The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 28, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    t be Conservative.
The utter demoralization of the demo
cratic party is thrust upoii us by the an-
nouucemeiit that Tom Patterson of
Colorado and Dubois , of Idaho , have
decided to join it. It is reduced in size
to lit the caliber of Dubois and in repu
tation to meet the requirements of Pat
The odor arising from stirring up the
finances of the Populist party indicates
the management of the campaign
to have been almost as disreputable as
the principles advocated. The truth of
the charges made by both Edmiston
and Porter can readily be admitted by
all fair-minded persons. There has
never any thing emanated from popu-
listio sources with such ear marks
of truth as the character sketches these
gentlemen offer us of each other. The
vilest enemy of reform would not now ,
in the face of the evidence , dare insinu
ate that sordid motives of unhallowed
gain , ever entered the heart of these un
selfish patriots. It might be said of the
Pop administration as was long ago said
of a certain sermon : "Pretty good what
there was of it , for the kind , and plenty
of it such as it was. "
In the name of all that's decent and
holy in religion why is it paraded in the
papers that Dinsmore is the president of
the Y. M. O. A. in the penitentiary. No
reason is alleged for the Y. M. O. A.
being in the pen , although electing Dins-
more president is sufficient justification.
There has never been so revolting a
crime in the borders of Nebraska as that
of this villain. He no doubt longs to
meet his bride of three mouths who
owes her being in heaven today to the
loving clutch of his fingers at her throat.
The making a saint out of this lecherous
fiend is a disgrace to any church that
tolerates it. If a soul such as that can
enter the pearly gates the devil must
find his career as near its end as that of
a pop orator.
The Isthmian canal should be built by
private enterprise. We do not need any
repetition of the Pacific Railroad scan
dal. All arguments and schemes for
government aid to this canal bear too
close a resemblance to those advanced
for the Credit Mobilier in this country
and the Panama affair in France. If
there is a legitimate demand for such a
work there is plenty of capital to pro
mote it. It will pay a fair profit. If it
is not of sufficient importance to com
merce , if it does not fill along-felt want ,
then it is too soon to build it. Capital
has grown to such stupendous proportions
tions now that aid of governments is no
longer needed , and the asking of a sub-
'sidy for steamships or bonus for erecting
public works is evidence upon its face
that business men avoid the enterprise
for fear of fraud or knowledge that it
con not be made to pay. Five hundred
million dollars can bo raised in sixty
tfK , *
days for any legitimate business enter
prise headed by legitimate business men.
There is no justifying the use of the
government to protect any business
enterprise from loss or to insure
excessive profits.
The only man ever nominated for the
presidency by the republican party who
deserved to be called a statesman was
Benjamin Harrison. Ho is today with
out question the greatest intellect in the
party , though it is likely to cost its
owner his position. The politician could
not grasp the situation when Harrison
was president : that the public service
should bo considered instead of personal
friendship in appointments ; that in out
lining a policy that he should think of
the union and the future instead of the
party and present salaries , made him
almost as much of a Sphinx as Cleve
land. And now that he actually has
ideas of his own is creating a hubbub
equal to a heresy trial in a Presbyterian
church. In a party that "looks to the
East" to have Grand Master Mark
Hanna furnish all ideas , it actually
throws a suspicion over Harrison that he
is leaning towards democracy because
he thinks for himself.
Bryan still insists that he was defeat
ed by his men being so pusillanimous
that Mark Hanua bought them up like
sheep. But Mark's record as a business
man is shattered and he must be weep
ing over his wasted cash when he con
templates how many more he bought
than were necessary. It must have
been that the rush of Bryanites for
Mark's boodle broke the market so that
his "contribution" to the campaign
bought double the number of "the allied
forces of reform' ' anticipated. The only
wonder is that they stayed bought.
Bryan confesses that the Nebraska
populist is like his brand of a democrat.
It will be difficult for him to find any
slur in a Gold Standard paper upon his
style of democracy that will equal his
confession for bitterness and scathing
The nation is now awaiting with in
terest to see which city will first exhibit
the grim humor of inviting Bryan to
address a Fourth of July assemblage.
In spite of his remarkable utterance to
the travelling men last summer , the
manufacturers of calendars for 1901
have inserted tin's' day and some have
been so cruel as to print it in red in
order to emphasize the failure of our
modern Cffisar to amend the calendar.
President McKinley will find that the
advancement of Samson to please a
clique of politicians has again stirred
up one of the ugly phases of the Spanish
war that good politics required to be
left slumbering.
If granting by Russia of a subsidy
upon sugar is to bar its admission to this
country , by what species of logic do we
expect subsidized ships to bo admitted
to foreign ports ?
The republican party , like a fond
parent , has doted upon its beautiful
progeny , the tariff , until the entire fam
ily seemed to think there was no other
"truly good and beautiful. " While our
tariff is "a thing of beauty and a joy
forever , " it appears to the Chicago im
plement manufacturers that the Russian
variety is a horrid ogre. They have
actually called a meeting and notified
Secretary Gage that the infant industry
of making twine binders is being offered
as a sacrifice upon the altar of the con
sumptive sugar infant. It is really pre
posterous that an attempt should be
made by Russia to cheapen agricultural
implements through the well-known re
publican method of taxation. If all
nations would unite in protecting them
selves by a McKinley tariff , wealth
would soon be a drug on the market.
Mrs. Nation came to Chicago but
found the platform too tough even for
her and returned to the -more congenial
air of Topeka without having even
started one of its joints.
Mansfield , the great actor , stated at a
reception that "Good deportment is
essential to success upon the stage , " and
the next morning flew into a rage be
cause his mutton chop was not to his
liking and threw it against the wall of
his dining room. This is an eccentricity
of genius.
When Carrie Nation took up the
hatchet the Creek nation retired into
It is a question of some moment why
teachers should have a school maintained
for their profession any more than any
other business. The maintenance of so
many inferior schools is a menace to our
real seats of learning and fosters the
idea that "a smattering" is an educa
It transpires that Postmaster Gordon
of Chicago only contributed $100 to the
campaign expenses last year. Under
the civil service rules now prevailing
Mr. Gordon will soon be "benevolently
assimilated" with the common herd and
the office which knew him will know
him no more forever.
A populistic surgeon at York , Neb. ,
has been devoting much time to
hypnotism and asserts that by "sugges
tion" a man can be voted for Bryan and
Reform by simply indicating to a sub
ject that "on election day you will vote
the ticket of assorted vagaries. " Think
of the field this opens up for the prac
tical politician who wishes to be sure his
coin is not wasted or a candidate who
desires to have faith in his promises pre
served \intil after the ballot is cast.
Victoria is to be congratulated that
she will not have to read Austin's re
A minister lately attacked in the daily