Conservative * 17 WEARE COMMISSION CO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS. OLD COLONY BUILDING. CHICAGO. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE. . . TOO CDNTJIAT. , AVE. UERDACUA PITV wen , Tnovr 03 NEBRASKA CITY NEB B 8 Sleeplessness is a terrible affliction. The most common cause of it is some form of indigestion. Ripans Tabules positively cure indigestion. They do not act like opiates , producing an unnatural , immediate effect , but gradually exert an influence over the nervous system , which results in ready sleep , sound and refreshing. "I am glad to give my testimonial in regard to the great worth of Ripans Tabules , " writes a middle-aged lady , living in Philadelphia , Pa. "I slowly recovered from a severe illness and was getting along very well , only I could not sleep , which kept me from gaining strength A friend advised me to take Ripans Tabules which acted like a charm , giving me refreshing slumber and also renewing my strength. I was also troubled with dyspepsia , and found to my great surprise that as my strength returned I was cured of this disease also. " . A case of bad health that R-I-P A-N-S will not benefit. They banish WANTED. prolong life. One gives relief. Note the word R-I-P-A-N-S on the package and accept no substitute. R-I-P-A-N-S. 10 for 5 cents ; may be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will be mailed to any ad dress for 5 cents , forwarded to the Ripans Chemical Co. , 10 Spruce St. , New York. M/ , M. W. JOHNS' vy t Asbestos Roofings M/ Mvy PURE ASBESTOS , NO COAL TAR , WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATINO , vy vy vy vy ONE QUALITY. MANY STYLES. LOW PRICES. vy vj/ vy Application Simple & Inexpensive , Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , vy vy vy vy W. JOHNS' M'FG CO. vy H. vy . . . , vy vy vy vy HEW YORK , CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA , BOSTON , vy MAKERS Of vyI I ASBESTOS MATERIALS , LIQUID PAINTS AND STAINS , PIPE AND BOILER 8 COVERINGS , ELECTRICAL MATERIALS. | HIS FRUIT WAS BIG AND RED. B. F. Stuart , who owns the lighland fruit farm , five miles south east of Rushvillo , believes ho has solved ; ho problem of producing perfect apples 11 spite of the many enemies of the apple tree. His remedy lies in spraying and ho believes it is not thoroughly un- lerstood by the apple growers. "I have been studying horticulture 'or thirty years , " said Mr. Stuart. "I mvo paid particular attention to the soil and climate of Kansas and Missouri , and I have come to the conclusion that iho hour has como when all fruit grow ers must spray to kill the insects which are destroying the fruits , or complete failure will overtake fruit interests. rlaphaKard , happy-go-lucky ways nmst )0 succeeded by the thorough , intelli gent methods. The wants of the tree must be studied , must bo understood and administered to , and "Western Mis souri and Eastern Kansas will then as tonish the world with its fine fruit. The climate and the soil need only the in- : elligent assistance of the farmer to ac- somplish this result. "Last season the canker worm siid- denly appeared , and in its ravages it slighted crop after crop in my locality. What condition produced the worms I do not know , but they appeared in lountless numbers , and nearly every orchard was an easy prey for them. Here are three or four bushels of apples which I brought to town this morning. Look at them. I do not think you will find half a dozen that are not perfectly sound. I had a big crop of the most perfect apples I ever raised. It was ah object lesson in the proper spraying of trees. " , ' "What is your exact method of spray ing ? " was asked. . ' * How Stuart Saves His Fruit. "Perhaps lean best answer by describing - scribing what I did last season. To be gin at the very first step , I used Paris green of proportions of about three- fourths of a pound of Paris green to a fifty gallon barrel of water. Bear in mind , however , that such a solution is dangerously strong. With it , quicklime must be used , always taking at least three times more lime than Paris green. That is , the quicklime should weigh at least three times more than the Paris green. The limo absorbs the free arsenic and prevents the scalding of the foliage. But and this should be carefully heed ed I strongly advise , except in extraord inary occasions , that only one-half tlie amount of Paris green , as stated above , be used , as all preparations of arsenic are powerful corrosive poisons and very readily destroy the leaves of the trees. I had to use a very strong solution last spring , because it was May 14 when I began the work of destroying the cank er worms , which were then full grown , and in almost infinite numbers. "My success in'destroying ' , the worms