The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 28, 1901, Page 16, Image 16
> * * v ft v ? 'V'iP ; tf/jw' / yssfi1 ' - 4 ' t , : ' - - 16 'Cbc Conservative * RETSOF MINING GO'S PURE ROCK SALT , Sold in the lump form for stock and in the crushed form for curing meats , cucumber pickles and hides ; also for freezing and packing ice cream and for refrigerating generally. V Retsof , / RETSOF MINING CO. , MINES AT < Livonia , \ NEW YORK. ( Greigsville , ) SCRANTON , PENNSYLVANIA. FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , JOHN A. MCCALL , PRESIDENT. OFFICE : 346 & 348 BROADWAY , NEW YORK. JANUARY 1 , v/ v/ * ! * ASSETS. Real Estate $ 16,925,900 Bonds and Stocks 170,854,974 Bonds and Mortgages 84,798,942 Loans secured by collaterals 2,894,000 Premium Loans 16,516,188 Cash in Office and in Banks and Trust Companies 14,070,177 Interest and Rents due and accrued 1,680,405 * Net amount of uncolleoted and deferred Premiums 4,955,981 Total Admitted Assets as per Certificate of Insurance Department $263,196,512 LIABILITIES. V/ Reserve Value of Policies and Annuities ( those issued prior to January 1,1899 , value as per Combined Experience Table of Mortality with 4 % interest ; I those issued since January 1 , 1899 , as per American Table of Mortality with 8 % interest ) , as per certificate of New York Insurance Department. . $218,082,202 General Liabilities 8,175,059 Additional Reserve on Policies which the Company values on a 3 % or a § % % I basis , over the 4 % valuation by the Insurance Department 4,288,077 Reserve to provide dividends payable to policy-holders during 1901 , and in sub sequent years , per policy contracts- Payable to Policy-holders in 1901 $ 8,587,790 Is Payable to Policy-Holders , subsequent to 1901 , as the periods mature : f To holders of 20-Year Period Policies 19,704,511 v/ To holders of 16-Year Period Policies 7,422,746 To holders of 10-Year Period Policies 462,976 /s To holders of 5-Year Dividend Policies 257,882 Aggregate 81,885,855 Other Funds for all other contingencies 10,820,819 Total Liabilities $263,196,513 INCOME. Total Premium Income $48,758,578 Interest , Rents , etc 10,165,941 \ / Total Income $58,914,519 DISBURSEMENTS. Death Claims Paid $12,580,998 Endowments Paid 2,949,576 Annuities , Dividends , Surrender Values , etc 7,825,258 Total paid policy-holders $28,855,826 Commissions , Brokerages , and all other payments to Agents 6,586,522 Home Office and Branch Office Salaries and Physicians' Fees 2,898,671 Real Estate expenses , Taxes , Advertising and all other expenses 2,285,844 Total Disbursements $35.126,363 New policies Paid for during 1900 , 116,299 , insuring $282,888,255. Total number of policies in force January 1,1901 , 511,600 , insuring $1,202,156,665. AGENTS WANTED-APPLY TO NEBRASKA BRANCH OFFICE , NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. , OMAHA.