The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 28, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    "Che Conservative. 11
Morton Printing Co. ,
Printers , Publishers , Stationers. j&
Printers of High Art Labels , and
Makers of Folding Boxes , Etc.
South Sixth Street. Nebraska City , Neb.
A Quarter Century of Success
Unparalleled in the History of Life Insurance.
Insurance in force ( end of 1900) ) 604 : Millions
Insurance written in 1900 ( over ) 249 Millions
Total paid policy-holders ( in 25 years ) 49 Millions
Assets , end of 1900 , over 40 Millions
Income during 1900 over 24 Millions
Paid policy-holders in 1900 over 7 Millions
* X ' , * v "
Surplus , end of 1900 , over 6 Millions
Policies in force , end of 1900 , over 4 Millions
" * * " * * *
Tbe Best in Life Insurance , Absolute Protection ,
Profitable Investment , Tne Most Liberal Conditions
of America.
JOHN F. DRYDEN , President.
- "Write for Information. rt
Home Office , NEWARK , N. J ,
. / /