' -fc-T- & ' * ' ' * * &A'Af - ffcT . 'Cbe Conservative * WEARE COMMISSION CO. . GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS. OLD COLONY BUILDING. CHICAGO. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE . . , VE' NEBRASKA CITY NEB , DIFFBRBINT AND BETTER than anything you have over used. It's AND IT "COMFORTS ALL HURTS. " A specific for all external inflammations of the skin. Relieves Pain , Controls Fever and Prevents Blood Poison. FOR CUTS , BRUISES , BURNS , SCALDS , ETC , Yes , your druggist has it or can get it ; if not , we will send it postpaid on receipt of price and his name. 25c and 50c a Bottle. SKBINB & WlbSON , 041-643 Unity Bldg , CHICAGO. Sole Agents for Chicago and Northwest. GREAT-CHANCE FOR HUSTLING'AGENTS-WRITE US. Sleeplessness is a terrible affliction. The most common cause of it is some form of indigestion. Ripans Tabules positively cure indigestion. They do not act like opiates , producing an unnatural , immediate effect , but gradually exert an influence over the nervous system , which results in ready sleep , sound and refreshing. "I am glad to give my testimonial in regard to- the great worth of Ripans Tabules , " writes a middle-aged lady , living in Philadelphia , Pa. "I slowly recovered from a severe illness and was getting along very well , only I could not sleep , which kept me from gaining strength A friend advised me to take Ripans Tabules which acted like a charm , giving me refreshing slumber and also renewing my strength. I was also troubled with dyspepsia , and found to my great surprise that as my strength returned I was cured of this disease also. " . A case of bad health that R-I-P-A-N-S will not benefit. They banish WANTED. prolong life. One gives relief. Note the word R-I-P-A-N-S on the package and accept no substitute. R-I-P-A-N-S. 10 for 6 cents ; may be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will be mailed to any ad dress for 5 cents , forwarded to the Ripans Chemical Co. , 10 Spruce St. , New York. ' ' ' ' " * * " * * > ' - - - " ' EARLY EPISTLE FROM OMAHA. OMAHA , NEB. , April 7 , 1855. MY DEAR EMMA : I have just received two dear , good otters from you , one dated March Oth. , ho other the 15th. , and hasten to an- , wer thorn , before even opening one of ; ho ninny newspapers from homo. Wo cnino up to Omaha the first of the veek , expecting to return to Bellevue ; ho next day , but my husband was ; akou extremely ill and for three whole days was obliged to keep his bod. You enow ho is very seldom sick , and I can assure you I was somewhat frightened. lo took a dose of calomel in time and other mcdioino , so that ho recovered sooner than I had any idea of , and has ; oday gone down to } 3ollovuo to get us some clean apparel and the mail. But . ' have got the start of him , as a man came up and brought it to us. There s no postomco for Bellevue except across the river at St. Mary's , in Mills county , Iowa. Wo will never live in Bellevue again. I shall return some day next week to arrange and lack our trunks , then return , probably , ; o Omaha , to remain until I start for the Blast , which will bo earlier than I wrote you. S g has made arrangements to edit "The Nebraska City News , " for one year , a weekly paper , at six hundred dollars. He also intends prac ticing law , has rented an office with Judge Bonnet ; they are to practice in Iowa and Nebraska. S g was admitted to practice in Council Bluffs , Iowa , yesterday , and can practice any where in the state. We have been down to Nebraska City , and are very much pleased. There are nearly fifty houses already completed , and so crowded that I can have no place at the hotel. S g can find lodgings for himself , but none suitable for mo ; so wo have concluded that I shall remain hero and board at this house ( a comfortable and well kept house ) while S g goes down there once in two weeks and re mains three or .four days , long enough to get out two papers. A Homicide. - I hod intended to remain at Belle vue and keep house , but since wo have ( fortunately ) been up here , a horrible murder lias been per petrated there , which prevents us from ever making it our home again. I will send you a full account in print , as I cannot write a word , I get so excited. The parties were well known to us and George Hollister has lived with us ever since we liave kept house , and his corpse was taken to our cabin , and the prisoner examined there. News came up to us the night it happened , and- word from Judge Ferguson for Gover nor Izard to send men , a sheriff and con stables , down to take charge of him , as the citizens were determined to lynch him. He was kept from the mob , and is at present in this place , in the hands