under the general corporation law of Nebraska. 1st. The name of said corporation is Nebras ka Crematory Association. 2nd. The principal place of transacting its business is Nebraska City , Otoe County , Ne braska. 8rd. The general nature of the business to he transacted by this corporation is the con struction , maintenance and operation of a crematory furnace and mortuary chapel and their usual adjuncts. 4th. The amount of the capital stock of this corporation authorized is ten thousand dollars , to be paid in as called for by the board.of directors. 5th. The time of the commencement of this corporation is April 1,1901 , and of its termina tion April 1,1951. Oth. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation may at any time sub ject itself is two-thirds of its capital stock. 7th. The affairs of this corporation are to be conducted by a board of three directors , and , subject to this board , by a president , vice- president , secretary and treasurer. J. STERLING MORTON , H. N. SHEWELL , ARTHUR P. GINN , JNO. W. STFINIIART , A. T. RICHARDSON. March 29,1901. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of | Florence Millar , deceased , j Notice is hereby given , that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate , before me , county judge of Otoo county , Nebraska , at the county court room , in said county , on the 19th day of June , 1901 , on the 19th day of August1001 , on the 19th day of October , 1901 , at 1 o'clock p. m. each day , for-the purpose of presenting their claims for examination , adjustment and allowance. And the administrator is hereby ordered to post a copy of this notice at the following places in said county , to-wit : One at the court house in Nebraska City , Nebraska. One at the Otoo County National Bank , Nebraska City , Nebraska. One at the Merchants National Bank , of Nebraska City , Nebraska. One at the Nebraska City National Bank , Nebraska City , Nebraska. And file due proof of the same with the county judge , on or before the first day of hearing above given. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims , and one year for the administrator to settle said estate , from the 19th day of April , 1901. This .notice will be published in THE CON SERVATIVE for four weeks successively , prior to the 19th day of June , 1901. Dated at Nebraska City , Nebraska , April 19th , 1901. M. C. JOYCE , [ SEAT , . ] County Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of Michael Malone , Bankrupt. Case No. 481. In Bankruptcy. NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS OF THE AFORESAID HANKRUI'T. You are hereby notified that on the 10th day of December , 1900 , Michael Malone the bank rupt herein filed with the clerk of said court hi petition for discharge from his provable debts ; and that a hearing will be had on said petition at the office of the referee in bank ruptcy in Rottmann Block in Nebraska City , Nebraska , on the 15th day of May , 1901 , at ten o'clock a. m. , at which time and place you may appear and show cause , if any , and file specifi cations showing cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated at Nebraska City , Nebraska , this 80th day of April , 1901. JAS. W. EATON , Referee in Bankruptcy. FROMWASHDAY From Monday to Saturday at every turn in the kitchen work a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor , time and expense and keep the cook comfortable.- bulky fuel to prepare or carry , no waiting for the fire to come up or die .down ; a fraction of the expense of the ordinary stove. A Wickless BLUB FLAME Oil Stove \\mimn Hliimmimmiiil will boil , bake , broil or fry better than a coal stove. It is safe and cleanly can not become greasy , can not emit any odor. Made in several sizes , from one burner to five. If your dealer does not have them , write to nearest agency of STANDARD OIL COMPANY. TO RAKING DAY