Conservative. did ho keep the pledge of that record. Through nil the eight years following ruiis n straight line of purity and right eousness , iu his senatorial career. One could hardly wish a better test of what was wrong , than what Senator Caffery opposed ; and that was a good deal. Ho was probably fallible in his judgments of such things , like other mortals ; but ho seemed rather less and less , than more and more so , with increase of acquaint ance. One of his latest prominent appear ances before the country was wholly thrust upon him , or rather attempted to be , in his nomination by the third party in New York last September. Of this occasion one of his family remarked : "We were against it , and I felt some un easiness , for they came trying to per suade him that it was his duty , and I knew that if ever that got into his head , nothing on earth could ever turn him away. " A leading public man of his state described him indeed as a queer fellow , citing as instance , that there had once been a sharp opposition between them on some local question , aud when shortly af terward this gentleman wished endorsements for a certain position , he was astonished by a particularly strong one from Senator Caffery. This absolute rectitude , seemed the key to all his grasp of public matters ; the clearness of judg ment , the almost unerring sense of the better part and the worse , the weighty comment , all appeared to flow from that one pure fouutaiu ; his large knowledge , his diligent reading , and all his public opportunities , being so many tributary streams. At any rate , for one who know that such were his main springs , it was interesting to see what ways they would impel him , under all his conditions , as a public man. The ways proved to bo inflexible opposition to silverism , pro tectionism , imperialism , subsidism ; sup port of the present administration by a clear though narrow margin ; genera views of his country , bound up as he is and identified with his own section , ye easily transcending all mere partialitiei and limitations of any section. Whenever his manful stand iu the time of his party's great eclipse is re called , there comes with it the figure o the steadfast angel : So spake t > Boraph Abdiol , faithful found Among the faithless , faithful only he ; Among innumerable false , unmoved , Unshaken , unseduced , untorrifled , Nor numbers nor example with him wrought To swerve from truth , or change his constant mind , Though single , from amidst them forth he passed , bong way through hostile scorn , which ho sustained Superior , nor of violence f pared aught ; And with retorted scorn his back ho turned On tho&o proud towers , to swift destruction doomed. The foregoing may have a little the sound of an epitaph , as is natural ; but it is responsible , and moreover , not with out hope oven in tin's life. Halo as one of the majestic live-oaks that hang their mossy streamers round his Southern home , he could not if ho would estrange himself from the interests of the coun try ho has served so well. Owners of the ouriouswork _ published in 1870 under the above title , edited by General Brisbin , will be interested in ho following note from Governor Furuas , of Brownville , concerning the 'adventurous ' white chief , soldier , muter , trapper and guide , " Boldeu , 'rom ' whose manuscripts the book was professedly compiled. According to Belden's narrative , ho ran away from iis home in Ohio at the age of thirteen , came to "Brownsville , " Nebraska , then a small hamlet of log houses , induced us father and family presently to f ol- .ow him thither , and embarked in the publication of a weekly newspaper , the Nemaha Valley Journal , " which he characterizes as a sickly affair. Then iu the course of two years brick houses sprang up , "buffalo , game aud Indians wore gone , " the sickly paper became a daily , and young Belden felt constrained to depart for less metropolitan fields. The lack of buffalo can hardly have been felt at Brownville , for according to the journals of early travelers , they were not seen east of Port Kearney for many a year before this time. Governor Furnas writes that this ac count is "highly colored. George Beldeu came to Brownville with his father and family. Not before. George was an adventurous boy , which iu the end cost him his life. Ho was a mem ber of my regiment , the Second Nebras ka Cavalry , in our northern expedition against the Sioux Indians in Northern Dakota in 18013. He was a writer of merit , and kept for me the diary of that expedition. After that service was over , he ventured alone into that country and was killed by the Indians. "There was a small , short-lived daily paper once published in Brownville , for which young Belden did some writing. I do not think George was interested iu the paper. His father only leased the ma terial for the printing office. " In running away from homo for the second time , the young man laid his course for Nebraska City , riding fast and furious and never pulling rein until he reached his destination ; but then re member that there was telegraphic com munication with Brownville , and fear ing lest he" should be overhauled by wire , he pushed ou over the prairie and reached Omaha the same day ho started. But his recollection of this matter must have been confused , or else he did not come to Nebraska so early as one would suppose ; for the first telegraph .office in Nebraska City was opened only in the fore part of November , I860. The office was two doors east of the Morton House. A. T. R. THE CONSEUVA- A WISE RECOMMEN- v E commends DATION. Governor Dietrich for opposing un necessary duplication in the construc tion and equipment of public buildings. In a special message to the legislature he has made a sensible recommendation in regard to the lighting of state institu tions located at the capital city that deserves - serves the approbation of our law makers. Ho suggests that money be appropriated for the building of a com mon lighting plant iu conjunction with the electrical plant of the state univer sity. As the governor points out there would be a two-fold advantage in the proposed arrangement. It would result in an annual saving to the state of $10,490 , or fifty per cent. And iu ad dition to this economy it would equip our state university with one of the best leotrical plants in the country and give ; he electrical department , a rank second ; o none. Relative to the cost of the proposed plan the governor says : "Tho cost of instituting such a plant as is proposed , including all the wiring and material needed , would not exceed $50,000so that the amount saved the state ach year , to say nothing of the advan tages in the way of adequate lighting , ouveuionce and education , would in less than five years be sufficient to pay the entire original cost. "The proposed plan contemplates the enlargement of the electrical plant at the university. Prof. Morgan Brooks of the department of electrical engineer ing at the university , who very kindly at my request , investigated into the matter and from whose estimates these deductions are drawn , says that for $50,000 or possibly less , the university plant can bo enlarged so as to furnish light for all of said buildings day and night and the necessary power to operate the machinery at the penitentiary and furnish such power as is needed at the asylum together with necessaiy motors. This plan also provides for the use of exhaust steam for heating the university and the expense of rearranging the heat ing plant to that end is included in the foregoing estimate. Conditioned upon such an improvement in the facilities for teaching and demonstrating work in electricity it is possible if not probable that the board of regents will agree to defray the expense of rearranging the heating system out of funds of that in stitution and thus make a corresponding decrease , approximately $2,500 , in the cost to the state. "There are many reasons why such a plant as is proposed should be located at the university. It means that the machinery will have close inspection and bo under constant supervision of expert electricians at all times without additional expense. It means a saving in the cost of a boiler house aud a stack. And it means and this is a most signifi cant feature , considering the part elec tricity promises to play in the future as a ooucomitaut inventive genius that the university of Nebraska will be equipped with as good a plant and be as well prepared - pared to educate on the subject of elec tricity as any of the great colleges of this country. "