The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 28, 1901, Page 16, Image 16
ali 16 Conservative. li ! INDIANA , ILLINOIS AND IOWA RAIL-ROAD. THE CONNECTING TRUNK LINE , EXTENDS FROM ST. JOSEPH , MICH. TO FULTON , ILt. , THROUGH SOUTH BEND , IND. , KANKAKKE , IM , . , 8TREATOR , CONNECTIONS AND JUNCTION.POINTS , Direct Connections. Junction Points A. T. & . 8. F. By . Strcator , 111. B. &O. R.B . WalkertDii , Intl. B. C. R. SsN. By . Clinton , la. Chicago & Alton By . Strcator , 111. Chicago & Alton By . Dwight , 111. Btreator , 111. Zearing , 111. { E st ° Cl'lntonm. Walnut , 111. Denrock , 111. Clov. Cin. Chic. & St. L. By. .Kankakco , 111. Chicago & East. 111. B. B. . . .Komenco , 111. Chicago & East. 111. B. B. . . .Whcatfleld , Ind. Chicago , Ind. & Louisville j Shelbr , Ind. By. Co. ( Monon ) . ( San Pierre , Ind. Chicago & Erie B. B . North Judson , Ind ( Fulton , 111. C. M. & St. P. By < East Clinton , HI. ( Clinton , la. ( "Fulton , 111. East Clinton , 111. Chicago & Northwest. By. J I Churchill , 111. Idinton , la. Chicago & So. Bend By. . . . . .South Bend , Ind. C.B.L&P.By DePue , Ind. Chic. & WabasTi Val. B. B. . .Kersey , Ind. Davenp. B. I. & N. W. By. . . .Clinton , la. Grand Trunk By. System. . .South Bond , Ind. . 111. Illinois Central B. B. . : . . . . ) Kankakce. . ( Lostant , 111. Indiana Northern By . South Bend , Ind. Lake Shore & Mich. So. By. f gd. ? ' Lake Erie & "Western B. B. . .Walker ton , Ind. Michigan Central B. B . j jgjg N. Y. C. & St. L. B. B . Knox , Ind. Pore Marquette By . St. Joseph , Mich. Lake Mich. Boat Lines . St. Joseph , Mich. P. C. C. & St. L . North Judson.Ind P. F. W. & C. By . Hamlet , Ind. Vandalia Line . South Bend , Ind. Operating Fast Freight Service between the East and West , North and South , in connection with all the principal railroad systems and fast freight lines , thus avoiding the delays to which traffic passing through Chicago is sub jected. General Offices , 505 The Rookery , Chicago , 111. T. P. 8HONTS , GEO. H. ROSS , Pros. & Gen. Mgr. Traffic Mgr Parties writing to advertisers will please mention The Conservative. DO A GENERAL COLD STORAGE AND FREEZING BUSINESS , AND MAKE LIB ERAL ADVANCES ON EGGS , BUTTER , CHEESE AND POULTRY STORED , AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST. WHITEBREAST FUEL COMPANY , OF ILLINOIS. IOWA AND CLEVELAND. PEKAY. ILLINOIS SMOKY HOLLOW COAL. DUNFERMLINE. S. A. FORBUSH.Jr. , Gen. Sales Agent , OTTUMWA , IOWA. NATIONAL S BANK BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS , FEBRUARY 14 , 1901. Capital - - - $3OOOOOO.OO , Surplus and Undivided Profits - 1,962,442.32 Deposits - - - - 31,330,831.39 Accounts of merchants , trustees and corpora tions respectfully solicited. DIFFERENT AIND BETTER than anything yon have over iisecl. It's AND IT "COMFORTS ALL HURTS. " A specific for all external inflammations of the skill. Believes Pain , Controls Fever and Prevents Blood Poison. FOR CUTS , BRUISES , BURNS , SCALDS , ETC. Yes , your druggist has it or can get it ; if not , wo will send it postpaid on receipt of price and his name. 25c and 50c a Bottle. SKBINB & WILSON , 041-643 Unity Bldg , CHICAGO. Solo Agents for Chicago and Northwest. GREAT CHANCE FOR HUSTLING AGENTS-WRITE US. WESTERN GOLD STORAGE Go. LARGEST GOLD STORAGE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. CAPACITY , 4,000 CARS. DIRECT CONNECTIONS WITH ALL RAIL AND WATER LINES. Warehouses : A. B. C. D. E. and F. Warehouses : J. M. , R. K. and W. North State and Michigan Streets , North Side. Illinois Central Railroad Pier No. 2 , South Side. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED , MAIN OFFICES : 39 NORTH STATE ST.