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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1901)
1 13be Conservative. 17 Sleeplessness is a terrible affliction. .The most common cause of it is some form of indigestion. Riparis Tabules positively cure indigestion. They do not act like opiates , producing an unnatural , immediate effect , but gradually exert an influence over the nervous system , which results in ready sleep , sound and refreshing. "I am glad to give my testimonial in regard to the great worth of Ripans Tabules , " writes a middle-aged lady , living in Philadelphia , Pa. "I slowly recovered from a severe illness and was getting along very well , only I could not sleep , which kept me from gaining strength A friend advised me to take Ripans Tabules which acted like a charm , giving me refreshing slumber and also renewing my strength. I was also troubled with dyspepsia , and found to my great surprise that as my strength returned I was cured of this disease also. " WANTED. A case of bad health that K-I-P A-N-S will not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One ( jives relief. Note the word K-I-P-A-N-b on the package and accept no substitute IM-F-A-N-S. 10 for 5 cents ; may be had at any ill UK store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will be mailed to any ad dress for 5 cents , forwarded to the Ripans Chemical Co. , jo Spruce St. , New York. Use Rock Salt for Brine , Pickles , Hides , Meats , Ice Cream , Ice Making , Fertilizing , and Refrigeration. USE Kansas Lump Rock Salt GROUND ROCK SALT C" . . Oi U MINES&WORKS FOR STOCK , POP OtOCK. LYONS&KANOPOLISKAN PUREST , MOST HEALTHFUL , BEST , HIGHEST AWARDS AND MEDALS FOR PURITY , WORLD'S EXPOSITION , CHICAGO , 1893 , TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION , OMAHA , 1899 , WESTERN ROCK SALT CO. , ST. LOUIS , MO. BURPEE'S FARM ANNUALS "QUARTER-CENTURY EDITION" A Grand New Book of two hundred and twenty pages. Entirely rewritten at our famous FORDHOOK FARMS the largest Trial Grounds In America. New Directions for culture , New Leaflets , New Novelties of unusual merit In both Vegetables and Flowers , Elegant New Colored Plates. The Quarter-Century's Record of Progress. New Cash Prizes , and other New Features. | The largest , most complete , and BEST SEED CATALOGUE ever published. Mailed for ten1 cents , which Is less than cost per copy. Name this paper , send ten cents ( silver or stamps ) and with this great catalogue we shall send a 15-cent packet of either Burbanle's Unique Floral Novelty or Burpee's wonderful , new , dwarf , meaty , bright-red , earliest Tomato , "Quarter-Century. " * y- Should you object to paying ten cents for a seed catalogue ( even though it Is worth a dollar then write a postal card for Burp * ' , SEED-SENSED for 1901a "strictly business ' W. ATLCC BURPEE 4 , CO. , PHILADELPHIA , PA. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NebrasKa City National BanK NEBRASKA CITY , NEB , , at the close of business , December 18,1000. ASSETS. Loans and discounts 1251,217.00 Overdrafts 00.09 U.S. Bonds 118,000.00 Other securities 10,991.08 Bank and other real estate 12,770.82 Cash , and duo from banks and Treas. , U. 8 140,009.00 Total J544.085.18 LIABILITIES. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and profit 16,881.63 Circulation 100,000.00 Deposits 829,808.05 Total $544,68548 DIRECTOR * . W. L. WILSON , Prest. B. LOHTON , Vice-Prest. H. D. WIT-SON , Cashier. ROUT. PAYNE. DAVID BUOWN. BUSINESS SOLICITED. Otoe Cotinty National BariK.x * NEBRASKA CITY , NEB , , Invite Attention to tneir TOTAL DEPOSITS. Deo. 9 , 1892 , Dec. 19 , 1893 , Doc. 19 , 1894 , Dec. 13 , 1895 , Dec. 17 , 1896 , Dec. 15 , 1897 , Dec. 1 , 1898 , Dec. 2 , 1899 , Dec. 13 , 1900 , 45,285.78 , . 57,578.84 76,074/02 61,686.44 56,019.85 84,228.08 115,221.18 140,337,75 200,179.58 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. O. A. KIMMEL , QKO. E. LEWIS , President. Vice-President. JNO. W. STEINHAUT , FHED W. KOTTMANN , Cashier. Asst. Cashier. O. C. MORTON. HARRY WALES. WANTED Subscription so licitors in every part of the country. ' Liberal Commis sion. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Parties writing to adyertisen will please mention The Conservative.