The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, April 11, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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The Conscirvatm ,
of the needs of our forestry interests ,
and will ultimately make the whole
country equal to the occasion of a meth
odical , systematic forestry manage
May the Arbor Days multiply in num
ber each season , and thus not only a
praiseworthy sentiment , a spirit of im
provement , find active expression , but
an important question find its solution.
Truly yours ,
BROWN VILLE , NEB. , April 9 , 1888.
DEAR SIR In matter of honors , some
one once said , or wrote , it matters not
who or which , he would , "rather bo
right than to be president. " A lover
of trees and tree planting might appro
priately move an amendment : Substi
tute for the word "right" the words
"author of Arbor Day. "
With me it is a matter of pride that
Arbor Day originated in Nebraska , and
that my warm personal friend and long
time intimate associate , J. Sterling
Morton , is the author thereof. He , per
haps , thought little when he drafted the
resolutions which created Arbor Day
that , in his life-time , results would
become world-wide and incalculable , as
they have.
In fancied dreams I sometimes think
if the flora and sylva work of the here-
life could be translated , accompanied by
characteristic Divine revision and im
provements , what possible greater re
ward could be conceived than enjoy
ment of an eternal aeolian minstrelsy ,
which would , in the very nature of
things , pervade the orchards and groves
in the wonderland of the great here
It is gratifying to witness preparations
made to plant trees in Nebraska on
Arbor Day , 1888. Prof. Lane , state
superintendent of public instruction , it
. will be seen by the circulation of his
thousands of circulars , takes the matter
in hand "with a will. "
Yours truly ,
LLNCOLN , April 14 , 1888.
Dear Sir Your favor acquainting me
with your purpose to issue an Arbor
Day edition of the Press , containing ,
among other matter , tributes to J.
Sterling Morton , as the author of Arbor
Day , was duly received.
Replying thereto I take pleasure in
saying that I cordially endorse the pur
pose you have in view. To Mr. Morton
belongs the credit and the honor of
having originated and inaugurated
Arbor Day in Nebraska. As a result of
his wise forecast , Nebraska set the ex
ample of planting trees ; an example
which has not only pervaded many of
the older states , but has even reached
into foreign lands.
The planting of trees exerts a most
wholesome influence , and will in the
future confer incalculable blessings upon
our race. I gladly join in this public
tribute of regard to Mr. Morton. His
name will ever be associated with Arbor
Very truly yours ,
TOPEKA , KANSAS , April 5 , 1888.
Dear Sir : I believe it is generally
conceded that J. Sterling Morton ,
of your state , was the original
suggester or inventor of Arbor Day ,
and I think it is equally true that the
suggestions made by him received a
prompt and hearty second in this state.
The designation of one day to be de
voted to tree planting has , I believe ,
been attended with the best results in
all the prairie states. It has certainly
called the attention of the people gen
erally to the benefits that followed the
planting of trees , and thus popularized
the work. I have no doubt that hun
dreds of thousands of trees , planted in
Kansas during the past eight or ten
years , would never have been planted if
an Arbor Day had never been designa
ted. Mr. Morton's thought has brought
forth good fruit , and has been of vast
pecuniary value to Kansas and Ne
braska , and to all the states of the
The gold stand-
ALTGELD AND arc ! democrats of
BRYAN. St. Louis and of
the country at
large are gratefully thankful to the dis
tinguished brace of agitators whose
names garnish this tribute to their
utility. With voice and pen , with
oratory and rhetoric of the most resonant
variety , they antagonized the election of
Holla Wells to the mayoralty of St.
Louis. The peerless advocate of presi
dential nominations in perpetuity
whose gallant campaigns for 10 to 1 and
the initiative and referendum in 1896
and 1900 will be famous forever said
of Mr. Wells , whose election by ten
thousand plurality he and Altgeld
insured and consummated :
"Mr. Wells' nomination is a part of
the plan of the reorganizers , national in
its extent , to capture the organization
by stealth and then make the democratic
party so much like the republican party
that there will be little choice between
them. "
If the peerless told the exact truth in
the above , how delighted he will be to
point with pride to a prediction verified ,
even in part , by the election of Holla
The triumph of Mr. Wells makes
Missouri a leading state in the rehabili
tation of the old-
Missouri to time-honest-money
the Front. democracy which
Thomas Hart Benton -
ton for thirty years in the United States
senate made illustrious. David B.
Francis , Fred W. Lehmanu and other
bravo and strenuous defenders of the
faith , against financial fallacies , arc
congratulated that their principal city
has declared for real democracy. There
should be a meeting of the committees
who conducted the campaign for Mr.
Wells and they should vote thanks and
a silver medal to Altgeld and Bryan ,
whose opposition was so useful , so
efficient. In 1904 David R. Francis may
be induced to accept the nomination for
the presidency from the gold standard
voters of the United States. Why not ?
He would make a conservative president.
Congressman W. P. Hepburn of Iowa ,
says : "The region of country that
produces corn in its best condition is
limited to six degrees of latitude and
extends from Ohio only a couple of
hundred miles west of the Missouri
river. That is substantially all the corn
land I mean where corn is produced in
greatest quantities and cheapest that
there is in the world. People will be
surprised to learn that the world's corn
producing region is so limited. It is a
well known fact that the use of corn as
an article of diet in the old countries is
constantly increasing , and that in con-
sequence of this the foreign demand is
greater than ever. We may reasonably
infer that the time is not far distant
when laud in the com belt will be the
most valuable of all country property.
Business prudence protests against our
farmers parting with their lands in the
semi-arid countries of the soutli and
west. "
There have been times when it was
permissible to hope that the late demo
cratic candidate was beginning to learn
from events sufficiently to lay aside the
financial sophistry that brought him to
defeat. But his latest manipulations
force his final classification in the ranks
of the bourbons , who learn nothing and
forget nothing.
One of these demonstrations was to
attempt a prohibition on the democrats
of St. Louis from nominating for mayor
of that city a leading and popular demo
crat , because , as Mr. Bryan put it , lie
"left his party" in 1890. The next waste
to criticise Mr. Cleveland's recent
declarations , indefinite though they
were , as to the reformation of the
democracy , in a very acid tone.
It would bo hard to imagine a more
unique example than that of the man ,
twice defeated as the democratic candi
date for the presidency trying to read
out of the party , the man twice elected as
the democratic candidate for the presi
dency. The evidence that the demo
cratic vote will bo entirely too largo for
Mr. Bryan , if it supports anything else
than Bryanism , is enough to relegate
that person to obscurity hereafter.
Pittsburg Dispatch , March 80 , 1901.