The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 21, 1901, Page 14, Image 14
I " . i'-/ - : . . .ir.U\ ' . "Cbc Conservative. MEMORIES. At twilight , when the shadows Lie softly in the room , When naught , beahlo tliu firelight Illuminates the gloom ; At twilight , when the day fades , With all its busy cnres , Old memories waken from their Bleep And hold mo unawares. They bid mo welcome as their guest , High carnival hold sway , While I , half doubting , yield myself And bid them have their way. The years flit by as shadows , Glide from the cloud's swift wing. Friends , dead and scattered , gather there , While sweetly memories sing : Of times that passed right merrily Before the open flro ; Of laugh and song , while howling storm But bade the flames leap higher ; Of choice hours spent on favorite books , With these who loved them well , I hear each tone and see each glance Neath memory's mystic spell. Each friend holds still a niche , a place Or better still , a tone In that great harp of memorj * , That sounds for them alone. In twilight , when the strings are swept , That sweep my heart as well , Each to its own rings true Yet blends in one harmonious swell. All distances are leveled. The years drop out of sight. All bitterness forgotten is , At memory's feast tonight. Still sing they of the quiet hours From all the world , apart , When firelight shown on little ones , That rested on my heart. While cradle song awoke the gloom , And soft the shadows fell O'er baby eyes of deepest blue , While slumber wove her spell. Each year brings to mo some fresh flower , In childhood's garden grown. 'Tis memory's sweetest offering ; I claim it for my own. Some dreams that leapt before the fire , As leaps the kindling flame , Are realized today ; while some Have died without a name. Heap high their graves ! At memory's feast , Not one shall bo forgot , For each Love hath her Immortelles : The years shall change them not. Give o'er kind friends , the night is past , The hearth-stone has grown cold. The day dawns on the present , The future is untold. EMMA SHUMAN. March 7th , 1001. FORESTRY ACT OF INDIANA. A Bill for nn Act to establish a State Board of Forestry , defining its powers and duties and creating the office of State Forester and Secretary of said Board and fixing the amount of his salary and allowance for his expenses. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Indiana : That a Board is hereby created and es tablished which shall be known under the name of the State Board of Forestry. It shall consist , of five members , who shall be appointed by the Governor , as follows : One from the membership of the State Forestry Association , one from the membership of the Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of Indiana , one from the faculty of Purdue University , one from the Woodworkers of the State , who is a mechanic , actively employed at his trade , and oho who shall have special knowledge of the theory and art of forest preservation and timber culture and technical knowledge of the topography graphy of the State , and said last mem ber shall , upon his appointment and qualification , become and be the Secre tary of said Board and ex-qfllcio State Forester. All of said members of said Board shall hold their offices for four years , and all except said Secretary and State Forester shall serve without compensa tion. A majority of said Board shall constitute a quorum , and said board shall annually elect from its own num ber a president. Section 2. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties , the members of said Board shall each take and sub scribe an oath of office before the clerk of the supreme court that they will faithfiilly and honestly discharge the duties of said offices , which oath of office shall bo filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Section 8. The Board shall meet at least once each quarter in the city of Indianapolis , and as often as they deem necessary upon five days' notice , signed by the president and secretary , and in the absence of the president , a chair man shall bo chosen to preside. The minutes of all meetings shall be recorded by the secretary in a book to be kept for that purpose. Section 4. It shall be the duty of said Board to collect , digest and classify information respecting forests , timber lauds , forest preservation and timber culture , and to recommend plans and methods for forest preservation and timber culture , and for the establish ment of State Forest Reserves. The Board shall annually , on or before the first day of December , file with the gov ernor a report. Section 5. The secretary of the Board shall keep his office at Indianapolis , in a room to bo furnished said Board by the Custodian of the State House , and shall perform such duties as are prescribed by this Act or may be required by the Board ; and ho shall , as far as practicable submit to associations and meetings of timber dealers , woodworkers' , farmers , and engineers of maintenance of way of railroads , information and facts as to forests and timber. Section 0. The Secretary ( and State Forester ) shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars and an allow ance for expenses of his office and his traveling expenses , not exceeding six hundred dollars. The President of the Board shall quarterly certify the amount duo the Secretary upon vouch ers duly attested by the Secretary before some officer authorized to administer oaths , and the amount so certified shall bo paid to the Secretary out of the Treasury of the State upon warrant of the Auditor of State. Approved March 21 , 1901. MORTON -GREGSON COMPANY COR PORATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned , J. Sterling Morton. A. T. Richardson and Robert Payne , of Nebraska City , Nebraska , have associated themselves together and formed a corporation under the general corporation law of Nebraska First The name of said corporation is Morton-Gregson Company. Second The principal place of transacting its business is Nebraska City , Otoe county , Nebraska. Third The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation is the pur chase and sale , slaughtering , dressing , packing and holding for sale , selling and selling for others , of live stock of cattle , hogs and sheep , and shipping by refrigerator cars or otherwise of the meats and products thereof , and doing generally the business of slaughtering , pack ing and selling , and whatever is incident there to or in any wise usually connected therewith. Fourth The amount of capital stock of this corporation , authorized , is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars , and is to bo paid in as called for by the board of directors upon five days' notice to the subscribers thereof. Fifth The time of the commencement of this corporation is March 12 , 1901 , and of its termination March 12 , 1051. Sixth The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at any time to subject itself is not to exceed two- thirds of its capital stock. Seventh The affairs of this corporation are to bo conducted by a board of five directors , and , subject to this board , a president , vice- president , secretary and trpasurer. J. STERLING MORTON , A. T. RICHARDSON , ROBT. PAYNE. March 21 , 1001. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska : In the matter of George W. Tucker & Co. , Bankrupts. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order made in the above entitled cause , upon the 20th day of February , A. D. 1901 , by James W. Eaton , referee in bankruptcy , I will upon Saturday , the 23d day of March , 1901 , at 10 o'clock , a. in. , at 1010 Central Avenue , Nebraska City , Nebraska , offer for sale , and sell for cash to the highest bidder , subject to the approval of this court , the entire stock of drugs and fixtures , lately belonging to said bankrupts , consisting of the following items : 1 safe , 1 soda fountain , 5 show cases , 1 largo stove , 1 prescription case and counter. 1 music box. 6 chairs , complete set of druggist's labeled shelf bottles , paints and oils , rubber goods , glass , brushes , and general retail drug stock , and other articles , useful , but too numerous to mention. GEORGE W. TOMPKIN , Trustee in Bankruptcy. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE. , , TOO CENTRAL AYE. UCDDACVA PITV urn BELL PHONC 03 NEBRASKA UITT NEB. WEARE COMMISSION GO. GRAINS , PROVISIONS , STOCKS AND BONDS. OLD COLONY BUILDING , CHICAGO , ( NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS- } CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE ( CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE J. F. HABRIS . STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PROVISIONS COFFEE No. i BOARD or TRADE PRIVATE WIRES CHICAGO