The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 28, 1901, Page 20, Image 20
- * - * Conservative. i i uwm-iiry > < " - 1 "The Limited , " evening train , and "The Express , " noon train , from Omaha for Chicago. UNEXCELLED SERVICE Day train and evening train from Omaha for Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tickets of agents of connecting lines. TV. II. BIULL , Dlst. Pass'r Agt. , Omaha. S : A. H. HANSON. G.P.A. , J. F. MERRY. A.G.PO * Chicago Dubuaue. A TRIPLE ALLIANCE BEST ROADBED SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME Cause world-wide travelers like Frank O. Car penter , the famous correspondent , to exclaim "TiiE UNION PACIFIC ! _ As an American I am proud of it. " Sherman gravel , the finest ballast in the world , is used on the main line of the Union Pacific , making a perfect roadbed. NO DUST NO JARRING SMOOTH AND EASY RIDING VIA Union Pacific Only One Night to Utah Only Two Nights to California Only Two Nights to Oregon E. b. UOMAX , G. P. & T. A. Omaha , INeb. [ Galena Coach , and Car Oils S SS S Are the Standard Railway Lubricants of the World. S Ss S They are more Economical and Effective than any other Railway Lubricating Oils to be had Anywhere. If you are not familiar with these facts , and are at all interested , please inquire of Railway People. s s . FOR FURTHER. PARTICULARS WRITE GALENA OIL COMPANY , s FranKlin , Pennsylvania. Charles Miller , President. s