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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
10 Conservative. SONNET. When Love dies , nnd the funeral plumes nro set , And mourners coinu to take you by the hand , Regard them not ; they do not understand Who bid you bless your sorrow and forgot. When Love has died ( if .Lovo should die ! ) , regret Will bind you broken in the former land , And warp your life with one supreme command To tend the dead in love's dark oubliette. For you have loved , and all your life is al tered , And you have lost , and appetite unfed Will drive yon seeking solace with the dead. Bo there your life ; and know that , having fal tered , You seek among the living folk in vain , For Love is dead. You shall not meet again. PIIIMP H. SAVAGE. THE BETTER WAY. Referring to the little discussion between Mrs. "Evans and Mr. Johnson , I think the better way is to regard Jesus as a character ; whether it bo of history or fiction , it matters not. The vital question is : Do the teachings of Jesus contribute to the betterment of man ? If taken rightly , I think they do. In the eleventh and twelfth verses of the seventh chapter of Matthew , ho is represented as saying : Good Gifts. "If ye then being evil , know how to give good gifts unto your children , how much more shall your Father which is in Heaven give good gifts to them that ask him ? Golden Rule. "Therefore , all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you , do ye oven so to them ; for this is the law and the prophets. " Complete. Jesus , so it is written , once accused the Jews of making void the law by their traditions. If you will read the Bible thoughtfully , you can easily separate the truth from the traditions. There is neither tradition nor supersti tion in the above quotation. It needs no proof to convince xis that they cover the whole duty of man. "What difference , whether he was only a character , or the real "son of man , " as he is represented as calling himself ? What difference , whether God is a real being , or only a personification of good ? We are all seeking the Good because it lessens our pain and sorrow , and in creases our happiness. Why not occupy the whole time accumulating the good regardless of liow it comes lto us. Starch. It seems that everything we get in this world , like maize , has more stalk , blades , husks , cob and bran , than real starch. The Bible is no exception to this rule. A beast can masticate and assimilate all of the niaizo , but man uses only the. finer portion of the grain. A person of refined character cannot accept the husky traditions and super- stitutions ; still , the Bjble contains real spiritual food which , husked , shelled ground and bolted , becomes very palat able. "The greatest commandment , " thus treated , is reduced to two words , "Lovo God. " JOSEPH MAKINSON. Holdrego , Nob. 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